Discover a new guide for Block Armor Mod Wiki. This Mod adds variety and richness to armor sets made from many blocks in the game, including combinations of blocks from other mods! They have different features and stats, depending on the block from which the armor is made. Some armor sets also work when all four pieces of armor are worn. Armor textures also support resource packs!
Except for armor:
- Sugarcane
- Emerald
- Snow
All armor is crafted using the block armor type of the standard armor recipe such as:
- Lapis armor is made of Lapis Lazuli block
- Obsidian armor is made of obsidian and so on.
Sugarcane and Emerald armor use item form (i.e. emeralds, not emerald blocks), and Snow uses skins or leather breastplates in place of some snow blocks.
Mod type:
Block Armor Mod Featured:
Additional mods:
- There will be extra armor for most of those blocks, if other mods with blocks are added.
Armor set:
For each valid block, a full armor set includes:
- Helmet
- Chest cover
- Leggings
- Boots
All will be added.
Each item is crafted using the block you desire in the shape of a commonly crafted armor. It can also be repaired with that block.
Animated textures:
- Armor made from blocks with animated textures will also have animated textures.
Resource pack:
- Armor textures will change with block textures as resource packs are added.
Set effect:
- When wearing at least the required number of pieces for the set effect, certain armor sets will receive special effects and rewards!
You can easily choose to enable or disable any armor or effect set in the configuration. You can also change the setting on how many pieces are needed for the set effect, whether the set effect uses durability or not.
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.18.1 | Dec 17, 2021 | 531.61 KB |
1.17.1 | Oct 28, 2021 | 531.73 KB |
1.16.5 | Apr 12, 2021 | 479.43 KB |
1.12.2 | Sep 26, 2017 | 461.21 KB |
1.12.2 | Jul 22, 2017 | 464.15 KB |
1.11.2 | Feb 18, 2017 | 422.52 KB |
1.10.2 | Nov 19, 2016 | 841.48 KB |
1.9.2 | Jul 26, 2016 | 235.73 KB |
1.8.2 | Jul 28, 2016 | 235.55 KB |
1.7.2 | Jul 29, 2016 | 233.13 KB |
Block Armor Mod v2.6-
Added Vanilla armor sets:
- All Beds
- All Shulker Boxes
- Barrel
- Bee Nest
- BeeHive
- Blast Furnace
- Chest
- Composter
- Honey Block
- Jukebox
- Smoker
Added Effect Sets:
- Sink like a rock under water
- Sleep anywhere instantly
- Provide Storage Anytime Anywhere
- Save you from death
- Teleports you to the respawn point before dying
Effect of settings changed:
- Auto Smelt: now also works with mob drops
- Diving suit: added Aqua Affinity
- Ender: teleport is much more accurate and also works at shorter distances
- Tweak which armor has a set effect (may need to clear your config to update)
- Fixed an issue with inventory icons sometimes missing textures
- Fixed crash when armor block was broken
- Fixed Cactus . armor texture
- Fixed the armor texture of the Enchantment Table
- Moved to 1.16.5
- Armor stats rebalanced
- Configuration improvements to allow for more customization such as changing armor stats and setting effects
- Added sound effects to Time Control effects
- The Health Booster effect will restore your increased health upon login / after respawning
NEW: Added 9 new Vanilla armor sets:
- Acacia Leaves
- Birch Leaves
- Dark Oak Leaves
- Ender Chest
- Jungle Leaves
- Note Block
- Oak Leaves
- Soul Sand
- Spruce Leaves
NEW: Added 7 new Set Effects:
- Automatically feed the wearer
- Musical melody accompanies every step
- Falling slowly, like a leaf in the wind
- Open the crafting screen
Ender Hoarder:
- Gives access to your ender chest
Soft Fall:
- Provides immunity to falling damage
Slow motion:
- Living life in the slow lane
NEW: Completely revamped config to make it much easier to enable/disable armor or effects settings:
- Enabling and disabling items no longer requires a reboot
- The armor shards required for Set Effects to activate can now be set to 1-4 (previously only supported 3-4, but can have been changed outside of that range by tweaking the configuration in such a way. manual – this can cause problems)
- Added option to toggle whether some set effects use armor durability when performing their effects
- Fix: AutoSmelt now works properly with Veinminer
- Fix: Absorbent is now working properly again
- The system for assigning set effects has been refined and can give armor sets from modified blocks different set effects
- AutoSmelt can now be enabled with keybind
- The Emerald armor set is now crafted using the Emerald Block, as it should have been
- Lucky has been buffed and now offers +3 Luck, Fortune IV and Looting IV
- Slimey now provides increased speed when bouncing off the floor and reduced speed when bouncing off walls
- Slippery now provides speed boost
- The range and power of the puller have been increased
- Added a configuration option to set the amount of armor to wear to activate set effects
- The set effect will activate if you have the required amount of armor shards with the set effect, even if the armor shards come from different armor sets
- Armor with enchanted effects from fixed effects will not enchant the player unless it also has another non-fixed enchantment
- The effect set has been completely reworked!
- Armor sets can have multiple set effects!
- Armor sets made from modified blocks can have fixed effects!
- Some setup effects are now activated by keystrokes (default is ‘R’)
- There are now 27 different effects settings with more plans!
- Setting the cooldown of an effect now uses vanilla cooldown tracking
Added 8 new armor sets:
- Beacon
- Cactus
- Chain Command Block
- Command Block
- Dispenser
- Dropper
- Enchanting Table
- Repeating Command Block
Added 12 new set effects:
- Repeat command block – rewind time
- Chain command block – dwell time
- Regular command block – speed up time
- Beacon – all beacon effects
- Cactus – spikes, damage to collision entities
- TNT – boom
- Furnace – automotive metallurgy
- Sponge – pick up liquid in radius
- Fruit – release arrow
- Piston – push away nearby entities
- Sticky Piston – drag nearby entities
- Prismarine – deep stride and breath
- Blur sets with enchantments now display correctly
- Reduces the cooldown of the effect of placing the End Stone when the teleport fails
- When the cooldown is active, added a cooldown timer to the tooltip.
Block Armor Mod v2.0-
- Armor is automatically generated from previously registered blocks.
- Procedurally generated armor textures and models using block textures (including resource packs
Block Armor Mod is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list
Block Armor Mod Screenshot
Download Links
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Current Owner: 2piradians