Serene Seasons Mod

60 Category: Biomes

Serene Seasons Mod Wiki simulates 4 realistic seasons in the Minecraft world. Specifically, with each season of the year, the gaming environment will change color, temperature, and many other factors.

Serene Seasons
Serene Seasons

About Serene Seasons mod

After installing this mod, the color of grass and leaves will change throughout the 4 seasons of the year. In winter, the temperature will drop suddenly, creating conditions for snowfall in some biomes. Season also affects many other factors, especially the weather (more rain in spring, big storms in summer…).

This is really an interesting mod because it has the ability to automatically change depending on the biome mod. It will even change the color of plants and flowers without any settings.

One of the best things is that Serene Seasons will be fully compatible with any mods you may have installed to implement new biomes into the game. It automatically tweaks everything and doesn’t require you to constantly tweak it for optimal performance.

Some wiki of Serene Seasons Mod


  • This is the first season of the year. It includes 3 periods: Early Spring, Mid Spring, and Late Spring. Each stage lasts 5 days in the game
  • In spring, the grass and leaves are green.
  • Snow from winter also begins to melt, animals return after a period of hibernation.
  • This is also the season with heavy rainfall of the year.


  • Summer consists of 3 phases: Early Summer, Mid Summer, and Late Summer.
  • Each phase lasts 5 days and you can change it in the config file if you want.
  • In the summer, the leaves and flowers turn green and yellow, ready to welcome big storms.


  • 3 stages in autumn are Early Autumn, Mid Autumn, and Late Autumn. Each phase lasts 5 days.
  • It is characterized by the yellow color of the grass and the orange color of the leaves.


  • The last season of the year with 3 stages: Early Winter, Mid Winter, and Late Winter. Each phase lasts 3 days.
  • Its characteristics are wilting plants and flowers.
  • Temperature changes are most pronounced in winter. Then snow begins to fall, animals go into winter and stop breeding naturally during this period.
  • Rainfall is also heavy in winter.

Some crafting recipes in Serene Seasons Mod

Greenhouse Glass:

  • Greenhouse Glass is a block used to build a greenhouse.
  • They are places to grow crops that help protect them from the weather outside, especially in winter.

Season Sensor:

  • This is the device used to receive the Redstone signals depending on the current season.
  • You can right-click the season sensor to change the current season.
  • It will also emit Redstone signals in all 4 directions. Signal strength depends on the phase in each season.
  • At the beginning of the season, the intensity is 1 and gradually increases to 15 at the end of the season.

Season Clock:

  • Ability to display the current point of the season cycle.
  • It works like a regular clock and you can use it in the recipe for the Season Sensor.

Download Serene Seasons mod, you will have extremely interesting experiences with each season of the year.


Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where Serene Seasons Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Serene Seasons Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Serene Seasons Mod Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.12.2

For Minecraft 1.14.4

For Minecraft 1.15.2

For Minecraft 1.16.5

For Minecraft 1.17.1

For Minecraft 1.18.1
