Greek Fantasy Mod

54 Category: Adventure and RPG

Discover a new guide for Greek Fantasy Mod Wiki. Greek Fantasy Mod will bring into the world of Minecraft all content related to Greek mythology. As ordinary warrior Steve travels across the Overworld to do his usual job, suddenly, a giant appears in front of him with an Iron Club and a menacing aura.

Greek Fantasy Mod Wiki

He attacks Steve forcefully, turning the world upside down and causing numerous Greek creatures and artifacts to be transported to his world. That is the basis for the Greek Fantasy Mod.

Mod type:

Greek Fantasy Mod Feature:

Most of the content of this mod revolves around unique, interesting creatures found all over your world. Here is a complete list:


Bronze Bull

  • Ferocious, fire-breathing, clock cow
  • To summon the Bronze Bull, you must build a 2×2 copper block with 2 copper blocks on either side
  • Drops: avernal gear, bronze, ichor


  • The Three-Headed Hound of the Underworld
  • You must build a hollow frame out of 4×4 blackstone blocks, with 2×2 lava in the middle if you want to summon this monster. Then sacrifice Orthus’
  • head by throwing it into the lava. Lava will turn into magma and Cerberus will appear.
  • Drops: belly skin, head Cerberus


  • Dangerous whirlpool monster. Summoned by feeding the Heart of the Sea Whirl (by dropping nearby items).
  • Drop-out items: treasure chest loot (gold, maps, emeralds, etc) and a Conch


  • The three-headed giant whose only passion is Mad Cows.
  • Summon by killing a nearby cow and placing three Gigante heads.
  • Drops: diamonds, netherite shards, bountiful horns, ambrosia, Club of Smashing


  • A sea monster that counterbalances Charybdis. She was once an ocean goddess until she was cursed by Circe.
  • Drop Item: Scylla Bones (used for Dragon Tooth Bar)


  • The sentient bronze machine would wreak havoc on any player stupid enough to build it.
  • To summon Talos, place 3×2 copper blocks and place a copper block on top. Watch! That dispenser on his arm isn’t just for beauty…
  • Drops: Talos Heart, ichor, bronze, arrow



  • Spider Queen OG, who was cursed for mocking Athena long ago.
  • Spawns eggs in underground burrows.
  • Drop-out items: Chain, Golden Chain, Web Ball, Spider Banner Template, Silkstep enchantment


  • Witches spawn wherever witches spawn. Her wand can turn people into pigs!
  • Drops: Falling Witch and sometimes Circe’s Wand

Minotaur of Crete

  • The wild bull-headed man eats anyone unfortunate enough to get lost in the minotaur maze.
  • Drops: Ax Throw

Giant Boar

  • Hoglin on steroids.
  • The giant wild boar is created when Hoglin eats a poisonous potato outside the Nether.
  • Condiments: Wild Boar Ears, Wild Boar Ivory, Pork Ribs


  • The evil multi-headed snake, weak only to fire. One head will grow another if it’s not burned!
  • Spawns in Hydra Caves in the swamp, or when Cerastes is damaged by the Curse of Wrath.
  • Dropped items: Poison Spear, Poison Arrow


  • Queen of the Gorgons. Bigger, harder, more meaningful!
  • Rarely appears anywhere a Gorgon spawns, or when a Gorgon is struck by lightning.
  • Drops: Snake skin, tough snake skin, deadly fangs, gorgon blood

Nemean lion

  • Giant lion with arrow-proof skin. Do you dare to wrestle with this unforgiving beast?
  • Spawns in the desert in Lion Dens, or when an Ocelot with the Power potion effect is struck by lightning.
  • Drops: Nemean Lion Hide


  • A giant venomous snake found in abandoned holes in the jungle.
  • Drops: Snake skin, tough snake skin, deadly fangs


Baby Spider

  • Descendants of Arachne, found in her lair or in Web Balls.
  • Drops: wire, spider eyes


  • Horned snakes are found in the desert. If you’re quick, you can tame them with rabbit meat!
  • Drops: horn


  • Hostile one-eyed monsters spawn in mountains or in caves on the plains.
  • Drops: Copper nuggets, clubs


  • Half man, half horse, half… cow? These cursed centaurs will attack as soon as they see it
  • Drops: skin, arrow, horn


  • Snake monster with three deadly variants (red, green and brown)
  • Drops: snake skin and deadly fangs


  • Bloodthirsty vampire demons of careless players. Dies during the day, even without exposure to the sun.
  • Drops: stomach wings, stomach feathers


  • The harbinger of death found in the Nether
  • Drops: wings avernal


  • The cursed snake women are so terrifying that anyone who sees their faces will freeze in place, unable to move or even use items.
  • Item drop: Snake skin, gorgon blood


  • People who are half bird, half woman want to eat your guts.
  • Found in nests occurring in most biomes and rarely in deserts.
  • Drops: feathers or feathers

Mad cow

  • They are cows, but crazy!
  • Drops: beef, skin


  • The spirit of war, sent by Ares, can help or hurt the player.
  • Drops: nothing


  • Half human, half cow, these creatures will attack as soon as they see them.
  • Drops: skin, horn


  • Two-headed dog from the underworld. Can be tamed with feathered wings (released by Empusa and Fury)
  • Drops: Orthus head


  • Souls of the dead, steal your XP when you die. You must destroy it to get the XP back.
  • Drops: Experience


  • Half woman, half fish;
  • Don’t be fooled by their mesmerizing songs… keep your distance!
  • Drops: puffer fish

Stylish person

  • Wicked birds with razor-sharp plumage, found in swamps.
  • Drops: copper feathers

Neutral creatures:


  • Women are cursed to have their hearts turned to flint.
  • Drops: flint, flint knife


  • Miniature, faithful version of Talos.
  • Summoned by placing a copper block on top of an Ichor . Transmission


  • Half man, half horse, good at archery.
  • Paper deals for tasks.
  • Drops: skin, arrow


  • The spirit of the trees and the guardians of nature. Give them plants and seeds to trade.
  • Drops: wood, sticks, saplings, leaves
  • Beau The Moose’s Dryad/Naiad Texture


  • The gentle giant is found in the mountains. Be careful not to anger them – those clubs are not just for show.
  • Drops: Giant Head


  • The spirits of the underworld and the guardians of nature. Give them plants and seeds to trade.
  • Drops: stems, sticks, seedlings, leaves


  • Gentle guardians of rivers and oceans. Sometimes use trident.
  • Drops: cod, prismarine


  • Likes to have fun, play flute, dance fire;
  • The mage Satyr will summon wolves when they are attacked.
  • Drops: wild rose, sweet berry, panflute


  • Bone warriors will protect you to your last metaphorical breath.
  • Summons by planting dragon teeth (rarely breaks Bone blocks).
  • Drops: nothing

Triton and Tritoness

  • Friendly inhabitants of ocean villages. Likes to feed the dolphins. When in danger, a friendly guardian can be summoned to help.
  • Give them shards of amethyst and they might give you something in return!

Passive creatures:


  • A golden horse is rumored to be as fast as the sun. Give an enchanted golden apple to a tame horse to transform it.
  • Drops: skin, gold


  • “Hope” – trades ichor for diamonds but is only found (sometimes) inside this mysterious box.
  • Drops: nothing

Golden Ram

  • Special sheep can be gifted by Hera, or created by feeding a golden lamb with dragon’s breath.
  • When cutting: drop Golden Fleece


  • Winged horses playfully breed in the mountains.
  • Yes, you can ride it… if you can catch it!
  • You must hold a golden rein in order to ride and tame a steed.
  • Drops: feathers, skin


  • The horse has magical horns, immune to poison.
  • Catch it if you can!
  • You have to hold a golden bridge to ride and tame the unicorn.
  • Drops: Unicorn Horn


  • Benign water spirits are found in the oceans. Drop a Heart of the Sea nearby to summon Charybdis
  • Drops: Nothing

Item display:

You have access to monuments and special items from Greek history now.



Use to improve your favor with a god (only with RPG Gods installed)

How to receive:

  • Crafting a marble statue
  • With a golden item for Zeus,
  • Warts for Hades,
  • Kelp for Poseidon etc.
  • Place the statue and give it items

Mystery Box

  • Unless you really need to find an Elpis, don’t open this one.
  • How to get: surround one last pearl with plates on top and bottom and two gunpowder on either side
  • How to use: put the box on the ground and right click to open it. If you survive, there is a 60% chance that Elpis will appear.


  • Wooden statue that protects from damage by preventing monsters from spawning for a certain period
  • How to get: craft with logs, stone slabs, soul torches, and Talos Hearts
  • Copper block – craft with 9 copper ingots; used to craft Automaton, Talos and Bronze Bull

Ichor Transmission

Place this block and a copper block on top to summon your very own Automaton!

Terracotta vase

Store a stack of items

  • How to get: craft 3 terracotta blocks with the same shape as making a bucket. To add some color put 1 dye in the middle to !
  • Mob Heads – dropped by Orthus, Gigante and Cerberus; needed to summon some bosses.



  • Transmits the raw power of lightning
  • How to get: craft ichor and copper around an iron block
  • How to use: right click while holding the item and look at the target block. Configuration settings may require rain. Range: 64 blocks.

Wand of Circe

  • Magic wand that turns players into pigs
  • How to get: combine wild boar ears, diamonds, pork and sticks. Rarely abandoned by Circe.


  • Like the trident, is the weapon of the underworld.
  • How to get: Crafting fire rods, feathers and gold bars

Avernal Bow

  • Shoot rockets
  • How to get: Craft a bow with Avernal Hair instead of wire

Apollo’s Bow

  • Shoots double flaming arrows
  • How to get: Give Apollo’s Altar Bow Avernal Bow at level 10

Goddess Bow

  • Shoots three arrows at high speed
  • How to Get: Give Artemis Altar Bow Avernal Bow at level 10


  • Wood, stone and iron clubs create a powerful punch
  • How to get it: same as sword crafting recipe, but with logs instead of planks and planks instead of sticks. Can be upgraded with stone or iron block later.


  • Various spears can be thrown for ranged damage
  • How to get it: Craft 2 sticks, 2 ropes and a material

Greek Fire

  • Homemade incendiary grenades that can even ignite fires on water.
  • How to get: handmade terracotta vase, olive oil, gunpowder, and flaming hair.

Flint Knife

  • Ara’s tool of choice for betrayal. Deals less damage faster than a sword but.
  • How to get it: craft a flint on top of a stick.

Bronze Feather

  • Razor-sharp metal feathers that pierce armor when thrown.
  • How to get it: dropped by Stymphalian.


  • Not a great weapon. Careful timing is the key to throwing discs strong enough to deal damage
  • How to get: make music discs with copper ingots.

Legendary items:


  • As an enchanted golden apple, magical nectar has the same power.
  • How to get: combine flame powder, ichor, glowstone dust, honey bottle, and a horn. Also crashed by Geryon.

Horn of Plenty

  • “Abundant” excess food
  • How to get: combine a horn and some kind of food. Also crashed by Geryon.
  • How to use: right click while holding the item will give you 2-6 dishes

Dragon tooth

  • To summon skeleton warriors, using ancient relic.
  • How to get it: 8% chance to drop when breaking a bone block
  • How to use: throw them on the ground to “sow” an army of Spartans

Dragon Tooth Rod

  • Deals damage to mobs after hooking them (longer distance = more damage)
  • How to get: Crafted by combining scylla bones, golden chains and dragon teeth

Staff of Healing

  • Powerful relic that uses healing magic
  • How to get: craft by combining snake skin, grisly tears, sticks and a golden apple
  • How to use: right click to use healing spell. Remember, healing spells actually hurt immortal beings


  • Staff that flows milk and water. Use as a weapon in a pinch
  • How to get: Crafted with sticks, leaves, gold wire and pine cones
  • How to use: Hold an empty bucket or empty bottle in your hand and use the staff to refill it

Helm of Darkness

  • The legendary helmet that makes the wearer and their items invisible
  • How to get: crafting by combining Avernal Shard and Avernal Hide


  • Used to place water, sneak+use to get water
  • How to get: drop by Charybdis

Bag of Wind

  • Used to increase speed for a short time
  • How to get: Handcrafted leather, conch and feathers

Winged Sandals

  • Incredible speed and resilience
  • How to get: combine wind bag, feather, ichor and leather boots.

Useful items:


  • Can be useful to avoid the look of gorgons…
  • How to get: Craft 1 copper ingot and 1 glass box

Golden Reinde

  • Needed to capture and tame the Unicorn
  • How to get: manually by surrounding a lead with gold wire
  • How to use: sneak up to the Unicorn or Gallop while holding the Golden Rein in your main hand.

Unicorn Horn

  • Removes all negative effects and purifies the user.
  • How to get it: kill a unicorn. Monster name!
  • How to use: hold down the right mouse button to channel the purifying power of the unicorn.


  • Instrument used by the Satyrs
  • How to obtain: crafted with reeds, or rarely dropped by Satyrs


  • Musical instrument
  • How to get: wooden lyre crafted with sticks and strings; The golden lyre is crafted with gold bars and gold strings

Web Ball

  • A small web bundle that can contain items… or spider eggs
  • How to get: 10% chance to drop when breaking spider web

Olive oil

  • How to get: 3 olives in craft glass bottles
  • Usage: put on underwater or land then ignite. It can be used to craft Olive Salve for the ultimate experience.

Golden Sapling

  • Its leaves can contain golden apples!
  • How to get it: craft any sapling using dragon teeth.


  • A piece of paper with tips for defeating bosses and summoning creatures.
  • How to get it: give the paper to Centaur or find it in a chest.


Hellenic Armor

  • Provides arrow protection from the front but makes the player more vulnerable when shooting arrows from behind
  • How to get: crafted with copper and copper ingots and Ichor Transmission Gears (dropped by Bull Coins)

Snakeskin Armor

  • Enchanted with Poisoning, a creature poison that attacks the wearer
  • How to get: crafting with Tough Snakeskin and Snake Fang

Nemean Lion Hide

  • Provided for the purpose of protecting arrows from behind.
  • How to get: abandoned by Nemean Lion

Crafting ingredients:


  • A drop of blood bestowed by the gods
  • How to get it: open a mystery box and give a diamond to Elpis (sometimes) to appear. Also dropped by Talos and Bronze Bull.


  • Found in chests around the world and created by smelting copper scrap; Used to craft armor and summon bosses. Sometimes crashed by cyclos.


  • Dropped by horned creatures (Minotaur, Cerastes, Cyprian); used to create Ambrosia

Avernal Feather

  • Dropped by Harpy (or found in their nest); used to create Winged Sandals


  • Dropped by Gorgons; used to make a Healing Scepter or brew to create a Reflect Potion.

Snakeskin Tough

  • Dropped by Medusa and Pythons; to craft Snakeskin Armor as needed.

Deadly Fang

  • Dropped by Python; required to craft Snakeskin Armor

Avernal Shards

  • Required for Helm of Darkness and dropped by Fury.

Talos Heart

  • Dropped by Talos; necessary for Palladium

Avernal Claw

  • Dropped by Orthus; can be crafted with a book to get sharp charms.

Wild Rose

  • When placed, will effect Absorb and drop by Satyrs; crafted with a purpose book that has the Hunting enchantment. Items with Hunting have a chance to kill most animals instantly.

Avernal Hide

  • Required for Helm of Darkness and dropped by Cerberus; to get the Fire Protection enchantment can be crafted with a book.

Avernal Wing

  • Dropped by Fury and Empusa; used to tame Orthus when needed.

Ichor Infused Gear

  • Dropped by Bronze Bull; used to make Achilles Armor.

Avernal Hair

  • Dropped by Empusa; used to craft the Golden Necklace and Cursed Bow


  • Fallen from the leaves of Olives; used to make Olive Oil and Olive Oil

Scylla Bone

  • Dropped by Scylla; needed to craft Dragon Tooth Bar

Structure introduction:

You may come across small structures during your travels, some more interesting than others. Here is a complete list:

  • Forest Spirit Camp: home of the forest gods in the forest
  • Camp Ara: the abode of the Ara outcasts
  • Centaur Camp: the abode of the centaurs of the plains
  • Small shrines: maybe they have spoils?
  • Harpy Nest: good place to find magical feathers…and of course the harp
  • Pits – found in the woods and home to a deadly python… and possibly some treasure?
  • Lion Den: a small hole found in the desert and home to the Nemean Lion
  • Arachne Pit: Arachne’s underground marble lair and her spawning ground
  • Hydra Lair: the swampy hill inhabited by a dangerous Hydra
  • Cyclopes Cave: found in the plains and usually inhabited by a grumpy Cyclopes and his flock of sheep
  • Minotaur Labyrinth: represented by 4 small buildings with stairs leading to the winding corridors below
  • Ocean Village : inhabited by tritons and tritoness, found in most oceans (rarely with ducts)
  • Camp Gigante: the “small” home for Gigante, found in the mountains and grasslands
  • Harpy Grove: clusters of dead trees and nests of harpy in the desert and barren land
  • Olive tree: found in birch and forest biomes
  • Pomegranate: the dangerous plant of the underworld… is it worth the risk?
  • Limestone and marble: used to make ornate columns and statues

Other additions:

Drug effects:

  • Stunned: prevents the player from moving, jumping or using items for a short time. Check the configuration to change this.
  • Petrified: similar to stun but more terrifying
  • Reflection: grants immunity to Gorgon’s gaze attacks.
  • Curse of Circe: turns the player into a pig.
  • Prisoner of Hades: when eating pomegranate seeds, traps the player in the Nether
  • Slow Swim: caused by a siren to reduce the player’s swimming speed.


  • Overstep: applied to boots; eliminates the need to jump onto single blocks.
  • Hunting: applies to axes and swords; have a chance to instantly kill fertile animals like cows, pigs, sheep, wolves, etc.
  • Smashing: on clubs dropped by Geryon will find them. Smash and stun enemies.
  • Reflection: applies to shields; immune to Gorgon’s gaze attacks.
  • Bane of Serpents: deals extra damage to snake-like monsters.
  • Sparks: apply to lightning bolts by sending them to the Altar of Zeus at level 10; cause an explosion when lightning is summoned.
  • Lord of the Seas: apply to tridents by inserting them into the Altar of Poseidon at level 10; Summons a powerful Vortex by left clicking while looking into a body of water.
  • Advanced: applies to bidders by placing them in the Altar of Hades at level 10; summons a short-lived but loyal Spartan warrior.
  • Fly: apply to Winged Sandals by sending them to the Altar of Hermes at level 10; allows flight in creative style.
  • Dawn: apply to clocks by taking them to the Altar of Apollo at level 10; use an enchanted clock that turns night into day.
  • Silkstep: applies to boots; the enchanted book dropped by Arachne; allows to walk through cobwebs without hindrance.


Here is a link to the wiki with more information and examples about data plan support. The example data pack can be downloaded from the wiki or the “Additional Files” section of the Forge download.


The configuration file for this mod gives modpack creators a lot of control over the mod. Customizable options include special item abilities, potion and enchantment effects, mob/biomes spawn chance, mob special attacks, and structure/biomes creation chance.

Mystery box:

The mystery box uses .mcfunction files to decide what happens when they are opened. This means that a datapack can add .mcfunction files and they will also be used. The files should be located at “data/[namespace]/functions/mysterious_box/[function_name].mcfunction”. See wiki for details.


Songs that can be played on panflute or pan are loaded over a data plan. Users can add their own songs in JSON format and save as “data/[namespace]/songs/[song_name].json”. The JSON file must specify the name and attribution (or translation key), the interval between each beat, the total number of beats, and one or two note ranges to play (from 0-24 where 0 means “no notes”). See wiki for details.


Quests found in chests or given by Centaur can use custom data packs. Users can add their own tasks in JSON format and save it as “data/[namespace]/quests/[quest_name].json”. The JSON file must specify a description and elements (or translation keys). See wiki for details.

Update History

Version Date Size
1.19.2 Oct 21, 2022 3.5 MB
1.19.1 Aug 28, 2022 3.2 MB
1.18.2 Oct 7, 2022 3.4 MB
1.16.5 Mar 1, 2021 2.3 MB
1.16.4 Nov 25, 2020 1.3 MB

Greek Fantasy is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list


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Current Owner: Skyjay1
