Discover a new guide for Leather Works Mod Wiki. Leather Works Mod allows players to create skins using Rotten Meat dropped by zombies. Usually, Rotten Meat is considered by many to be the most useless item because it has no function other than consumption.
However, eating Rotten Meat is also harmful to your health due to the food being rancid, so most players only throw this Meat away after they defeat a zombie. However, with Leather Craft, these items can now be preserved to Smelt for Normal Leather, which is more useful in terms of crafting, usage, and many other methods.
Players may even find themselves with a full skin early in the game as they will have to fight quite a few zombies throughout their journey. Remember to keep your Rotten Meats from now on as they could be worth it.
Mod type:
Leather Works Mod Wiki
Leather Works is a series of mods designed and also the first mod to:
- Overhaul of crafting areas
- Expansion of crafting areas
- Various additions in Minecraft.
It is designed to:
- Become the middle ground between semi-realism and Simplicity
- Also blends nicely with Vanilla Minecraft.
- There are lots of pictures and full recipe instructions in the pictures section.
- Specific numbers are listed below.
First you will need a hidden number. Go kill an animal with the weapon you carry.
Leather Works currently supports:
- Rawhide
- Leather for Cows
- Pig
- Horse
- Wolf
- Polar bears
- Mooshroom
- Rabbit
- La
- Deceive
- Llamas
After you have some hiding places, the next thing you need is a flint.
Craft flint with raw skin to get prepared skin. Next, you’ll need some tannin. Tannins are now found in the bark. Holding Shift, right click on a flint log to scrape off some bark. This has a random chance each tick. Now manually peel the same kind to get a ball of tannin.
Different types of trees will require different amounts of bark.
Now you need to clean the prepared skin in water. This can be done in a barrel, world or cauldron. The barrel is very similar to the cauldron but is made in a U-shape of planks. You’ll need to soak them in a tannin solution to preserve and darken them, after you’ve washed the hides. With more uses in other mods, same in series. Right click on a bucket of water with a tannin ball and use washed skin on it. Note that you will get 3 uses per crate.
For mid-game iron-limited mods or packs, the crates will quickly fill up with rainwater and can also be added or withdrawn with a glass bottle.
Craft a Drying Rack and dry your soaked skin. After a while, you’ll get the skin… unless it’s rotten!
Repairable leather armor:
Most people don’t use leather armor because converting to iron usually only takes a few minutes. Since the mod developer plans to change that in another mod, they have provided you with repairable leather armor!
When your armor is normally damaged, it will instead become tattered leather armor. When this happens, if you have enchantments they will be transferred but there is a chance that they will level down or disappear if it is a level 1 enchantment. Torn leather armor does not protect. To repair your armor, all you need to do is craft a leather repair kit, with the armor tattered and it will repair some durability.
This also works with dyed and named armor.
Crafting ingredients:
Intermediate items for internal use as well as modpack makers.
Parchment: A 2×2 leather and wire alternating will create a pelt. This is for use in some larger leather formulations.
Leather Bands: Leather bands are used to bind items together.
You know what a package does. These packs cost more and are smaller than some other mods. They are meant to be simple and no frills.
Packages are crafted like so:
Packages can be colored and named and will eventually support pulling from and pouring into containers. Packages can also be dyed and bleached with a bucket of water or a cauldron.
There is also an Ender pack that simply accesses your Ender chest, crafted as follows:
Skin Chest:
- Chests are handcrafted like chests but with leather panels.
- They’re an easy way to color code your inventory, and unlike chests, they don’t mind being next to each other.
Closed box:
- For the builders out there, using a wooden pressure plate on the barrel creates a sealed crate. They can be rotated and used for decoration. You can
- also craft a laminate with a barrel or use it in a barrel recipe.
I plan on having a very detailed config file, so please let me know if you want something configurable!
- The buckets will take all fillWithRain() ticks to raise the water level.
- Bins should work with comparator
- You can wash leather armor, worn leather armor and packed in a bucket of water.
- Polar bears and pigs drop 0-2 to hide without luck. Wolves lost 0-1.
- From entities that Leather Works replaces all skins drop support, so skin drop mods will increase the skin drop rate.
- Each time marking, scraping the bark has a success rate of 1/20
- When wearing leather armor, it has a 1/3 chance to reduce enchantments by 1 level, per enchantment. Level 1 enchantments are removed at once.
- Repair worn leather/leather armor, each pack adds 20 durability points
- Drying the leather has a 5% chance of it breaking down and causing it to rot again.
- Dry skin takes 60 seconds
- 2 oak or spruce bark form 2 tannins, 1 acacia or black oak makes 2, 4 birch or 3 forest bark also form 2 pellets.
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.12.2 | Apr 6, 2019 | 413.09 KB |
Leather Works is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to Minecraft Mods list
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Current Owner: cleverpanda714