Goodall Mod

60 Category: Biomes

Discover a new guide for Goodall Mod Wiki. Goodall Mod introduces animals that once roamed the surface of the earth. These animals are gorgeous and beautiful like they were ripped out of a book in real life.

Goodall Mod Wiki

Not only are they inspired by their looks, but these animals also possess the same behaviors as their real-life counterparts as the author attempts to make Goodall an educational tool instead of just a random Mod. there are animals in it.

Each of these animals has their own purpose as they have the function of prolonging the ecosystem and making it richer, later on, players can learn from these animals and witness the creatures first-hand. what the object would do in certain situations instead of having to read it through a book. book.

Goodall will also serve as an educational tool if you wish, which can greatly assist your children in the Minecraft world.

Mod type:

Goodall Mod Feature:

Goodall is an add-on mod that diversifies many different new wild animals, there are brand new types to liven up the Minecraft world you’ve never explored!

Animal crate

Animal crates are blocks in the game that can be used to transport animals. The animal crate can carry any vanilla or goodall animal. Mod compatibility is implemented to include mods like Hedgehogs and Alex’s Mobs. Just right click on the mob with the crate to catch it, then put the animal crate down (in case of survival) and break it to release the mob. The crates placed with animals in them will emit ambient sounds. The mod also has a whitelist to add any entities (modified or not) that are not supported by the base mod.

The animal crate is crafted with a block of scaffolding surrounded by 8 BURNED chests.

More features added by Goodall


  • A new block spawns in patches in the desert biome. Quicksand will slowly engulf the player to the point of suffocation and can be shoved away.

Sand Walker

  • This is a new spellbook for boots that prevent the player from falling into quicksand, Sand Walker can be found in desert temples.

Hoglin Head

  • A new rare item that drops from hoglins that act like deer heads, they can be placed on the wall as a new decoration, which pairs well with infernal constructions!

Bottled Bees

  • Bees can now be bottled and placed as new decorations. They can be released by right clicking or breaking a placed bottled bee.

Ant Farm

  • Nests can be crafted for ants to live in, these can be crafted using earth surrounded by wood in the crafting table.

Biome Directory



  • Egg spawn location | Old Taiga Pine, Old Spruce


  • Features: Grizzly bears will eat honey from nearby beehives.


  • Features: Deer can be hunted. Give the player a new, cookable source of food: venison! Deer also has a rare chance to drop a deer head, a new decorative piece!


  • Features: Songbirds has no features currently, this may be changed in the future. They have 7 variations.
  • Open to see all Songbird variations

The owl

  • Features: Tamed owls sitting within a 5 block radius of the enchantment table will greatly enhance enchantments regardless of the number of bookshelves.



  • Trait: Ants will turn food into resources in their nest/farm. Sweet foods will be converted to sugar and all other foods will be converted to bone meal. Ants can be bottled and placed for a new decorative piece!

River turtles

  • Features: River Turtle has no current feature, this feature may change in the future.



  • Feature: Manatee has no features currently, this may be changed in the future.


  • Features: Flamingos have no current feature, this may be changed in the future.



  • Feature: When fed golden apples, toucans will apply a healing effect for 10 seconds to all entities within a 5 block radius. If fed a Notch apple, toucans will apply the apple’s effects to all entities within a 5 block radius.


  • Features: Kiwis have no current feature, this feature may be changed in the future. However, they can be right-clicked with bare hands to pet them.



  • Features: Rhino will extinguish nearby fires. Look out, you might be lucky enough to find one of the rarest mobs in the game: a white rhino! But watch out! Looters love poaching rhinos, can you keep them safe?


Fennec fox

  • Features: Fennec Foxes has no features currently, this may be changed in the future.


  • Features: Baby turtles will drop turtle scales as they grow, turtle scales can be crafted into a new decorative turtle scale block.


Dumbo Octopus

  • Features: Dumbo Octopi has no features currently, this may be changed in the future. However, they can be bucketed.


  • Features: Seals are not currently available, this may be changed in the future.


  • Feature: If given a tropical fish, the pelican will lead the player to a nearby buried treasure, marking the exact location to dig with an “X” in the sand/gravel.




Update History

Version Date Size
1.19.2 Jul 29, 2022 486.8 KB
1.18.2 May 2, 2022 253.9 KB

1.2.0 – Woodland Update

  • Ant
  • Owl
  • River Turtle
  • Grizzly Bear

1.1.0 – Revamp Update

  • Toucan
  • Tortoise
  • Songbird
  • Pelican (Replaced Booby)
  • Deer (Merged Into One Mob)

1.0.0 – First Release

Goodall Mod is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list


Goodall Mod Screenshot 1 Goodall Mod Screenshot 2 Goodall Mod Screenshot 3 Goodall Mod Screenshot 4 Goodall Mod Screenshot 5

Download Links

Download from Curseforge Server

Current Owner:  Frogipher
