Discover a new Auto-Crafting guide for Applied Energistics 2 Wiki. Manage a single automated crafting mission from start to finish, built from a variety of crafting units.
CPU Crafting
A valid crafting CPU must meet the following two rules:
- CPU must be a cube
- Includes the parts listed above
- Air
- Other blocks are not valid.
- CPU must contain 1 storage element as a minimum.
CPU fabrication as multiple blocks requires only a single channel for the entire structure. The crafting coprocessor increases the number of tasks the crafting CPU can execute at the same time; without a coprocessor, the fabricator CPU can do one task at a time.
The storage requirements are relatively complex and don’t follow the usual ME storage math, but for a first approximation, you’ll need a little more than a byte per input, output, or operation. work.
You can name your Crafting CPU by naming any crafting unit it’s made up of with the Recorder or Anvil.
To provide templates for auto crafting cpus you can use ME Interface or ME Level Player.
The components
Crafting Unit
This particular block provides the CPU with no extras, but can be used as an “extra” block. It is the basis for making other functional components of the fabrication CPU.
Crafting Storage
Provides 1024 bytes of storage for crafting.
Provides 4,096 bytes of storage for crafting.
Provides 16,384 bytes of storage for crafting.
Provides 65,536 bytes of storage for crafting.
Auto-Crafting Pattern Provider
Provides the ability to deliver additional items from the CPU to the ME Model Provider for crafting.
This can be used to make more assemblies work in parallel for the job and thus speed up the overall fabrication. These are only useful if your setup has logically separated steps so that the system can run multiple tasks in parallel, or even split the same pattern across multiple interfaces.
Displays the top-level job and its current progress so you can see how the specific Fabrication CPU is currently performing.
Sample supplier
Recipes need to be encoded into templates to be usable by CPU crafting. Encrypted samples need to be fed into sample providers on the same network as the Fabrication CPU itself. Then, when the fabrication CPU needs to generate the key result of that pattern, it delegates this result to the pattern provider.
Typically, the template provider will then push the ingredients to a contiguous block (e.g. Molecular Compiler for crafting recipes) and crafting will resume after the results are back. into the network. This can be achieved by pushing the fabrication results back to the sample provider, the ME Interface, or any other means that will import the fabrication results into the network. The molecular assembler is smart enough to automatically return fabrication results to the same sample supplier that supplied the material.
Blank template
An empty template, once encoded as a Fabrication Pattern or a Processing Pattern, is used to control the fabrication process by inserting them into the Molecular Compiler and the ME Template Provider.
Patterns can be encoded in the ME Pattern Encoding Terminal.
Auto-Crafting Patterns
- An encrypted version of the Blank Pattern is created using the ME Pattern Encoding Terminal in “Crafting Mode”.
- Crafting recipes are very specific and automatically have outputs associated with them, which are required to work with the Molecular Compiler.
- The description of the crafting pattern begins with “Craft”.
Auto-Crafting Recipes
- An encrypted version of the Blank Sample is created using the ME Sample Encoding Terminal in “Processing Mode”.
- Recipes are not crafting recipes, they have no rules for their input or output and are used for things like machines or furniture, they can support up to 9 inputs different and up to 3 different outputs
- The description of a processing pattern begins with “Create”.
Auto-Crafting is one of the features available on Applied Energistics 2 Mod