Better With Lib (BWM – Core) Mod

55 Category: API and Library

Better With Lib (BWM – Core) Mod Wiki is an optional core mod that BetterWithMods use. It allows adding a few additional features to the Minecraft game.

Better With Lib (BWM - Core)

Better With Lib Mod Wiki

Here is the content that the mod has:

  • EntityEquipmentEvent: it’s an event. It will start on entities that own ‘setEquipmentOnDifficulty’ methods. If the canceled original method does not work, overriding the items and armor that mobs spawn with will happen.

Better With Lib (BWM – Core) is an API and Library mod. Because BetterWithMods needs it, you have to install the present mod before running it. Otherwise, it cannot operate properly and cause the game to crash.


  • Minecraft Forge

How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where Better With Lib (BWM – Core) Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Better With Lib (BWM – Core) Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2
