Mine Mine no Mi Mod

54 Category: Adventure and RPG

Discover a new guide for Mine Mine no Mi Mod at MC Wiki. Mine Mine no Mi Mod is a very cool mod for Minecraft, it brings many aspects of One Piece anime into your game world. This mod has added about 22 Devil Fruits from both Anime and Manga.

Mine Mine no Mi Wiki

Additional mobs such as:

  • Marines
  • Pirates


  • Ship
  • Temple

Some basic weapons like:

  • Pistol
  • Sword.

There are also many other things added to aid players in their sea adventures.

Mod Type:


World Gen


Mine Mine no Mi Wiki

Devil fruit

Devil Fruits are mystical fruits that can be found and collected around the world. When you eat them, these fruits are like a panacea, granting the consumer superhuman strength. What this power is also depends on the type of fruit you find (because each fruit also has a different power index).

Anime and mods share very little, which is the difference here, regarding Devil Fruit abilities. Up to this point, Mine Mine no Mi
As the developer continues to add to its Devil Fruit inventory, with each update and we bring to the network the latest information as it becomes available.

All Devil Fruits are found in a box, there are 3 types of boxes. Level 1, 2 and 3.

  • Level 1: contains “weak” paramecias,
  • Level 2: is stronger and Tier 3 has all types of logias and zoans.
  • Level 3: found only on large ocean liner.

(Level 1-2: found on small navy/pirate ships while )

For those who do not know about one piece and wonder, the basic of each type of devil fruit is that each type has a certain ability that applies to all.
Players in the Logia-type Minecraft world cannot take damage except for Busoshoku Haki, along with other Logia-type attacks, and Kairoseki. The most unexpected feature is the type of loggia that can fly.

The main strength of the Paramecia types is to manipulate objects or concepts around them to create a series of attacks. The rarest type, as well as the least number of mods, is the zoan type with the ability to transform the user’s body into an animal form.

The current paramecia, loggia and zoan counts are as follows:

  • Coefficient: 22
  • Logia:10
  • Zoan:3


  • Kairoseki or Seastone is a commonly found ore.
  • With six ores per block available to the player, if held by a Devil Fruit user, you will not be able to use your powers.
  • In addition, it has a special feature that can be crafted into Kairoseki blocks and Kairoseki bullets.
  • Shooting a Devil Fruit user with a Kairoseki bullet will cause them to take damage, regardless of whether they are loggia or not.
  • Kairoseki is very similar to Busoshoku no Haki, in that items made of it will attack the user of the loggia.

Busoshoku no Haki

  • Busoshoku no Haki is destroyed

Haoshoku no Haki

  • Haoshoku Haki is one of their three main haki. It slows everything down, including you, so they can’t move.


  • Devil Fruit’s passive will no longer be active when the user holds kairoseki in their inventory
  • Haki-affected abilities now deal increased damage in proportion to the player’s experience in that particular haki type
  • Abilities now reward more accurate haki exp than previous versions. With their respective categories based on their type.
  • Some new animations and improved visual effects
  • Players can now toggle battle bars in the ability list UI using the same key combination
  • Suna and Shadow Blocks are made from Abilities, but will now change their collision based on whether the entity stepping on them has the ability instead of their left. This means you can use /ability with the black hole without getting stuck in it after the first use
  • All Zoans have increased defense, the increase varies between zoan types but in general the Ancient / Dinosaur series has the highest defense increase.
  • Walling abilities now create walls in 8 directions instead of just 4

Haki Ability

Busoshoku Haki: Emission

  • Allows the user to hit enemies from a distance while also repelling them

Busoshoku Haki: Passive of Destruction

  • Allows the user to bypass protective armor by having their haki pierce an enemy’s body dealing passive damage

Haki Conqueror

  • Doubles the user’s target’s unconscious duration
  • At max level, it will also randomly destroy magnetic blocks around the user

Haoshoku Haki: Transmission

  • Allows the user to imbue Haoshoku Haki into their weapons and fists, greatly increasing their damage.

Kenbunshoku Haki: Aura

  • The time limit was set to 2 minutes, and its ability to overuse haki was removed. The more you use it, the longer its cooldown will be.

Enhanced Haki Mastery

Previous abilities like Full Body Enhance will only deal 1% of the base damage that Enhance will deal, to keep them balanced and useful, starting now once the player has reached Master regarding the Enhance haki, they will be able to use Full Body Enhance and Emission at full power of the base Hardening while keeping their respective individual rewards

Mine Mine no Mi Mod New Freature

Ito Ito no Mi


  • Raise the first projectile slightly so as not to block the first person view
  • Increases spread of 5 falling bullets to cover a larger area (6 blocks range instead of 1.5)

Jiki Jiki no Mi


  • Turns into a Continuous ability similar to Pushback

Moku Moku no Mi

  • White Launcher: Can be controlled now
  • Launched white & smoke scissors: Increase the range of both abilities from 40 to 100 blocks
  • White Out: Renamed White Blow

White Grab:

  • Rename to White Out
  • Increase its duration from 5 to 7 seconds

Pika Pika no Mi

  • Light acceleration: Now fires a projectile like Amaterasu if the user punches in the air, the projectile deals 40 damage with 50% armor penetration.

Hie Hie no Mi

Ice Age:

  • Cooldown increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds
  • Reduced freezing time of all enemies in its radius from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

Nikyu Nikyu no Mi

Nikyu Push (New):

  • Allows users to propel themselves in the direction they are looking at with incredible speed

Relieve pain (New):

  • Extract all the damage their target takes and condense it into a small foot-shaped ball
  • The ball can then be used as a bullet that deals damage equal to the pain its owner suffers.

Ursus Shock:

  • Increases its destruction area from 25 to 55
  • Reduced charging time from 17 seconds to 7 seconds
  • Increase its speed (this also has the effect of not reducing its speed to absolute crawl after 5 blocks)

Pad Ho:

  • Bullets will now pierce armor and entities


  • Updated its code and increased the distance it sends to the target (can cause jitter when the target is sent in a chunk that doesn’t load until said fragment loads)

Tsuppari Pad Ho:

  • Cooldown improved from 7 seconds to 15 seconds
  • Reduced the number of bullets each repeater will fire from 6 to 3
  • Can only be used on the ground now

Goro Goro no Mi


  • Turn into chargeable with 2 seconds charge time
  • Reduce its max distance to 32 blocks

Bara Bara no Mi

  • Immunity to Slash Ito’s Torikago ability has been extended, Bara user now has the ability to freely walk through the birdcage.

Ope Ope no Mi

Gamma Knife will now appear as an item in the hand that needs to be used to deal damage instead of the previous very short range projectile (like any other ability that creates a sword is just a skill). This function is used once and then turns on and cools down.)

Yami Yami no Mi

  • Ender Pearls can now bypass Darkness Blocks
  • The shadow block will now gradually fade away over time (I tried to optimize this but in the end this means the destruction will spread out, the whole area will disappear completely in about 10 minutes) , however large arrays start appearing around 4-5 minutes)


  • Will now drag targets towards the user instead of teleporting them
  • Dragged entities will still be able to use the item/skill until they are about 5 blocks away from the player, at which point the previously unusable bug will be triggered.

Kage Kage no Mi

  • Taking a shadow from someone now deals more damage to them before being burned in the sun

Kira Kira no Mi

  • Diamond body: Its defense buff
  • Brilliant punk: Damage increased from 15 to 25

Suna Suna no Mi

  • New “Dehydration” effect for Suna’s skills instead of Hunger, which more or less works like hunger except it can be cured by drinking, each drink reduces 1 point (so if you have Loss water 2 and drink 1 bottle of cola, congratulations you’ve just been dehydrated 1). More stacks means faster dehydration.
  • Barjan: Grants 3 stacks of Dehydration for ~10 seconds
  • The Encierro Desert: Grants 4 stacks Dehydrate for ~15 seconds

Gasu Gasu no Mi

Koro (New):

  • Removes all poisons from nearby allies
  • It removes all harmful effects from allies, if used while Shinokuni is active.
  • Karakuni: User can now move freely while activating this ability
  • Gastille: Increases its base damage from 30 to 50

Green sword:

  • Turn into an item + passive, you need to buy that item from a merchant to use the ability
  • Get a fire zone effect when right-clicking on it, burning blocks and entities within a 10 block radius

Nagi Nagi no Mi

  • Redo it for the 5th time, this time go easy and classy with it
  • Stop all chat messages sent in the silent zone (30 blocks)
  • Stop all sounds made in the silent zone no matter who made it
  • Will now completely ignore Oto’s abilities while active

Doa Doa no Mi

  • Door Door: Can now be used on the Y axis but only on the positive (this means you can also go through the ceiling but not the floor)
  • Air Door: Will now stop all processed abilities to avoid charging possibilities made after Air Door is started

Sara Sara no Mi, Model Axolotl

  • Updated palette selection formula to make other color variations a bit more popular
  • Updated the gold versions of both axolotl models to more closely resemble the vanilla palette

Swordsman Abilities

Shi Shishi Sonson:

  • Changed to the ability to be able to charge for 1 second
  • Now teleports to the destination instead of rushing towards it
  • Deals damage to all who stand in its way.
  • Increased damage from 15 to 30

O Tatsumaki:

  • Changed to 3-second continuous ability (basically spin to win)
  • It can now attack all enemies near it every second when it’s active
  • Slightly increased its range from 4.5 blocks to 5.5 blocks
  • Damage increased from 15 to 20 (per second when activated)
  • Yakkodori: Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Sanbyakurokuju British Pound: Damage increased from 25 to 30

Hiryu: Kaen

  • Cooldown reduction from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
  • Damage increased from 18 to 20

Brawler Abilities

Genkotsu Meteor:

  • Cannon bullet damage increased from 9 to 15
  • Can also be used when holding Cannonballs in your bare hands

Spinning Brawl: Damage increased from 20 to 30

Suplex: Damage increased from 6 to 20

Hakai Ho: Damage increased from 10 to 20

Blackleg Ability

  • Football course against Manner: Damage reduction from 25 to 15
  • Diable Jambe: Reduced usable time from 40 seconds to 30 seconds

Sniper ability

  • Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi: Now applies a DoT (damage over time) effect to the target instead of the entire cactus trade
  • Repatsu Namari Boshi: Damage increased from 9 to 15
  • Tokuyo Abura Boshi: Now applies “Oil Cover” to targets causing them to explode when exposed to fire, puddles of oil on the ground unchanged

Tetsu Boshi:

  • Increase damage dealt by spikes from 1 to 3
  • Also, they have a 50% chance to slow enemies when stepping on

Kaen Boshi:

  • Transform into Hi no Tori Boshi
  • Damage increased from 8 to 25
  • Increases its bullet size indirectly by turning its model into a bird instead of a bullet

Weather art

  • Thunder Lance Tempo: Significantly increases its damage and causes it to deal damage to all entities in the path of the thunder
  • Lightning speed: Damage increased from 10 to 40
  • Storm Tempo: Damage increased from 20 to 60

Ability Item

Gun array: Will now correctly use both Kairoseki and Normal ammo, depending on which was found first in the user’s inventory

Mine Mine no Mi Mod Items & Blocks

  • Belly Pouch texture now changes at 1000 and 5000 belly instead of 100 and 500
  • Rewritten how Swordsman and haki rewards are displayed in item tooltips to avoid confusion
  • Damage reduction for nearly all melee weapons by 1-3, this puts swordsmen and gladiators/black-legged users a little closer in total damage when taking into account the new haki types.
  • All gun items now zoom in and out like a bow and arrow, Senriku zooms in bigger and faster than regular pistols
  • Increases the durability of all cigar items from 200 to 1000 and increases the duration of Three Cigars.
  • Cannons will react to redstone and signaling blocks (such as buttons or removable buttons)


  • Reduced its cooldown from 1.25 seconds to 1 second and reload cooldown from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
  • Increases its bullet speed from 4 to 6
  • Increases its damage multiplier from 2 to 2.5
  • Its gunpowder capacity increased from 2 to 4

Mine Mine no Mi Mod is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to Minecraft Mods list

Update History

Version Date Size
1.16.5 Dec 10, 2022 15.91 MB
1.15.2 Jul 31, 2021 11.80 MB
1.14.4 Dec 14, 2019 12.35 MB
1.7.1 Mar 1, 2018 10.87 MB


Mine Mine no Mi Screenshot 1 Mine Mine no Mi Screenshot 2 Mine Mine no Mi Screenshot 3 Mine Mine no Mi Screenshot 4 Mine Mine no Mi Screenshot 5

Download Links

Download from Curseforge Server

Current Owner: WyndFTWz
