Discover a new guide for Flan’s Mod Wiki. Flan’s Mod adds grenades, planes, cars, tanks, guns and more and is a huge mod for Minecraft, in a customizable content pack system. Enjoy a peaceful flight through the Minecraftian skies and drive through your worlds or get some more destructive content packs and crash, shoot and detonate mobs, blocks and even other players.
Mod type:
This mod is a combination of Airplanes, Vehicles and WW2Gun rewritten with loads of great new features and designed to allow anyone to easily create custom content.
Challenge yourself by putting the game on the hardest mode and fight the zombies. Minecraft may be famous for not having any guns but Flan’s mod now gives you that option. Take your world out of the dark ages and into the modern age. Eliminate the need for bows and arrows and arm yourself with an automatic gun.
Every part of Flan’s Mod works in multiplayer and offers additional experiences such as flying large bombers with multiple passenger turrets and playing game types like Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag.
Guns, grenades and other war tools
With Flan’s Mod, you can find weapons of various eras from crossbows, WW2 guns to sci-fi laser rifles, and if you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can craft, play and share.
The mod adds functionality:
- For viewfinder
- Pistols
- Rocket
- Grenade
- Remote explosives
- Excursion mines
- First aid kit
- Repair tool
Also each content pack can add any number of items of each type.
Flan’s Mod group system allows creators to:
Content pack includes weapon equipment and
Team up with armor
Customize so you can quickly set up your multiplayer server game with the content pack you want.
Airplanes, Cars and Tanks
Now you can travel around your Minecraft world at real speed thanks to Flan’s Mod with various planes and cars. And when you’re in trouble, there will be countless tanks, armored vehicles, fighters and bombers at your fingertips. Bring your friends and take them on a road trip, have them defend your plane from one of the seats in the passenger tower, or fend them off in a fiery dogfight and see who has what it takes to dominate the skies.
Content package system
Just come back here if you get bored with Flan’s Mod, and check out the content packs section where lots of custom user-generated content packs are waiting for you. And when you finally get bored with that stuff, you can create your own content pack, by drawing icons and skins, sourcing the audio files, and then writing all the weapon and vehicle information into a very understandable text file. This is a tool mod that allows you to play Minecraft, any way you want with a little more technology.
Teams Tutorial
Teams Mod is a part of Flan’s Mod that is used to set up ring combat for various types of games such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. This guide is for server owners who want to run such types of games on their servers using Flan’s Mod.
1. Flag
Flags are used to designate bases and are used as catchable flags in CTF style games. You can spawn them in creative mode from the “Flan’s Mod
Teams” tab and place them anywhere you want.
2. Lay eggs
Spawners come in 3 types:
- The player’s spawner assigns the spawn point to the player.
- The Item Generator spawns certain item drawers that you specify. Right click to add the currently held stack and right click with bare hands to change the delay.
- Media Builder creates media as entities and not items (slightly buggy at the moment). Right click with a medium in hand to set the media to appear and right click with bare hand to change the delay.
- Through the “Flan’s Mod Team” tab in creative mode, all can be spawned. By default, spawners are not connected to any bases and so player spawners will do nothing and item spawners will spawn items that can be picked up by anyone.
3. Op Cane
- There are 4 sticks (or wands) that you can get via the command “/teams getSticks” as an option, allowing you to set up the map to play round games.
- Stick of Connecting connects the flag to the spawner. Right click on a flag and then right click on each spawner you want to connect to. Fishing rod graphics help indicate what you are connecting.
- The Ownership Stick changes the owner of the flag when right-clicking, via zero, the Viewer and each currently used team.
- Stick of Mapping changes the map a flag belongs to. More on the following map.
- The Destruction Stick destroys flagpoles, flags, and spawners on right click.
4. Command
This table shows each team’s mod command in an overview of . It is much better to use this as a reference when needed than to go through and memorize all the commands. When a word appears within <these brackets>, you need to replace the word and the brackets with a valid input. For example, “/teams setGametype <gametype>” could become “/teams setGametype TDM”.
“/teams help” List all team commands
“/teams off” Turn off team mode
“/teams arena” Arena settings presets are designed for ring combat
“/teams survival” These presets make teams as discreet as possible and very vanilla-like
“/teams getSticks” Get the four sticks needed to do most of the admin work related to map setup
“/teams listGametypes” Lists available game types with initials in brackets
“/teams setGametype <gametype>” Sets the current game type. <gametype> must be the name from listGametypes
“/teams listAllTeams” Lists all the teams available in the currently installed content pack, with initials in parentheses
“/teams listTeams” Lists currently used teams
“/teams setTeams <team1> <team2>” Sets the current teams. Each team name must be a short name from listAllTeams
“/teams addMap <short name> Create a new map. <short name> must be one word
“/teams listMaps” Lists all maps in the current world
“/teams removeMap <short name>” Removes the given map from the current world
“/teams setMap <shortName>” Set the currently used map. Short names must be listed in listMaps
“/teams addRotation <map> <gametype> <team1> <team2>” Add maps, game types and team pairs to map rotation
“/teams listRotation” List current map rotation
“/teams removeRotation <ID>” Removes the map from the rotation. ID given in listRotation
“/teams useRotation <true / false>” Set whether to use map rotation
“/teams nextMap” Move to next map in rotation
“/teams goToMap <ID>” Jump to a certain map in rotation
“/teams setVariable <variable> <value>” Sets game type specific variables. More info later
“/teams forceAdventure <true/false>” Should players be forced into adventure mode on respawn
“/explosions <true / false>” Will explosions damage terrain
“/teams canBreakGlass <true / false>” Can bullets break glass
“/teams canBreakGuns <true / false>” Whether the player can pick up MG and deployable AAGun
“/teams armorDrops <true / false>” Does a team’s armor drop on death
“/teams weaponDrops <on/off/smart>” How guns drop on death. Smart Drops collect ammo into an area entity with guns.
“/teams fuelNeeded <true / false>” Does the vehicle need fuel to run
“/teams mgLife <time>” How long is the MG spawn timer. 0 means they never show up
“/teams planeLife <time>” How long is the Airplane’s spawn timer. 0 means they never show up
“/teams vehicleLife <time>” How long is the Vehicle spawn timer. 0 means they never show up
“/teams mechaLife <time>” How long the Mecha spawn timer lasts. 0 means they never show up
“/teams aaLife <time>” How long is the AAGun spawn timer. 0 means they never show up
“/teams vehicleBreakBlocks <true / false>” Does the vehicle break blocks on impact
5. Basic Setup
This section gives a checklist for creating a battle server based on a simple map
Build a map. You can imagine as you want here. Your map can be anything from an abandoned town or a train station to a mine or a cactus farm.
Set flags to indicate each team’s base and nearby spawners to indicate where players will spawn.
Type “/teams getSticks” in the chat.
Do “/teams addMap <Short Name> <Long Name>”. <short name> is an identifier to refer to your map by all commands. It may not contain spaces.
<Long Name> is what players see in the polls.
Right click on the flags with Stick of Mapping to get the editing GUI. You can order the team and map of this base here.
Right click on the flagpole with Stick of Connecting (You will get a fishing line connected to the flagpole).
Note that if you change the selected item, this line will disappear.
Do “/teams addRound <mapShortName> <gametype> <team1> <team2> <timeLimit> <scoreLimit>
can be one of “DM”, “TDM” or “CTF”. To get a list of team names (abbreviations in brackets), do /teams listTeams
Then do “/start team”
Play! Players can press G at any time to select a team and H to view scores.
- Wake Island PVP 1.0
- Mineport ~ Modern, Simple, yet Sohpisticated
- The Icy Base
- Kino Der Toten
- World War 3 Missile Base
- DayZ like Survival map
- The ship
- Fort Kennedy
- D-Day!
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.12.2 | Sep 21, 2020 | 2.1 MB |
Flan’s is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list
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Current Owner: FlansGames