EvilCraft Mod

75 Category: Magic

EvilCraft Mod Wiki centers on magic and evil elements. It adds evil powers to Minecraft that you can use for technological developments.


EvilCraft Mod Wiki

As you play the game with this mod installed, you will find out an ancient source of evil. This source of evil brings you various powers. Each power has its own strength and characteristics. You can make use of them to advance technology stuff to start the age of evilness.

How to get started with EvilCraft

Here are the steps for you to follow to get started with this mod:

  • First, you have to mine at least one Dark Ore using Iron Pickaxe. This nets you a Dark Gem.
  • The next thing you obtain is a common Book. It gives you details about the mod.
  • You start to create a Darkened Apple.
  • Then, you search for a meaningless animal. You feed this animal with the Darkened Apple then watch it meet its end.
  • You launch the Book into the resulting anomaly.
  • You indulge in the knowledge and animal leftovers.

Features of the mod

This Magic mod includes a variety of features. You can learn more details about them in the in-game manual. The features are:

Blood-based Machinery:

  • By defeating mobs, you can obtain an amount of blood manually. Or, you can obtain it via more modern machinery.
  • You utilize the Blood Infuser to infuse some items with blood.
  • It helps you fix some items.
  • You can put Blood into other machines like the Purifier for instance.

Modular Brooms:

  • You can make brooms that you can customize and upgrade.
  • You use these brooms to fly around the world.

The Origins of Darkness:

  • This is a feature that provides you with everything about EvilCraft.

World Generation:

  • You utilize Dark Gems and Crushed Dark Gems to create lots of things in this mod.
  • You can find Environmental Accumulators in Dark Temples. You use them to control the weather.

Vengeance Spirits:

  • Once the mobs have met their end, they will drop their Vengeance Spirit.
  • Players also have spirits.
  • These spirits can be collected.
  • You use Vengeance Spirits for various things. Like, you can place them inside a Spirit Furnace to obtain their drops in an automatic way by utilizing some blood.

Machines and Tools:

  • Lots of utility tools are for automation, like defeating mobs for instance.
  • You can use Dark Tanks to contain liquids. Then, you improve them to have more capacities. They can export to the bottom if you enable them.
  • You can transform biomes using Biome Extracts.
  • By utilizing the Entangled Chalice, you can convey liquids anywhere you want.
  • You have a blood-based source of food from Rejuvenated Flesh.
  • EvilCraft also features the Mace of Destruction. It will be used for explosions.
  • The Exalted Crafter also gives you an item-based crafting way for power users.
  • You will find it easy to throw around mobs.
  • The mod allows you to manage lightningstorms.
  • You can utilize Undead Trees to automate your blood collection.

EvilCraft Mod makes your adventures in Minecraft and your experience more magical.


  • Minecraft Forge
  • Cyclops Core (for MC 1.8.0+)


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where EvilCraft Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods EvilCraft Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.8.9

For Minecraft 1.9.4

For Minecraft 1.10.2

For Minecraft 1.11.2

For Minecraft 1.12.2

For Minecraft 1.15.2

For Minecraft 1.16.5

For Minecraft 1.18.1
