Dynamic Trees Mod

60 Category: Biomes

The wiki feature for Dynamic Trees Mod. This mod provides dynamic plants, they grow gradually from seed to maturity. To make the trees look more dynamic, aesthetic, fun and natural, then this mod was born, to serve you the above wishes, while respecting the Minecraft graphic style. It enforces a narrow project scope that keeps things simple. This mod works in Multiplayer mode.

Dynamic Trees Mod Wiki

The tree grows from a young tree, gradually increasing in size over time, into a full-sized tree. Then the tree can be cut down at the base and get all the wood at once.

Mod Type:

Dynamic Trees Mod Wiki

A growing tree is a multi-block structure of branches, leaves, and blocks of earth. There are more upgrade points than the set compared to the vanilla Minecraft tree structure.

The formation of the plant begins with just a seed. This seed is sown by hand like a vanilla plant, the seed will grow on its own if left on the ground in a location favorable for it to grow.

Dynamic Trees Mod Tree:

  • Grows gradually from seed to mature plant over time.
  • Grows naturally modeled after trees in the real world. Trees tend to grow in unique, believable ways.
  • Grows around obstacles naturally.
  • Not only molting but also evolving using different algorithms for each species.
  • There is growth rate and mature size dependent on biome, temperature and precipitation.
  • Randomly drop seeds that have the ability to self-sow.
  • Will not grow in the dark. Leaves that do not connect to the branches outside or lack light will die. The outer branches without leaves slowly rot.
  • Will die and rot in a dark place (some species produce fungi as they rot).
  • Walk on slow and sinking leaf blocks. Falling on leaves prevents damage from falling and destroying leaves.
  • Vanilla fruit (apple, cocoa bean).

Rooted soil:

  • Provides nutrients to the plant and can be depleted over time.
  • Applying with bone meal will increase the fertility of the soil and allow the plant to grow past the mature state.
  • Apply with different concoctions for different effects.
  • Special effect particles are produced all over the plant when an active substance is applied to the soil or the stem mass at the bottom.
  • The comparator can be used to sense the level of soil fertility.

Drug interactions:

Biochar Base: Basic plant medicine for brewing.
Depletion: Depletes the soil completely causing the plant to stop growing.
Defoliance: Kills the plant by destroying its leaves and letting it rot.
Burgeoning: The tree grows fast.
Fertility: Fully fertilize the soil.
Persistence: Prevents plant change (Animated leaves are changed to Vanilla leaves). Completely depletes the soil. Plants will no longer grow, die in the dark, or drop seeds.
Transformation: Another tree species that replaces the current Dynamic tree.


Replace vanilla.
Randomly dropped from tree (scale adjustable in config file).
There is a chance to grow your own if placed on a block of soil/grass/podzol and have a clear view of the sky above it.
Crafted from a vanilla plant and a bucket of earth.
Can be used to create vanilla plants by crafting with buckets of earth.


Worldgen can be disabled so that vanilla plants can still reproduce and function properly.
All the drops from the growing plant are vanilla leaves, sticks and logs. Parts of a growing plant cannot be obtained during survival. Scissors get only vanilla leaves.
Root soil falls to normal soil when harvested or without plants, it will return to normal soil.
Vanilla textures are used for wood and leaves, making it compatible with resource packs that change wood or leaf textures.
Seeds can be made from vanilla plants and vice versa.
The fire spread and burned at the same speed as burning a vanilla tree.


When the tree drops the seed, the forest road spreads.
Plants compete for sunlight when placed close together and grow taller and thinner than outdoor plants. This creates a canopy effect.
The canopy that shields the skylight creates dark forests, where crowds can breed during the day and young trees fail to grow.
Podzol forms from soil or grass under the dark forest canopy of certain tree species. Podzol is meant to simulate the appearance of forest leaves.

Dynamic Trees Mod Harvest:

Cutting the stump will knock the whole tree down.
Thicker branches take longer to harvest.
Entire branches can be removed from the tree without affecting the main trunk of the tree.
The result of the harvest is logs and vanilla sticks, the amount of which is calculated by the total weight of the wood in the tree or branch.
Lucky charms on axes are really useful and have the effect of increasing wood production.
Leaves regrow when destroyed if the outer branches are not damaged.

Woodland staff:

The Forest Staff is a multi-function tool designed for use in creative mode.
In its most basic usage, it can be used to clone a tree.
Right click on any dynamic tree with employees to get the JoCode.
Next, right click on the viable land to recreate the same tree.
The tree is also rotated based on the player’s orientation.
If you right click on a tree with the staff, the tree species is copied and the JoCode remains unchanged.

Woodland Staff has the added feature that any JoCode taken from the tree is copied to the clipboard, which resides in the system as text.
This allows the player to share the tree model with others easily.


DendroCoil is a ComputerCraft peripheral that helps you manipulate plants and improve their growth. Also drag JoCodes and create the forest workers however you want. It has no formula, so it can only be achieved through creativity.
This block only works when you install the ComputerCraft mod.
Other fun:

Thin branches can climb like ladders. With a little exercise, the forest canopy can be used as an archery ambush.

Version Update

Version Date Size
1.18.2 Feb 21, 2023 1.91 MB
1.16.5 Nov 14, 2022 1.91 MB
1.16.4 Aug 5, 2021 1.68 MB
1.12.2 Jan 20, 2022 875.43 KB
1.12.1 Sep 13, 2017 227.97 KB
1.11.2 JFeb 3, 2018 34.01 KB/td>
1.11.1 Dec 29, 2017 380.81 KB
1.10.2 Feb 3, 2018 434.35 KB
1.7.10 Dec 29, 2017 390.15 KB

Dynamic Trees Mod Screenshot:

Dynamic-Trees-Mod-1 Dynamic-Trees-Mod-2 Dynamic-Trees-Mod-3 Dynamic-Trees-Mod-4

How to install Dynamic Trees Mod

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge

Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, and click Run.

Input where Dynamic Trees Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.

When you open Minecraft, you see Dynamic Trees Mod is installed then click the button mods

Download Links

Curseforge Server

Current Owner: Ferreusveritas
