Bed Patch Mod Wiki is a server mod that offers a solution to help you escape from getting stuck in bed. It’s unnecessary to exit the game anymore!
Bed Patch Mod Wiki
It fixes the long-standing vanilla issue that sometimes made somebody get stuck in bed. The bug often happened after you teleported or changed dimensions.
As usual, when you faced that case, you had to exit Minecraft so your character could get out of bed.
That issue has existed since 1.10.2 at least.
How it works
Other mods such as Bed Bugs have tried to handle that problem. In which, the player can kick himself back to the main menu. Although it’s unessential to restart Minecraft, it cannot fix the actual trouble.
Meanwhile, the current edition can remove the bug actually.
It’s active for 1.10.2, 1.11.2. Let the author know if you want it for another version of Minecraft.
It’s only essential on the server. Nevertheless, installing it on a client won’t cause any matter.
Besides, It’s a coremod that patches vanilla Minecraft code. Due to that, it can conflict with other mods.
Cubic Chunks is a popular compatible mod.
You can visit the GitHub page to check in-depth descriptions of the source of the issue and more.
Bed Patch is a miscellaneous mod. It’s presently easy to move normally.
- Minecraft Forge