Discover a new guide for Acacia Door Wiki. Get Minecraft Acacia Door can be found in any Afterlife biome and can also be crafted from any wood and materials found in the Nether. Some have built-in openings useful for determining the time of day.
Acacia Door Obtaining
Wooden doors can be broken with anything, but the ax is the fastest. An iron door can break anything as long as the top half is broken. All doors are lowered and have no block underneath that can support them.
Time spent on unenchanted tools used by the player with no status effects, measured in seconds.
A door is removed and dropped as an item:
- if the block below the door is moved, removed, or destroyed
- if a piston tries to push a door or move a block into its space
Natural generation
Doors created in several created structures form the entrance to the majority of buildings. Doors do not generate in the
zombie village.
Oak wood
Oak doors created as part of:
- Plain village
- Wall
- Shipwreck on the right
Spruce doors created as part of:
- Taiga, snow tundra and snow-covered taiga village
- Shipwreck on the right
Jungle doors generate as part of:
- Desert villages
- Right-side-up shipwrecks
Acacia doors generate as part of:
- Savanna villages
Dark oak
Dark oak doors generate as part of:
- Master bedroom closets in woodland mansions
- Right-side-up shipwrecks
Iron doors generate as part of:
- Prison rooms in woodland mansions
- Strongholds with a stone button to open
Acacia Door Usage
Wooden doors can be opened and closed by players, villagers, wandering merchants , whitewashers , and piglets. Wooden doors can be broken by all zombie variants (except drowning) and whitewashers on Difficult difficulty.
Iron doors can only be opened with the power of redstone.
The doors must be “attached” to a block below them. To place a door, use a door attachment while pointing at the top of the block to which it will be attached. A door can be attached to:
the top of any completely opaque solid block (rock, dirt, gold block, etc.)
the top of an upside-down slab or an upside-down staircase
the top of the slime block or the piston is facing down
See Opacity/Position for more information on placement on transparent blocks. Iron doors can only be opened with the
Power of Redstone.
When placed, a door will occupy one side of the block facing the player or behind the player if placed in the player’s private space.
By default, the door’s “hinge” appears on the edge of the half-block that the player points to when placing, and its “handle” on the opposite side, but the hinge is forced to the other side by:
Place one door next to another (creates a double door where both doors open far apart)
Place a door between a solid block and any translucent blocks (top or bottom), making the hinge appear to be attached to the solid block.
Water and lava flowed around the door. Lava can create fire in air masses next to wooden doors as if wooden doors were flammable, but doors do not burn .
Mobs can spawn in rooms with doors.
The sound of doors opening and closing can be heard up to 16 blocks away, like most crowd sounds.
When set with the /setblock command, only half of the door is set, because the door is actually two separate blocks. The bottom half still works, but has graphical errors, and the top half doesn’t. Redstone can’t be used because it’s half updated, breaking it. The upper half did not fall when broken, the lower half fell normally. This implies that the top half depends on the bottom half.
Doors can be used as switchable barriers to entity movement. While primarily used to block mob and player movement, doors can also be used to control boat movement (e.g. doors placed in two-way water will stop the boat when perpendicular to the boat’s direction). flow, but allows it to move again when parallel), items and mine carts (a door can stop the item or mine trolley from falling, then allow it to fall back when the door move), etc.
In the Java Version, the door provides ventilation if placed underwater. In Bedrock Edition, doors in watercourse blocks are flooded and do not replace water source blocks.
The door is 0.1875 (3⁄16) blocks thick (0.1825 in the Bedrock Version). The rest of the door space can be moved freely. A door takes up two block spaces, and both halves usually act as a single barrier, although doors can be opened or closed when a player or mob occupies the bottom block of the door, In that case, the player can jump up to land on the bottom half of the door and then land again on top of the door.
Use the “Use Item”/”Set Block” controls to open and close wooden doors. When a door opens or closes, it instantly changes direction without affecting anything in the space it “spins through”. Moving doors do not push entities the way pistons do.
Villagers, wandering merchants, whitewashers piggins, and piggin brutes can open and close wooden doors when finding their way.
Some zombies can break wooden doors on Hard difficulty. Zombie has a 5% chance to spawn with the ability to break the door. Defenders spawned from raids on Normal and Hard difficulty can also break down wooden doors, but only when targeting roaming players, villagers, or merchants. Some whitewashers can sometimes open a wooden door instead of breaking it. Both the zombie and the whitewasher only attempt to break the wooden door while in the “closed” state, right away. even when the door is set to the “open” position blocking access.
Iron doors can only be opened with redstone energy . Any mob can activate the iron door by stepping on the pressure plate or by activating the tripod wire.
Redstone composition
Both wooden and iron doors can be controlled by redstone energy.
A door is a redstone mechanic element and can be activated by:
an adjacent active energy component, including above or below: e.g. a redstone torch, a redstone block, daylight sensor, etc.
an adjacent powered block (e.g. one with a working redstone flashlight underneath), either above or below
a powered redstone comparator or door-facing redstone repeater
powered redstone dust configured to point to the door or a scalar “dot” next to it; a door that is not activated by adjacent powered redstone dust configured to point in a different direction.
All door activation methods can be applied to the upper or lower part of the door.
When activated, a door immediately rotates around its hinge to the open state. When decommissioned, a door immediately returns to the closed state.
The player or villager can still close the activated wooden door and not reopen it until a new trigger is received (if the door has been closed “manually”, it still needs to be deactivated and then activated). reactivated to open with redstone).
Overworld wooden doors can be used as fuel in furnaces, melting 1 item per door.
Note block
To create a “bass” sound, wooden doors can be placed under note blocks.
Acacia Door is one of the best blocks that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft blocks list