The Beneath [Forge] Mod Wiki starts a massive mining dimension that is based on the Deep Dark from Extra Utilities. It also adds a few new additions that did not exist in that space.
The Beneath Wiki
The mod used to be a replacement because the author had not ported the Deep Dark to 1.10.2 promptly. Now, it becomes a very configurable mining dimension.
It appears with a Teleporter block that can teleport to the dimension. There is a configurable crafting recipe that you’re able to customize or enable in the config file. Or, you can select something like CraftTweaker as an alternative.
The Beneath has the following features.
A new dimension
It has a very large size.
They have twice the health and damage.
You can configure whether or not you can control the teleporter block in dimensions out of the Overworld. It’s possible to enable that to set down a Beneath Teleporter in the Nether. Next, pick that teleporter to move back and forth between The Beneath and the Nether.
However, it can help you carry out other operations.
A built-in JSON-based ore generator
JSON file created at the first startup with an automatic configuration. The system can turn off if you own another mod that solves ore generation.
Different modes
They’re capable of toggling the way the dimension acts in circumstances. To switch modes, restart to use and take effect.
They spawn in dark places if you stay in the shadows for long enough. Select the config file in Grue to adjust everything there.
You should avoid it to defend yourself from monsters. It’s configurable for the amount of damage dealt and the amount of time between each hit.
Disables the darkness damage
Another possibility to configure
You can affect whether or not dungeons should create in the dimension and how frequent. It runs like the dungeon setting in vanilla. 0 will prevent all generations.
They lurk in the dark and they are always ready to pull you out of the light. Grues or other mobs and/or the darkness can make you disappear whenever.
Mildly unnerving sounds
You can hear them when you are traveling through the dimension.
The Beneath Configuration in detail
You can search for various config options in The Beneath. Here is a breakdown of them.
Additional Dimension Teleportation:
Manage whether or not to let teleporting back and forth between the Beneath and dimensions that are not the Overworld.
B:“Additional Dimension Teleportation”=false
Beneath Teleporter Crafting Recipe:
Configurable crafting recipe for the teleporter. If you install CraftTweaker, you can make use of it instead.
The first 3 strings in the array are the recipe formula. In which, each symbol will represent an item. The character determines the items before the item in question (look up the default).
Format for Items: modid:name:meta (meta is optional, and * is to define the metadata wildcard). The OreDictionary can operate, where you decide the ore name (ingotIron for Iron Ingots, stone for Stone).
Only activate if enabling Use Crafting Recipe!
S:“Beneath Teleporter Crafting Recipe” <
Blue Night Vision sky color:
Resets the red part of the Beneath sky color while Night Vision influences it. Client-side only! Minimum is 0.0 and maximum is 10.0.
D:“Blue Night Vision sky color”=1.5
Damage Multiplier:
Establishes how much mob damage the mod multiplies. Minimum is 1.0 and maximum is 10.0.
D:“Damage Multiplier”=2.0
Darkness damage:
The amount of damage (half hearts) that you get from the dark (if the mode is the darkness). Minimum is 2 half hearts and maximum is 20.
I:“Darkness damage”=2
Darkness damage timer:
The amount of seconds before the shadows inflict damage to you (when the mode is darkness). Minimum is 1 second and maximum is 10 seconds.
I:“Darkness damage timer”=5
Dimension ID:
Dimension ID for The Beneath. It’s necessary to restart the game!
I:“Dimension ID”=10
Dungeon spawn chance:
The chance that a dungeon spawns in the mod (similar logic to the vanilla setting). Set it to 0 to stop generating the dungeon. Minimum is 9 and maximum is 100.
I:“Dungeon spawn chance”=8
Green Night Vision sky color:
Modifies the green part of the sky color at night. Client-side only! Minimum is 1.0 and maximum is 10.0.
D:“Green Night Vision sky color”=0.0
Health Multiplier:
Opts for how much mob health is multiplied. Minimum is 1.0 and maximum is 10.0.
D:“Health Multiplier”=2.0
Internal Ore Generator:
Controls whether or not to deploy the built-in Ore Generator. Disable if you have another mod that deals with Ore Generation. Start again Minecraft!
B:“Internal Ore Generator”=true
Keep Loaded:
Switches on/off whether or not prevent the mod from automatically unloading. Restart Minecraft!
B:“Keep Loaded”=false
Lake Fluid Blocks:
Any fluid blocks in the list will randomly lead to as part of lakes (format is “modid:name”). Restart Minecraft!
S:“Lake Fluid Blocks” <
Lake Spawn Chance:
The chance that a lake forms (identical logic to the vanilla setting). Set it to 0 to block lake generation. Minimum is 0 and maximum is 100.
I:“Lake spawn chance”=10
grue: Grues spawn in the dark
darkness: you take damage if you are in dark areas
none: disables darkness damage
Remember to restart the game!
Other Mod World Generation:
Commands whether or not other mods should be interface with the terrain generation.
B:“Other Mod World Generation”=false
Red Night Vision sky color:
Alters the red part of the sky color while Night Vision is affecting it. Client-side. Minimum is 0.0. maximum is 10.0.
D:“Red Night Vision sky color”=1.1
Shadow Hands:
Swaps whether or not shadows can pull you into the dark spot with their hands.
B:“Shadow Hands”=true
Shadow Spawn Weight:
Spawn Weight for the shadows, increase or decrease the chance of them spawning. Minimum is 10, maximum is 100.
I:“Shadow Spawn Weight”=50
Stalactite spawn chance:
The chance that a stalactite creates in The Beneath (higher number elevates the chance, lower reduces it). Set it to 0 to make stalactite stop from generating. Minimum is 0, maximum is 100.
I:“Stalactite spawn chance”=20
Stalagmite spawn chance:
The chance that a stalagmite appears in-mod (higher number increases the chance, lower cuts down it). Setting it to 0 will end stalagmite generation. Minimum is 0, maximum is 100.
The chance that a stalagmite generates in The Beneath (higher number increases the chance, lower decreases it). Setting it to 0 stops stalagmite generation. Minimum is 0, and maximum is 100.
I:“Stalagmite spawn chance”=20
Teleporter Torches:
Whether or not torches should appear on the platform when moving into the Beneath.
B:“Teleporter Torches”=true
Terrain Block:
This picks out which block the terrain should bring into existence. If you’d like it to be something other than stone, you can modify that rather than replacing all stone.
The format is “modid:name:meta”, where meta is optional.
Start Minecraft again!
S:“Terrain Block”=minecraft:stone
Use Block Decorator:
Toggles whether or not to launch the built-in Block Decorator (operates like the Ore Generator. But, it works before it and is for dirt, gravel, stone types, etc. Don’t forget to open Minecraft again!
B:“Use Block Decorator”=true
Use Crafting Recipe:
Directs whether or not to apply the configurable crafting recipe. Restart your game!
B:“Use Crafting Recipe”=false
Some tormenting config settings:
If you expect your players to face more difficulties through The Beneath, you can try some tweaks below.
Set the Beneath mode to “darkness”
Enable the Whitelist in Grue and add the dimension ID. You can get it as the only dimension ID or still have the Overworld ID there if you want it.
(Optional) Set the Darkness damage timer to a low value and increase the Darkness damage.
(Bonus) Add some nasty blocks to the dimension (silverfish stone is in the default oregen configuration. Nevertheless, you can have more to handle, depending on the mods you install)
So, the dimension will be harder to survive because it connects to Grue spawning and Darkness damage. With the proper tools, there might be more wicked stuff you can combine.
If you had a mod where you could deter the player from putting specific blocks in certain dimensions. You could turn on Additional Dimension Teleportation. Next, locate the teleporter in some dangerous dimensions.
The Beneath Commands
To speed up configuring process of ore generation and block decoration, test a command! It lets you reload the files on the fly instead of restarting Minecraft after changing anything.
/beneath “reloadAll” loads again both files, “reloadOres” only reloads oregen, and “reloadDeco’ just reloads blockdeco.
Ore generator format
The format for adding ores to produce inside The Beneath should not be too complex to recognize. You can see a copy of the default configuration that the mod shapes on the first run at Here is what the entry for an ore looks like:
“ore”: “minecraft:coal_ore”, //ore to generate, always “modid:name”
“oremeta”: 0, //metadata value to ask for the ore
“source”: “minecraft:stone”, //source block to take the place with the ore, always “modid:name”
“srcmeta”: 0, //metadata value to look over the source block
“veins”: 32, //vein generation frequency (higher the number, the more veins make)
“size”: 16, //,aximum amount of blocks to trigger in a single vein
“miny”: 10, //lowest Y level the ore will cause at
“maxy”: 246, //highest Y level the ore will come into being
A comma separates entries. There is not a limit on how many ores you can add to the file. Enter the default oregen.json if you realize something else that is not clear.
The Beneath is a mod about mobs, ores, resources, and dimensions. Get ready to visit the new dimension your way!
- Minecraft Forge
- Grue Mod
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where The Beneath you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods The Beneath folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods