Discover a new guide for SlashBlade Mod Wiki. SlashBlade Mod adds an awesome weapon to your Minecraft inventory. That is the sharp and powerful sword called Katana. Each type of Katana will have terrible special attack combos, creating diverse combat effects when facing tough mobs.
As we all know, Katana is the classic weapon of the Ninja. Katana is excellently reproduced in this Minecraft Mod with the goal of changing the fighting style, giving birth to sharp and accurate attacks. Let’s explore the classic yet extremely effective swords in Slash Blade Mod!
Features of SlashBlade Mod
Escape Action:
Step Escape
- Required: held item katana
- V key and move Left or Right or Back
- Move 2block
- UntouchableTime: 3ticks
- Continuous up to 3 times: cool time 20ticks(1sec)
- Required: held item katana
- UntouchableTime : 3ticks
- L: Left click
- R: Right click
- S: Sword Summon
Special Attack: Hold R > release
Combine on the ground
- ComboA: R>R>R/Rated below S, R>R>>R/Rank over S
- ComboB rating on S: R>R>R>R>L
- ComboC: L>LOOK
Air combination:
- ComboA: R>R>CHEAP
- Combination B: R>R>>R>R
- ComboC: L>L
Upper slash
- Lock + move back + R
- Hold R: auto jump
Quick slash
Lock + move forward + CHEAP
Hold R: auto jump > Rising star
Bullet barrier
- Stealth + Hold R (Charged)
- Requirement: Thorns Enchantment
- Don’t hit LivingEntity
Steering wheel brake
Aerial + Lock + MoveForward + R
Aerial + Lock-on + (MoveBack > MoveForward) + R
Summoning Swordsmanship
Spiral Sword
- S hold
- fire: S hold again
Blistering sword
- Lock-on & move forward + S hold
- Fire: release S
Storm Sword
- Lock-on & moveBack + S hold
- fire: automatic
Heavy rain sword
Lock-on & (moveBack > moveForward) + S hold
Air trick
Teleport: Last Summoned Sword Pose
- holding item: katana
- summon sword attack
- lockon and v key and move forward
Enemy step
- dance
- Time untouchable : 3tick
- Item kept: enchanted katana
- Enemies are nearby
Just Guard
Full protection
Untouchable Time: 20 ticks
- Standby time: start is 7 seconds from the start of the charging process
- hit any damage
Unable to defend
- dot damage
- lava damage
- damage cactus
Witch time
- damage in UntouchableTime
- Counterattack
- stun:10tick
Special enchantment
Feathers falling
- Unlock: SlowFall
- charging
- slow down
- Unlock: Fireproof
- In charge of completion
- get potion effect: FireResistance
- Level = Enchantment Level
- movement speed up
- Drop force: enemy organization items
- forced stroke
- HitSheath-A or HitSheath-B
- Unlock: Sword Summon
- Default:MiddleClick
- cost: katana-ProudSoul=1
- Auto target
- Stun 20 seconds
- damage = 1 + KatanaAttack Damage * (EnchantLevel / 5)
- stick 10 seconds
- damaged : damage = 1 + KatanaAttack Damage * (EnchantLevel / 5)
- AirTrick : MoveForward & V keys (default)
- Change SA effect
- Slash Size
- Nockback -> Attracted
- Unlock: Breathe Water
- In charge of completion
- get potion effect: Breathe with water
- Level = Enchantment Level
- movement speed up
- Unlock: Automatic Target Reflex
- Arrow Reflex Upgrade
- Unlock: Bullet Barrier
- In charge of completion
- Deployment : Bullet Destruction Field
Slow down
- Rare chance to get Pride Soul at a time of blade corruption
- Up to Level 5 (special charm)
Slash Size
- cost: katana-proudsoul=20
- multiple attacks
- repulsion force
- Damage: Melee combat
- enchanted
- Power
- Extra magic damage
- damage = Melee Damage * (Enhanced Level / 5)
- punch
- hit back -> Attracted
- JustRelease
- Spawn Drive * 5
- above Rank:W
- Defense is completely ignored
Super SA
- cut judgment
- request
- 1000 katanas killed
- item damage: no damage
- V key (default): hold and release 1 second
- cost:katana damage=50%
- multiple attacks
- Ultra wide range attack
- Damage: Melee combat
- stun & stop time: 40 ticks
- Spawn Drive * 5 * Enemies
- above Rank:W
- Defense is completely ignored
In addition, the Katana swords in SlashBlade Mod are also specially enchanted to unlock other abilities such as ultra-fast movement, fire resistance, loot after defeating enemies, strength enhancement, punches…
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.19.2 | Oct 23, 2022 | 2.83 MB |
1.18.2 | Apr 22, 2022 | 2.83 MB |
1.18.1 | Dec 8, 2021 | 2.83 MB |
1.17.1 | Oct 18, 2021 | 2.82 MB |
1.16.5 | Jul 25, 2021 | 3.00 MB |
1.16.5 | Mar 11, 2021 | 2.76 MB |
1.15.2 | Apr 21, 2020 | 1.32 MB |
1.14.4 | Apr 9, 2020 | 1.32 MB |
1.12.2 | May 4, 2018 | 3.36 MB |
1.11.2 | Dec 16, 2016 | 3.26 MB |
1.10.2 | Aug 26, 2016 | 3.41 MB |
1.9.2 | May 21, 2016 | 3.00 MB |
1.8.2 | Feb 8, 2016 | 2.93 MB |
1.7.2 | Feb 14, 2016 | 2.91 MB |
SlashBlade Mod is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list
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Current Owner: flammpfeil