
Allay is a small flying passive mob. It collects and delivers items to any player who gives it something, or any block of notes it hears playing over and over.

Allay Mob Wiki


  • Alloys can be found around looting outposts, confined inside dark oak cages. One to three alloys can spawn in each cage.
  • Allays can also spawn inside cells in jungle mansions. One to three alloys can appear in each tile.


  • It allows us to see it clearly in the dark due to the luminous texture of the alloy, although it cannot illuminate the surroundings.
  • Allay usually moves around, until a player gives it an item along with a key to use the player.
  • Allay began tracking the player, looking for discarded versions of the same item and delivering them to its players.
  • Allay returns to roaming around if any player retrieves their item using bare hands on it.
  • Alloy locks onto the last player who gave it an item. It follows players up to 64 blocks away even when they can’t be seen, and it searches for items up to 32 blocks away from the player.
  • After distributing the item, it has a delay of three seconds until the item can be searched again.
  • Allay usually has a single inventory slot, used to hold a stack of items.
  • While Allay does not distinguish item names, special enchantments, or items in Shulkers when it detects them, on separate trips it still carries those items.
  • By using the key you can also give Allay some items, and Allay will not receive any items if Game Rules /gamerule mobGriefing is set to false.

If Allay hears a block of notes playing within 16 blocks of its location, it will try to find its way to that note block and then spend 30 seconds around that particular note block, looking for pulsed items. around that block and return them instead of its player.

Allay Mob Screenshot 1

  • After 30 seconds, the ally returns to target its player.
  • A vibrating particle emanates from the nodule block and hits the alloy to indicate that the alloy is locked into the nodule.
  • Since the nodule block and the nodule block interact with each other through a vibrating particle, placing wool between the nodule block and the nodule block can prevent this interaction.
  • Allay can drop items up to 3 blocks away from its target and pick up items within a radius of about 1.3 blocks from itself.
  • When an allay hears the jukebox playing, it will perform a dance animation. If the jukebox stops playing, or if the ribbon gets too far from the jukebox, it stops dancing.
  • Allay cannot enter the water, although it tries to collect items in the water.

Allay Mob Screenshot  2

Allays cannot be harmed by their owners. They will lose control and begin to move inexplicably in random directions if they are harmed by another source. When killed, allies drop the items they are holding. If an Allay dies while holding the immortal totem, it will instead fully heal and the totem destroyed, just like any Mobs holding the immortal totem. Alloy regenerates naturally 2 per second if damaged.

Duplicate Allay

If the alloy is given to an amethyst piece while dancing, it will emit a small amethyst sound, forming a heart and doubling into another alloy. After copying, both distances have a cooldown of five minutes before being able to copy again


  • When a player teleports through a portal, that player’s ally will also teleport, even if it doesn’t enter the portal.
  • Allies will only teleport to the End if the player gives the ally an item before teleporting and must be near the player when they teleport.

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Allay is holding an item that will:

  • Follow the player through a portal if they are 21 blocks horizontally from the player.
  • If they are within 22 blocks vertically from the player’s feet.

This will depend a lot on which part of the portal the player enters versus the ally, but will always be centered in the middle of the end portal. The alloys won’t go through the gates no matter how close they are if they’re tied to the fence with wires.

Allay is one of the best Mobs that MC Wiki has just updated for Minecraft.