CC: Tweaked Mod

52 Category: Minecraft Mods

CC: Tweaked [Forge] Mod Wiki adds to the game new programmable computers, turtles, and many more items. It’s a fork of the popular ComputerCraft as well.

CC: Tweaked
CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked Wiki

With the present situation, it can continue its legacy with better performance, stability, and numerous new features.

The CC: Restitched project added Fabric support.


Offer necessary tools – Powered using the Lua programming language, its computers give you what you want. They’re useful to start wiring code and automating your world.

Various possibilities – While computers are very strong, they’re pretty limited because they cannot move. Pick Turtles as the solution so they can travel, place, break, swing a sword to defend you from zombies.

A series of additional peripherals for your computers – It’s feasible to play a tune with speakers, display text or images on a monitor. Furthermore, you can connect all computers with modems, and so on.

Simple to construct – Computers can currently interact with inventories like chests. You’re able to build advanced inventory and item management systems.

How to begin ComputerCraft

ComputerCraft is friendly for experienced programmers and people who have never coded. However, it may be hard little to join. There are some cool guides as follows:

  • Direwolf20′ ComputerCraft tutorials
  • Sethbling’s ComputerCraft series
  • Lyqyd’s Computer Basics 1

When you’re familiar with the mod, you can access the wiki to seek more documentation on the APIs and peripherals.

Link to the Minecraft Computer Mod Discord guild or ComputerCraft’s IRC channel to solve your problem.

CC: Tweaked is a technology mod. Now, you can engage in the more experimental and in-development features.


  • Minecraft Forge


Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

For Minecraft 1.14.4

For Minecraft 1.15.2

For Minecraft 1.16.5

For Minecraft 1.17.1

For Minecraft 1.18.1

For Minecraft 1.18.2
