GraveStone Mod

52 Category: Minecraft Mods

Gravestone Mod Wiki adds catacombs and graveyards to the Minecraft game world. They appear at the location of the character, villager, dog, or dead cat. Download the mod to explore today.

GraveStone Mod

Gravestone mod wiki

In addition, this mod also spawns many graveyards in the villages along with the Wither catacombs. This is a new and huge building, like a fortress, where you find tons of valuable items.

It also allows you to go on a dangerous adventure, possibly facing the mighty Wither Boss in the journey.

Some features of Gravestone Mod


  • The graveyard is the main feature in the mod, appearing after the character “sacrifice”.
  • It contains all items, some information about the corpse such as the total number of days the character has lived.
  • There are several types of graveyards from different materials.
  • You can randomly select graveyards but the material depends on the biome and the player’s current level.
  • There is also a 25% chance that 1 of the swords you can use as a graveyard.
  • If you are destroyed by magic, the grave looks like it was enchanted.
  • In addition, dead villagers and pets (dogs, cats, horses) also create graveyards.
  • These graves will contain the corpses of the destroyed creature. They have their own designs with the corresponding dog, cat, and horse statues on top.
  • To retrieve items from a corpse, you need to destroy the grave, click on it with a shovel in hand
  • You can raise and place graveyards anywhere as long as you mine the block. But you can only save all the information if you dig a grave with a silk touch pickaxe.
  • Some graves may have flowers on them for decorative purposes. Just click on the grave with 1 flower in hand to plant flowers on it. To remove, click again with the cutter.
  • In the graveyard, mobs spawn at night and when there is thunder. It provided the player is within 35 blocks of the grave and there is no light source nearby.
  • Most mobs that spawn are zombies and skeletons or even Wither skeletons or zombie pigmen. Pet catacombs can spawn zombies or skeletons of dogs and cats.
  • At night, the cemetery is also foggy. Every grave has a layer of fog around it, the density depends on the number of graves in the cemetery.

There is some kind of Graves in Gravestone mod:

  • Warrior’s Grave: Contains armor, swords, and bows. All of these graves use the sword itself to create a graveyard.
  • Mage’s Grave: As predicted by the player, this type of grave contains potions, spellbooks, and materials to create magic. The Mage’s Graveyard has materials from quartz, Redstone, or Lapis lazuli.
  • Miner’s Grave: In this tomb, you can see pickaxes and some useful resources such as diamonds, gems, gold…
  • Workers’ graves: often contain useless items, sometimes labor tools such as pickaxes, shovels…
  • Discoverer’s Grave: It contains rare items such as music discs or eggs of other creatures. This tomb is made of emerald stone.


  • These are blocks with decorative functions. They also come in several varieties and are made from a variety of ingredients.
  • Each memorial will contain letters on it. All except Creeper statue, which you can craft or create in the open world and in some villages.
  • Creeper statue does not appear in the world and you cannot craft. They drop after Creeper dies. Or you can find it in the catacombs.
  • New types of memorials – Gibbet and some tortured objects. You can see them in certain villages or craft it, but you have to place the mob’s corpse on it.


  • These objects act like the Spawner in the original game minus a single element.
  • Skeleton spawner can spawn any type of bone.
  • Zombie spawner also spawns any type of zombie.
  • Wither spawner is a special type of spawner, which you can find at the end of the catacombs. Unlike other spawners, you are used to spawning a single Wither.
  • You can not re-crafted pawner once you destroy it.


  • Gravestone mod adds a new type of mob that is undead pets.
  • There are 4 main types: zombie dog, zombie cat, skeleton dog, and skeleton cat. They are very rare in the Minecraft world, appearing only in natural environments suitable for their species.
  • You can see it on the catacombs because they spawn from the grave at night.
  • Skeleton cat and dog run faster.
  • Meanwhile, zombie cats and dogs are like zombies, they confront both players, trying to destroy villagers, dogs, cats, and horses.
  • Skull crawler is a spider-like zombie mob that is quite small and has a skull-like appearance with small legs.
  • Skeleton skull crawler slow, zombie skull crawler bloodthirsty. Wither skeleton skull crawler has the characteristics of the creature Wither.


There are a few things you can change in the configuration:

  • The color of the inscription on the grave
  • If the skull on the grave should be rendered
  • Whether you want to receive death obituaries
  • You can replace locks with a grave
  • If you remove the death certificate,  you will have luggage when destroying the grave
  • Only the owners of the tomb could destroy it.
  • If a player’s ghost will appear when clearing a grave
  • If the ghost should be friendly and protect the player or if it should attack the player
  • If the grave is stolen, it should be broken when sneaking into the grave.
  • If you sort the items back to their original position upon breaking the gravure

If you want to see images of graves in Minecraft, you should not ignore the Gravestone mod.


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