Random Things Mod Wiki brings a variety of features to improve the gameplay of Minecraft. They are functional blocks, items, and others.

About the mod wiki
This mod adds miscellaneous things to diversify your gameplay. By using the new features, you will find the gameplay more convenient. Besides, they help you progress through the game in an easy way.
Not only Random Things, but the mod also features some small changes to vanilla. All of the new things aim to improve your gaming experience.
Blocks featured in Random Things
There are various blocks with different functions and characteristics for you to use in the mod, including:
Advanced Redstone Repeater
- It is a Redstone repeater that has a delay that you can turn on or turn off.
Advanced Redstone Torch
- You can use it to customize the signal strength for two states in your free style.
Analog Emitter
- This block lets you create analog Redstone signals with a customizable strength.
Biome Blocks
- These Blocks modify their colors based on the biome that they are in.
Biome Radar
- When you use this block, you can find the biomes that are in your word.
Block Breaker
- This block is one of the best Random Things for you to use.
- It is a block that smash the block that is in front of it.
Block Destabilizer
- This block makes other blocks attach to its front fall down when it is powered by Redstone.
Block of Sticks
- They are temporary building blocks.
- 10 seconds after you place them, they will smash without releasing anything.
Chat Detector
- This block releases a Redstone signal.
- It takes place when the player that it was put by types and enters a certain message in the chat.
Colored Grass
- You collect some grass using your silktouch shovel.
- Then, you place it in a crafting table for grass seeds then add colors to the seeds.
Compressed Slime Block
- If any entity touches this block, it will be bounced upwards.
Contact Button & Lever
- This block functions similarly to common buttons or levers.
- The different thing is that they are complete blocks and they don’t respond to themselves.
Custom Crafting Tables
- The Random Things mod lets you create Crafting Tables using any wood planks that are in the ore dictionary.
Diaphanous Blocks
- This block modifies its opacity based on the distance to the player.
Dyeing Machine
- You use this block to dye the enchantment glow of items as well as the items themselves.
Ender Bridge
- You use this block to teleport throughout your world. There is no distance limit.
Entity Detector
- This block releases a Redstone signal if it finds out a kind of entity that is in a radius around it.
Fertilized Dirt
- It functions similarly to vanilla farmland.
Fluid Display
- It is a decorative block that you can put the textures of fluids on.
- It is a block edition of flint and steel.
- If you power it with Redstone, it ignites the block that is in front of it.
Imbuing Station
- You use this block to make Imbues that bring you on hit effects.
Inventory Rerouter
- This is the block that its sides are linked to a side of the block that is in front of it.
Inventory Tester
- You put this block against an inventory.
- It will keep imitating inserting the ItemStack you define in its GUI into the inventory that it is linked to.
Iron Dropper
- This is a high-end configurable Dropper.
Item Collector
- It is a hopper that has a range.
Lapis Glass
- This block becomes solid for players.
- For other entities, it is not solid.
Lapis Lamp
- It releases light with a level of 15.
Light Redirector
- It changes the model of a block that is put next to it with the block’s model on the opposing side of it.
- Lotus plants appear in snowy biomes.
- When you eat a fully-grown Lotus Blossom, you will obtain some experience.
- If it is smashed, it will give you one lotus seed then you can plant it anywhere you want.
Luminous Blocks
- They are single-colored blocks.
- They illuminate in the dark areas.
Notification Interface
- You utilize this block to send yourself toast notifications with some customizable elements such as title, description, and icon.
- You utilize a Redstone signal to activate it.
Online Detector
- This block of Random Things releases a Redstone signal when a player that you define is online.
Peace Candle
- This block aims to stop Natural Mob from spawning in a 3-chunk radius that is around it.
Pitcher Plant
- If you right-click this block with a fluid container, the fluid container will be full of water.
- They are particular blocks.
- They are solid from the top.
- For other sides, they are not solid.
Player Interface
- This block lets you open the inventory of your player. It acts like it is a chest.
Potion Vaporizer
- This block makes rooms full of potion vapor.
- It gives potion effects to any entity that touches it.
Quartz Glass
- For players, this block is not solid.
- For other entities, this block is solid.
Quartz Lamp
- This block is somewhat opposite to the Lapis Lamp.
- It releases a level with the level of 15.
Rain Shield
- This block shields the block that is in its scope from the rain.
- By default, the range is 5 chunks, which can be configurable.
Rainbow Lamp
- This block is always on but it will modify its color based on the signal strength that it receives.
Redstone Interface
- This block of Random Things lets you power up with Redstone without using any wire.
Redstone Observer
- The block releases Redstone depending on if the block it is attached to releases Redstone.
Sided Block of Redstone
- It functions in the same way as a common Block of Redstone, excluding that it releases power on one side.
Slime Cube
- This block lets Slimes appear in the Chunk that they are in.
Sound Box
- This block plays a sound that is represented by the Sound Pattern that is inside of it when you power it with Redstone.
Sound Dampener
- This block aims to stop playing the sound from the sound patterns in a 20-block radius around it.
Spectre Coils
- You use the block to transmit energy throughout our Minecraft world without using a wire.
Spectre Lens
- If you play this block on top of a beacon, the effects of that beacon will be given to your player regardless of where they are in the range of the beacon.
Spectre Sapling
- You right-click a vanilla sapling with ectoplasm to create this block.
- It develops into a spectre tree.
- Its leaves release some ectoplasm when you smash it.
Stained Bricks
- They are the colored editions of the vanilla bricks.
- They also come in a Luminous Version that shines in the dark.
Trigger Glass
- If you power it with Redstone, its collision box will be loosened for 3 seconds. Hence, the entities will descend through it.
Random Things Mod also adds various items to Minecraft
Here are the items you can use in the mod:
- You will catch sight of some bean plants when you traverse the world.
- By smashing them, you will obtain some beans. Then, you use them to replant to obtain more.
Blaze and Steel
- You use this item to make Fire.
- The Fire will burn and spread more quickly than Vanilla Fire.
Chunk Analyzer
- This item lets you check on the blocks stored by a chunk.
- You access its GUI and press Scan.
- Then, you will obtain the results for the chunk that you are in.
Divining Rods
- If you hold it in your main or your off hand, you will know the nearby ore through walls.
Eclipsed Clock
- This item lets you make changes to the time of day in Minecraft.
- Ectoplasm and Spectre Ingots are necessary crafting items that you need to use for other parts of the mod.
Emerald Compass
- This is a compass that you use to find out a specific player.
- When you merge the compass into an ID card in the crafting table, you can make changes to the target.
Ender Bucket
- This item functions similarly to a common Iron Bucket.
Ender Letter
- You can use this item to send other players on a server some items and messages.
Entity Filter
- You use this filter to filter by the type of entity.
Escape Rope
- When you hold and right-click with an Escape Rope in the hand while you are in a cave, it will find the way that leads to the surface.
Glowing Mushrooms
- You can find them in caves then make use of them as an alternative to glowstone in brewing recipes.
- You can utilize them to create Luminous Powder.
Golden Compass
- You can set a target for this compass through the use of a position filter.
- You merge the Golden Compass into the position filter in the crafting grid.
Golden Egg
- When you throw a Chicken with a Golden Wattle, it hatches the lays gold ingots rather than eggs.
Item Filter
- You use this item to filter items.
Lava Charm
- This item in Random Things makes your character immune to lava for 10 seconds.
Lava Waders
- This item merges the effects of the Obsidian Water Walking Boots and the Lava Charm.
- They let you move on lava.
Luminous Powder
- It is necessary a crafting ingredient that you utilize to make Luminous Blocks & Luminous Stained Bricks.
Magic Hood
- You can wear this item like a helmet.
Obsidian Skull
- This item makes you immune to low fire damage.
Obsidian Water Walking Boots
- It merges the effects of the Obsidian Skull and the Water Walking Boots.
- They give you a chance to nullify the fire damage and let you move on water.
Portable Sound Dampener
- It will not let the sounds from the sound patterns inside of it play for the player that has a sound in their inventory.
- To form the target of a portkey, you right-click a block with it.
- When you toss it on the ground, the enchantment glint will disappear after 5 seconds.
- The portkey will be primed and will not despawn.
Position Filter
- This item helps you store the position of a block.
Redstone Activator
- This item of the Random Things mod will temporarily power the blocks with Redstone when right-clicking on them.
Redstone Remote
- It is the remote and high-end type of Redstone Activator.
Runic Dust
- This item is for decoration.
- You can put it on the top of other blocks.
Sound Recorder
- You use this item to record and save sounds in the sound patterns that are usable in the Sound Box and (Portable) Sound Dampener.
Spectre Anchor
- This item lets you anchor items.
- The items that are anchored will not fall out of your inventory when you meet your end.
Spectre Charger
- When you toggle it through right-clicking, it will convey energy from your spectre energy buffer into an item in your inventory that goes along with it.
Spectre Illuminator
- When you right-click on the ground with this item, a Spectre Illuminator will appear.
- It illuminates the entire chunk that it has appeared in.
Spectre Key
- You use this item to open your own private room.
- If you utilize it for 5 seconds, it will teleport you to a room with a size of 16*16*4
Spectre Tools
- When you utilize Ectoplasm, you can create Spectre editions of vanilla tools.
Stable Ender Pearl
- If this item is utilized in lots of crafting recipes, they have an intention on their own.
- If you right-click it in your hand, this makes it stick to you.
- When you drop it on the ground, it teleports you to itself after 7 seconds.
Summoning Pendulum</
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Random Things Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Random Things Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods