Crafting Table

151 Category: Minecraft Blocks

Discover a new guide for Crafting Table Minecraft Wiki. The crafting table is a utility block that allows access to all crafting recipes, including many that are not available in the inventory crafting grid.

r Crafting Table Minecraft Wiki

Crafting Table Obtaining

Crafting Table Breaking

The crafting table can be mined in any way, but axes are the fastest.

Crafting Table Minecraft Breaking

Natural generation

Crafting tables are generated naturally in witch huts, igloos, woolen huts outside of raider outposts, and in some small village houses.

Crafting Table Crafting

Crafting Table Crafting



Pressing use on the crafting table will open a 3×3 crafting grid allowing players to craft more items than are available with the inventory crafting grid, which is only 2×2 in size.

The crafting recipe book is available to the left of the crafting grid (collapsed by default in Java Edition, expanded by default in Bedrock Edition), where crafting recipes are stored for reference and Crafting with just one click.

Crafting Table Fuel

Crafting tables can be used as fuel in furnaces, smelting 1.5 items per crafting table.

Crafting Table Repair

The crafting table can be used to repair damaged tools, weapons, and armor. When two damaged items of the same material are combined next to each other in the crafting grid, they will create a new item with total durability plus a 5% bonus, for a maximum total durability of 100% for that item. Using this method does not require any experience but will remove any enchantments on one or both items. The only way to keep the spell is to repair damaged items on the anvil.

Note block

The crafting table can be placed under the note blocks to create a “bass” sound.


Issues related to the “Crafting Table” are maintained on the bug tracker. Report the problem there.


  • From version 1.6.1 to version 1.19.4, the application icon for Java Edition is a crafting table. As of version 1.20, the icon for
  • Java Edition is now a grass block (for releases) or a dirt block (for snapshots).
  • The initial inventory screen is the crafting table interface. There are no armor slots, no controller slots, no recipe books, and no player interface views.
  • The texture of the crafting table has visual images of hammers, saws and pliers. Currently none of these tools are implemented in the game.

Crafting Table Minecraft is one of the best blocks that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Blocks list
