Mystical World Wiki is a content mod (for 1.12.2, 1.14.4 & 1.15.2, although the latter two are a bit behind in terms of content), providing the backbone for projects like Roots, and many more. Moreover! It adds more creatures (pictured above), as well as metals and gems (copper, silver, and amethyst, for now), and other mechanics that try to stay as close to vanilla as possible while still providing the Interesting and unique alternatives.

As shown above, from left to right, Magic World adds the following creatures:
Owl! They are not yet tameable, but may become so in the future.
Silkworm! Get silkworm eggs (Silkworm eggs) by breaking leaves. Each egg has a chance to spawn a silkworm when used, and over time these worms will develop and produce silkworm cocoons (silk cocoon) that can be directly converted to silk () or processed. by the axis of rotation () to create more! A good, early alternative method to get the string. They cannot be bred.
Deer come in three varieties – no, stag (with antlers()) and giraffes, with their lovely red nose!They also drop venison () when killed, possibly cooked (), as well as the occasional skin drop They can be crossed with wheat.
Lava cats, as the name might suggest, are cats created from lava! They are rarely found in the Nether, where they can be tamed and bred similar to Ocelots (with the same waiting mechanics) using the fire bar(), then they will follow you faithfully as a wolf and fight even more fierce! In their lava form, they deal fire damage, while exposing them to water will turn them into obsidian form, where they will move slower but hit significantly harder. Lava cats take reduced magic damage, while obsidian cats take reduced physical damage; both forms are immune to damage from their owners.
Beetles are back in a more compact, shoulder-friendly size! They can be tamed with melon seeds and crossbred with melon slices. Tamed bugs can be right-clicked to attach them to your shoulder (see below). When killed, they have a chance to release apricot().
Frogs are like chickens in that they regularly “lay” greasy balls () and have a chance to drop when killed. They can also be bred with brown mushrooms ().
Foxes are wild animals that, when untamed, are savage killers of rabbits and chickens. They can be tamed and crossed with apples () and when tamed they will become loyal guardians, similar to wolves. When killed, they will drop pellets () that can combine to form skins.
Enderminis are found uncommonly in The End, where they are a neutral, non-attacking creature that, like their larger cousins, will still rage if you look at them too closely. If you successfully kill them, they have a chance to drop unripe gems () which can be used to randomly teleport or combine to form the ultimate rune.
Sprouts are back in four different flavors! Purple sprouts like aubergine(), tan sprouts have a chance to drop potatoes (), red sprouts have a chance to drop beets () and lastly, green sprouts have a chance to drop melons ().
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Mystical World Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Mystical World Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods