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Chain Wiki

Chain Minecraft Obtaining


The chain can be mined using any pickaxe. When mining you must use a pickaxe to make them fall out.

Chain Breaking

Time in seconds, for unenchanted tools used by the player that have no status effects. For more information, see Breakthrough ยง Speed.

Chain Minecraft Natural generation

Chains are created in the ruins of fortresses and sometimes in ruined portals that are created in the Nether. They always spawn above magma blocks, which are also found in fortresses.

Chains can also be created in mines. They form on either side of a wooden bridge (midair corridor) when the distance between the bridge and the tallest solid block below it is higher than the distance to the lowest solid block above it. The chain here creates vertically a pillar between the bridge and the ceiling. The lowest block of the column, connecting the chain to the bridge, is always an oak fence.

Loot the chest

Chain Chest loot

Chain Minecraft Crafting

Chain Crafting


The chain can be used to hang bells, signboards or both types of lanterns (regular lanterns and soul lanterns), as the chain construction connects seamlessly to the lantern string as if it were part of it. and it connects to the chain hanging the sign together. The chain does not require placing a support block whether it is on the top, side, or at the bottom. It can exist completely freely in the air[1] and can rotate. The chain connects horizontally or vertically, but not in different directions (so the N-directed chain doesn’t connect to the E-directed chain at the adjacent block). Can traverse horizontal chains one block above the surface. The horizontal chain of two blocks above the surface prevents the player from passing through them. The warp chain blocks movement if targeted directly, but can be ignored.

Precision is required, but chains can be walked, allowing for discreet, albeit somewhat expensive, bridges.

The chain can be pushed by the piston without breaking.

Chain Minecraft Manufacturing ingredients

Chain Crafting ingredient


  • A vertical chain, which is a solid chain, but not a full block, allows a variety of mobs and players to move along each piece horizontally.
  • Despite its name, it cannot be made into chain mail.
  • The chain does not stick together when moving with the piston, regardless of direction.

Chain is one of the best blocks that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Blocks list
