MMD OreSpawn Mod

55 Category: API and Library

MMD OreSpawn Mod is an API and Library mod. It aims to give other Minecraft mods some ore-spawning features.

MMD OreSpawn

MMD OreSpawn Mod Wiki

The mod is made by DrCyano. He is an amazing mod developer with various famous mods in relation to mineral ores and metals.

According to the author of the mod, Minecraft world does not have enough ores and resources. This leads to a variety of mod packs trying to add more minerals to the game.

The Library mod gives you a good way to help you manage the ore spawn rate in the game. It makes config information about the ores generating rate then it saves that information in .JSON file. You can find this file in the folder config/orespawn.

The information is editable. You can edit it provided that you know how to code and understand things you are doing.

At the moment, the library supports the Base Metal mod to function in the game. So, if you want to install that mod, you must install the library first.

Features of the library:

  • It lets you make changes to the ore spawn rate in lots of dimensions like the Nether and the End.
  • You can customize the resilience of ore blocks before they are smashed.
  • It also allows you to change the number of occurrences as well as the rarity of the ore blocks.

MMD OreSpawn Mod helps you make changes to everything in relation to ores in your world and dimensions.


  • Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where MMD OreSpawn Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods MMD OreSpawn Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.9.4

For Minecraft 1.10.2

For Minecraft 1.11.2

For Minecraft 1.12.2
