Discover a new guide for Flux Networks Mod Wiki. Flux Networks Mod gives you the ability to build a Wireless Energy Network. It allows you to customize these networks and manage the flow of energy around your world.
Eliminates the need to carry cables everywhere, reducing latency and saving you time. Energy is transferred across dimensions making energy management easier. Flux Networks was originally part of Computer.
Mod type:
- Wireless multi-way transmission
- Automatic power conversion
- Unlimited transfer price
- Supports Forge Energy, EU, AE2 and IE
- Multidimensional inventory costing
- Encrypt your network with password protection
- Sort your network’s priorities
- Name and color your network.
- Name each connection for easier identification.
- Configure which players are allowed to access your network
- Graph to track recent energy gain/loss
- Wireless editing settings for all your connections
- Chunk load capacity is provided by each connection
- Super admins: delete inactive networks, transfer ownership, etc.
Flux Network Wiki
Get flux
This is the default method for converting Redstone Dust to Flux.
- Step 1: Find some Bedrock.
- Step 2: Place some Obsidian on top of it, leaving some space in the middle
- Step 3: Throw some redstone dust into the gap left by Obsidian and Bedrock.
- Step 4: Left click on Obsidian. Obsidian will crush Redstone Dust against Bedrock and create Flux!
There is no limit to the amount of Redstone Dust you can use at a time
Old version: Craft Flux by dropping Redstone dust into a fire.
Create a throughput network
A basic network consists of only two blocks. Flux Socket + Flux Point and of course block to send/receive energy from.
- Step 1: Place the flux plug next to the block containing the energy you want to send wirelessly.
- Step 2: Right click on Flux Plug and navigate to Create New Network Tab and create the network.
- Step 3: Once created, you will be redirected to the Network Selection Tab screen. Here you can select the newly created network by left clicking.
- Step 4: Place the Flux Point next to the block you want to receive wireless power from.
- Step 5: Right click on the Throughput Point and navigate to the Select Network Tab and left click on the network you created earlier.
You are done!! Energy will now be transferred wirelessly, you can view the energy input and output through the Network Statistics Tab or in the Home Tab of the Flux Plug and Flux Point. If it hasn’t transferred yet, see Troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting: No power being transferred?
- Are Flux Plug and Point connected to the same network? You can check in the Network Connections Tab
- Are both chunk loaded? (You can enable this feature in the Home Tab)
- Is the block adjacent to the Flux Plug set to Output?
- Is the block adjacent to the Throughput Point set to Input?
Is the Flux Point & Plug connected to the adjacent block? If the connection is not displayed and you have selected 3. and 4. then this block may not be compatible with Flux Networks or is blacklisted.
Flux connector
- All Flux Network Connectors share the same GUI.
- All connectors can have the following information: Custom Name, Priority, Transmission Limit & Mutation Mode.
- Flux Plug and Flux Point can also load chunks.
- Only Network Members or the person who originally placed the tile can open the connector.
- The connectors automatically change according to the color of the selected network.
Flux plug
- Used to add energy to the network
- You can replenish energy from all sides at the same time.
throughput point - Used to remove energy from the network
- You can remove energy from all sides at once.
Store flux
- Used to store energy in the network
- Flux Storage is used to store excess energy. It will only be filled when each Flux Point has received enough energy.
- This energy can only be accessed by removing energy with Flux Points.
- The network does not require Flux Storage to operate
Flux controller
- Required to enable multidimensional inventory charging.
- In the Wireless Charging Tab, inventory charging can be configured.
- Only one controller can be connected to the network at a time.
- The ‘output’ of the controller refers to the power generated from the network via Wireless Charging.
- The network does not require a Throughput Controller to operate
Throughput Configurator
- The Flux Configurator can also be connected to the network.
- It can be used to access, edit, delete networks on the go. And share the same GUI with the connector.
- It can also be used to copy/paste settings between connectors.
Copy settings: Shift-Right Click on a connector to copy its settings and then Right Click on the connector you want to paste the settings into. If you right-click on something other than a connector, you’ll bring up the Network GUI, and you can also edit the settings that the Configurator will paste. The configurator can also be renamed here, with the name field.
Admin Configurator
- The administrative configurator shares the same GUI as the connector.
- It cannot be crafted and can only be obtained by being creative.
- It has the ability to grant ‘Super Administrator’ privileges. See license
You can also use it to see a more detailed “Network View”, which shows the Average Tick Rate and number of connectors in the Network Selection Tab.
GUI tab
Name: Custom name for the connection.
- User-configured connection priority. Higher priority will always send/receive power first. After all Plugs/Points have been used, Flux Storage will always receive/send energy.
Transfer Limit:
- User-configurable limit for power transfer per tick. When enabled, the connection will only send/receive power up to this limit. Setting it to 0 will stop any transfers from happening.
- Buffer is an internal energy storage that stores energy equal to one tick’s worth. This helps to make Flux Networks more server friendly and allows the use of features like ‘priority’. Normally, the buffer will be empty because the energy will be used in the same time it is received. If energy is stored in a buffer, this usually means that the network is running out of energy, which will decrease when the network needs energy again.
Spike mode:
- When enabled, this mode will ignore ‘priority’, ensuring this connection will receive/send power first. This is useful to activate when a certain machine is low on power or if it serves a very important function.
Disable capping:
- When enabled, this feature bypasses ‘handover limit’ and allows this connection to receive/send unlimited amounts of energy per tick.
Loading fragment:
- When enabled, the connection will continue to load 1 chunk. (This can be disabled in the config)
Network selection
Connecting: Left-click a network to connect to it. The currently selected network will be brighter and will be the same color as the box around the GUI.
Encrypted Network: The network is displayed with a small encrypted padlock and will require a password to connect. On left click, a popup will appear where you can enter the password.
Wireless charging
Wireless charging will only work when your network has a Flux Controller!
Paid Inventory: Armor Slot, Jewels, Main Store*, Hotbar Slot, Left Hand, Right Hand
Activate: Left click on the Inventory type to enable wireless charging on it, when you are satisfied with your selections press Apply to save them! And make sure the On Wireless switch is on!
In the latest versions of the Main Warehouse mod is disabled, as this causes a lot of overhead and in most cases is unnecessary
Network connections
Edit settings: Left click on any connection to edit its wireless settings, this will open a popup with all the same settings as the ‘Home’ tab.
Bulk edit: Right click on multiple connections and press the small ‘Edit selected’ button. This will open another pop-up window, but this one also has checkboxes that can be used to decide which settings you want to change across all selected connections. (Some settings may not be available when editing this way.)
Sorting: Currently there is only one ‘Smart’ option, which will sort connections by type (Throughput Controller, Throughput Point, Throughput Socket, Throughput Storage) and also according to priority level.
Transfer: Each connection will display the transfer data for the last tick. The Point will show the output energy from the network, the Plug will show the input energy, and the Storage will show the change in stored energy.
Network statistics
- Plugs: The amount of throughput connected to the network.
- Points: Flux Points are connected to the network.
- Repositories: The number of throughput stores connected to the network.
- Controllers: Number of Flux Controllers connected to the network.
Energy index:
- Input: The total amount of Energy that was injected into the network at the last tick.
- Output: Total amount of Energy exported from the network at the last split second.
- Buffers: Total of all buffers in each connection connected to the network.
- Energy: The total combined energy stored in all Flux Storage Units connected to the network.
Graph: Shows recent energy transfer activity. Each point on the graph represents an average change over the past five seconds (this would be a higher Input/Output count).
Average tick: This is an average measurement of network usage per tick in microseconds. It records all energy transfer activities performed by the network.
Network member
Player List: All players currently online will be displayed in this list, next to their names you will see their permission level on your network.
Permitted level:
- SUPER ADMINISTRATIVE: They can manipulate all like ACCESS, EDIT & DELETE any network
- OWNERS: They can ACCESS, EDIT & DELETE the network.
- USERS: They can ACCESS the network.
- NO: They have NO RIGHTS online.
Change permissions: If you left click on a player, you can select ‘Set as admin’, ‘Cancel membership’, ‘Transfer ownership’. All are self-explanatory. If you ‘Transfer Ownership’, this can only be reversed by a Super Admin or the new owner.
Network settings
See Create a similar new network below for more details
Delete network: To delete the currently selected network, press shift twice and then left click. This cannot be reversed.
Create a new network
Name: Choose a name for your network.
Security settings: Choose between the following settings
Encrypted: Requires Password, anyone with password can connect.
Public: No password needed, anyone can connect.
Energy Type: Select the Energy Type for which you want to display energy measurements. This does not affect what Power
Type you will be allowed to use.
Color: Choose a color to identify your network. You can also enter a custom color by right-clicking on any of the colors provided and then entering the HEX key.
When you are satisfied press the Create button.
Crafting items
- The main crafting material of the mod
- There are currently no additional functions.
- See the throughput obtained
- Flux Core & Flux Block
- Other important mod crafting materials!
- There are currently no additional functions.
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.20.1 | Jul 18, 2023 | 499.6 KB |
1.19.2 | Sep 23, 2022 | 493.5 KB |
1.18.2 | Jun 19, 2022 | 443.1 KB |
1.18.2 | Jun 21, 2022 | 457.4 KB |
1.16.5 | Jan 20, 2021 | 490.3 KB |
1.16.3 | Nov 6, 2020 | 487.7 KB |
1.16.3 | Oct 25, 2020 | 485.5 KB |
1.15.2 | Apr 14, 2020 | 461.1 KB |
1.12.2 | Jun 4, 2018 | 488.0 KB |
1.12.2 | Sep 18, 2017 | 357.1 KB |
1.11.2 | Mar 30, 2017 | 303.3 KB |
1.11.2 | Mar 30, 2017 | 303.3 KB |
1.10.2 | Jan 10, 2017 | 293.1 KB |
1.10.2 | Dec 26, 2016 | 303.4 KB |
1.10.2 | Dec 26, 2016 | 303.4 KB |
Flux Networks is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list
Download Links
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Current Owner: sonar_sonic