Ma Essentials Mod adds useful commands like /sethome, /spawn, /day… to Minecraft. You can use these commands for both single-player and multiplayer servers. Download the mod to explore more detail.
About Ma Essentials mod wiki
This is a useful mod that allows you to use simple commands to set the time, teleport… You just need to type the command lines in Minecraft and proceed with the steps act immediately.
The revision also hosts some basic features that you use to handle the entire server. Therefore, you do not have to apply many additional mods to the game anymore.
The commands the mod adds are for both players and admins. By using them, you will find it easier to set up bans on using blocks or spawns. Here are the aspects you can apply the commands:
- Weather
- Spawn
- Timer
- Player
- Warp
- Home
- Teleport request
- Kits
Ma Essentials mod also comes with some configuration options like:
- You can disable commands you don’t like.
- Teleport delay, house cap, and cooldown are all changeable.
- Besides, you can adjust the min/max distance randomly to teleport.
- You can set the time in seconds after the player has become afk when he is not moving. Or, form time to kick the afk players after a while.
Some commands in mod
Timing commands:
- /day: Set the time of day.
- /night: Set the nighttime.
Weather commands:
- /sun: Set it to be sunny.
- /rain: Set it to rain.
- /thunder: Set storm weather.
Revival commands:
- /spawn: Teleport to the respawn point.
- /setspawn: Set respawn location.
Player commands:
- /back: Teleport to the last location or death.
- /suicide: Suicide.
- /suicide : Kill someone else.
- /heal : Heal yourself or heal others.
- /gm <0, 1,=”” 2,=”” 3=””> : Change the game mode yourself or for someone else.
- /god : Enable/disable player god mode.
- /rndtp: Teleports the player to a random location.
- /top: Teleports to the highest block at the player’s current position.
House commands:
- /delhome: Delete home.
- /sethome : Build the house.
- /home : Teleport home.
Commands that require teleportation
- /tpa : Teleport to another player.
- /tpahere : Teleport another player to you.
- /tpaccept : Pre-accept or request a specific teleport.
- /tpdeny : Deny in advance or request a specific teleport.
Silent commands:
- /mute : Mute players when chatting.
- /unmute : Turn on player sound when chatting.
For example /mute Statywek 1d Test: Will mute the word Statywek for 1 day with the reason for testing.
Beta commands:
- /kit : Give the player the tool.
- /maereload: Reload mod data.
Ma Essentials is truly a great modification. It introduces a lot of new useful commands to work with the existing features of the game. Therefore, you absolutely should not ignore this mod in the future.
Minecraft Forge
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Ma Essentials Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Ma Essentials Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed then click the button mods