Display Mod

Display Mod

52 Category: Minecraft Mods

Display Mod is a mod board that allows players to build overlapping display blocks to display available items. If you have never heard of the wiki of this mod board, please refer to the article below!

Display Mod

Display Mod for Minecraft

Display Mod allows displaying items more easily thanks to stacked display blocks. This mod board is suitable for all other mod boards when combined together and even the server. Thanks to this mod board, all items can work, including items in other mod boards when added. There are many layouts here that allow you to freely choose when decorating your items according to your needs.

>> In addition to this mod table, if you love having the ability to sprint more quickly, please refer to Better Sprinting Mod!


Below are some of the features that this mod board brings to participants when downloading and experiencing:

  • When you want to place or take any item, just right-click and select it.
  • If you want an item to move and rotate evenly, you just need to press the Shift key and the right mouse button.
  • The displayed sides of an item will depend on when the player clicks on it.
  • All items that are not invaded by any data are safe to place anywhere
  • Except for some special blocks, the features of this mod table will not be available.
  • A display configurator will help you easily observe the changes in items.
  • The axis mode can be changed dynamically when you simultaneously press the Shift key and right-click on the Configurator
  • Processed ores will be easier to arrange into blocks
  • Some items displayed are: Obsidian, Dirt, Sand, Gravel, Wood, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Quartz, Stone

The above information has brought readers to Display Mod Wiki – the majestic mod table available at Best Minecraft Mods. If you love the display block features displaying items, quickly download this mod to your device to experience it!


Display Mod Screenshot 01

Display Mod Screenshot 02

Display Mod Screenshot 03

Display Mod Screenshot 04

Download link

Curseforge Server

Current Owner: Martacus
