MrTJPCore Mod

55 Category: API and Library

MrTJPCore Mod Wiki is a useful basic library that all Mr_TJP mods use. Obviously, it contributes significantly to the smooth operation of other mods in Minecraft.


Wiki about MrTJPCore mod

There’s no denying the popularity of core mods. It not only supports other mods but also helps players save their time a lot. It won’t take you many hours to solve the mods.

And so is this mod. As mentioned above, this mod usually appears in the “required” section of the settings. It will help you maximize resources and can support multiple mods at the same time. Since it can enhance your experience when playing Minecraft.

Now you will no longer spend hours dealing with mods. Instead, you just need to install this core and it will help you run others with ease.

Of course, since this is a support mod, it will not have any effect when personally installed into Minecraft. The mods it supports often use the same code structure. To reduce the file size, save more time and optimize everything, the author has incorporated this code into the MrTJPCore.

Some features of MrTJPCore mod

Here are some useful features that you should not miss when using the mod:

  • The mod provides players with common code and APIs in the programming architecture of other “satellite” mods.
  • This library exploits and removes redundant code in its programming process. This is how modders bind players when they want to use their achievements.
  • It is this working mechanism that helps this mod optimize file size and reduce file size.
  • These settings will vary depending on the operating system or IDE you use. However, this only affects if you know how to run Gradle commands on your system.
  • Common commands you can use include: clone the repository to an empty directory. Run the ./gradlew command, open the IDE with the files you’ve created, and run and edit the new code.

If you want to enjoy a complete collection of different gadgets. Or simply want to make things much easier when you start creating different mods. You need to install the MrTJPCore mod.


Minecraft Forge


MrTJPCore Mod Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.10.2

For Minecraft 1.11.2

For Minecraft 1.12.2
