Discover a new guide for Arcanus Mod Wiki. Arcanus inspired by Wynncraft and Electroblob’s Wizardry is a magic mod with a magic system, along with new trinkets, structures, and threats that will occasionally appear in future updates.
For starters, you want to find yourself a Library (Village or Fort) or Ruined Gate. Village Libraries have a guaranteed Spellbook, the rest is up to chance.
Once you find the Spell Book, all you have to do is read it to learn the spell. and now you can use it with right and left mouse buttons to create a template defined in the book.
To see all the spells you can use /spells list at any time, as well as their pattern you know.
Mod type:
- Players can learn spells from the Book of Spells.
- The player can cast spells using a set of patterns that combine the left and right mouse buttons.
- New structures added to the game.
Arcanus Mod Wiki
Arcanus adds a magic system to Minecraft, seen in servers like WynnCraft. You can cast a variety of spells that allow you to heal yourself using the left and right mouse buttons, fight enemies, or teleport, as long as you have the Magic Wand.
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There are 3 Wands included with Arcanus, but only one can be crafted, and that is the Initiate Wand. It can be crafted from 2 Staffs and 1 Amethyst Fragment. When using this wand, any spell cast will consume 50% more Mana than normal.
Start the wand recipe
An Initiate Wand starts with 0 XP, and each spell cast increases XP. When using each spell will bring its own type of experience. Upon reaching 2400 XP, the Initiate Wand will be upgraded to an Adept Wand, which causes the spell to consume a normal amount of Mana from now on.
To get the Master Wand, you should increase the amount stored in the Adept Wand from 3300 XP to 6400 XP. Spells using Master Wand consume 50% less Mana than normal.
Arcanus spells cannot be cast immediately as they must be unlocked. In Vanilla Minecraft, Spell Books will definitely be found in Libraries in both Villages and Forts. Although there is also a chance for them to appear at the Ruined Gate.
Read a spell book
When you receive the Spell Book, you can open it to learn how to use the spell and its effects. Where L means left click and R means right click, it can be propagated by following the pass pattern, .
These Spellbooks can also be found in buildings provided by other mods, including End Remastered, Repurd Structures, Awesome Dungeons, When Dungeons Arise, YUNG’s Better Strongholds, and Mo’ Structures.
Arcanus bookshelf
They don’t always appear in Chests, as a newly included Bookshelf can be searched, but can also be used to store your own Spellbooks. Here is the complete list of spells available in Arcanus and their effects:
Lunge: R-R-R
- Launches the player forward, dealing damage to colliding entities.
Dream Warp: R-L-CHEAP
- Useful for dangerous situations. Casting this spell will teleport back to the original spawn point.
Magic Missile: L-L-L
- Creates a fast-moving magical projectile that will deal damage to any entity hit.
Telekinetic shock: L-R-L
- Push a friend or enemy backward with a lot of force, useful for killing any nearby target.
Heal: R-L-LOOK
- Summons magical energy to heal the user for a small amount of health.
Discombobulate: L-R-R
- Embarrasses any enemies hit, and can cause them to step back to give them time to flee.
Solar Strike: L-L-CHEAP
- Summons energy from the Sun dealing massive damage and igniting entities hit by bullets.
Arcane Barrier: R-R-L
- Creates an area made of magic pillars that can stop enemies.
Mana is a new and necessary attribute to crafting magic. Your current mana can be seen just above the hunger bar, indicated by blue circles. As spells are cast, this bar will deplete and will slowly recharge over time.
Magic can be used without Mana, but this should only be done in an emergency. Casting without Mana will make you ‘Exhausted’ and the Mana bar will turn red. Get too exhausted, and you’ll die. The Burnout mechanism can be disabled in the Arcanus configuration.
One option to track Mana is to create a Mana Pot by placing a Glass Bottle and Amethyst Shard in the Forge. Sneak and hold the right mouse button while having Mana Pot in hand, it will be full.
You can then drink from the Energy Tank for faster energy recovery. Better use of the Wand will also help cast spells, as higher tier spells will use less Mana per cast.
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.19.3 | Mar 4, 2023 | 526.9 KB |
1.19.2 | Jul 16, 2022 | 531.7 KB |
1.18.2 | Mar 1, 2022 | 518.6 KB |
1.18.1 | Nov 21, 2021 | 515.8 KB |
1.17.1 | Aug 22, 2021 | 1.3 MB |
Arcanus is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list
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Current Owner: Cammie