Exchangers Mod

Exchangers Mod Wiki is a tech-themed utility mod inspired by the Exchangers block from EnderTech (EnderTech was a Tech mod based on Thermal Expansion for 1.7.10 and it was discontinued)


This mod provides various Block Exchangers ranging from vanilla based (using durability), to supporting 4 major tech mods (Ender IO, Thermal Expansion, Mekanism and Immersive Engineering)! Support for other mods will be added upon request.

For balancing purposes to provide a linear progression, all Exchangers are tier based, you must upgrade from the previous tier to a higher tier (configurable in the config) to get Better exchangers!
This mod is currently available for 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 and 1.16!

Exchange Variations

8 different vanilla swap variations (using durability):
Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Emerald, Obsidian and End
2 different special exchange variants:
Rooty and creative
7 different IO Ender exchange variants available for 1.10/1.12 (using RF):
Conductive Iron, Emulsion Iron, Electric Steel, Energy, Black Steel, Brilliant and Finished Steel
End Steel Exchanger exclusive 1.12+
1.12 Requires at least version 2.7 for proper Ender IO support, any version below is not supported and will most likely crash
6 different Ender IO Endergy exchange variants available for 1.12 (using RF):
Raw Steel, Energetic Silver, Vivid, Crystals, Tone and Stars
Ender IO Endergy support was added in version 2.9
5 different heat expansion exchanger variants available for 1.10/1.11/1.12 (using RF):
Lead Stone, Hardening, Reinforcement, Signal and Resonance
4 different Mekanism exchange variants are available for 1.10/1.11/1.12 (using RF):
Basic, Advanced, Elite and Ultimate
3 different Sink Engineering exchange variants available for 1.10/1.11/1.12 (using RF):
LV, MV and HV
Immersive Tech Support has been added since 2.5 for 1.12 or 1.6 for 1.10 / 1.11


Configurable endurance/RF power for all exchangers (except special variants)
Per-block configurable RF usage for all RF-based exchangers
All RF-based exchangers support Forge Energy (FE)
All vanilla-based exchangers (except Wooden Exchangers) can be repaired with the correct materials in Anvil
Regular exchangers can trade up to a 15×15 area, depending on the level. Creative Exchanger can exchange area up to 25×25 (Configurable via profile 1.8.3 for 1.10/1.11 or 1.7.3 for 1.12)
Configuration option to adjust recipe difficulty, there are 3 difficulty: easy, normal and hard, normal is default option, modpack maker can choose any preset they want or use CraftTweaker to create their own recipe
Indicators for the current exchange area next to the crosshair
In-game configuration GUI, without having to manually find and edit the config file (some things require you to restart the game for the new values ​​to apply)
The in-game GUI for exchangers, added in version 2.10 for 1.12.2, is tied to “comma” by default, allowing swaps to be configured quickly without much use. keybinds
Easily increase/decrease the swap range (Press the Range Toggle key to increase the range and hold the sneak + press the Range Toggle key to decrease the range)
Force Drop Item Mode: Force items to drop on the floor even if there is storage space (Switchable via keybind or via GUI)
Directional Position Mode: Allows exchangers to ignore their saved block state and swap blocks based on the player’s facing direction instead (Can be converted via keybind or via GUI)
Void Item Mode: Allows to disable all exchanged items (Can be toggled via keybind or via GUI)
Fuzzy Position Mode: Allows the exchanger to place blocks on a percentage basis, the placement chance can be set in the GUI
3 different exchange modes: Plane, Horizontal Column and Vertical Column (You can switch between them by Mode Switch key or by GUI)
Harvest level harvesting system, the harvest level on Trader increases whenever you upgrade
Item container support (only for item containers that implement the IItemHandler capability, such as /dank/null and Bag of Holding), Exchangers can pull blocks from item containers if There are no blocks in the player’s main inventory
Configuration option for Silk Touch mode, enabled by default
Enchantments support, if Silk Touch mode is disabled, player can enchant Exchangers with Silk Touch to gain Silk Touch on Exchangers or Fortune for extra rewards. There is also support for Keep Charm (increasing RF power) and Jailbreak (reducing chance of RF consumption per block) for RF-based exchangers
Mod Spotlights
If you want to make a focus video of the mod for Exchangers, please! Also let me know if you want your video to be listed


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For Minecraft PC
