
151 Category: Minecraft Blocks

Discover a new guide for Composter Minecraft Wiki. The composter is the block that converts some biological material into bone meal. It also serves as an employment site block for farmers in the village.

Composter Minecraft Wiki

Composter Minecraft Obtaining

The mixer can be broken with any tool, although an ax is the fastest. Composters do not retain compost inside; instead, it was empty.

Composter Obtaining

Composter Minecraft Crafting

Crafting Composter

Natural generation

Compost is created on village farms.


Compost can be used to recycle food and plants into bone meal. To do so, the player must use any of the selected items on the mixer. When the adjacent comparator faces away from the distributor, a comparator signal strength of up to 8 will be emitted depending on the block’s fullness. The mixer appears to have an empty interior. Thus, entities can enter and exit the mixer through the top, but cannot enter the edges or bottom. The composter has a “floor”, the height of which depends on fullness. When the compost bin is completely empty, this level is slightly higher than the block below, and when completely full, the top will be slightly concave. As the composter’s fullness increases, every entity inside will be pushed up accordingly‌.‌

The compost

The compost bin can be filled with compost, which is done by adding compostable items to it. When adding an item successfully, a green particle will appear. The table below lists supported items, which have different levels of decay. The higher an item’s percentage, the more likely it is to have another layer of compost added. Each layer of compost is shaped like a podzol. When the composter reaches the 7th layer of compost, the appearance of the compost changes indicating that bone meal may have been collected by the final use of the composter.

The following table shows the items that can be used in a composter, the percent chance that an item can add some amount of compost, and the average number of items needed to fill the composter. Smaller pieces (pieces of wheat, melon slices, etc.) produce more compost than blocks or other items that can be made from them. The exception is biscuits, as each recipe makes 8 biscuits and in total they will provide 3 times more compost.

Composter Compost

Composter Minecraft Change career

If a village has a manure maker that the villager has not yet confirmed, any villager who has not yet chosen a work area has the opportunity to change profession to farmer.

Red stone composition

The compost generator can act as a power source for the redstone comparator. With a rear composter (either direct or separated by an unpowered solid block), the comparator will generate a signal strength between 0 and 8, proportional to the degree of fullness of the compost. composter: 0 is empty, 1 is 1⁄7 full, 2 is 2⁄7 full, etc. until 6. 7 is completely full but bone meal is not ready to collect, and 8 is completely full and bone meal is ready to collect. However, if there is a block between the aggregator and the comparator, the comparator will not update immediately.


The composter can interact with the hopper. A hopper just below the compost bin will take the bone meal from there. A downward-pointing funnel or drip tube above the composter pushes items into it. See Hopper § Redstone Components for more details.

The hopper cannot interact with the sides of the compost bin.


A composter can be used as fuel in a furnace to smelt 1.5 items.

Note block

The mixer can be placed under the note blocks to create a “bass” sound.


Composter is one of the best blocks that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Blocks list
