Origins Mod

54 Category: Adventure and RPG

Discover a new guide for Origins Mod Wiki. Origins Mod allows players to choose their race, where they come from, and their past. You can explore the world without being just an ordinary Steve;

Origins Minecraft Mod Wiki

Instead, you can choose between many new races from:

  • Arachnid
  • Avian
  • Feline
  • Merling
  • Blazeborn
  • Phantom.

Each of these new races has a new trait, whether useful or completely useless. They still serve as an immersive aspect to further improve the player’s ability to integrate.


Start your journey as a whole new human, taking on new challenges using your new-found strengths and weaknesses to conquer the world of Minecraft. Don’t be afraid to be something special, something completely different to make your game a little more interesting.

  • Avian needs to sleep on high, can’t eat meat, and is much more agile.
  • Arachnids have the ability to climb and create webs for hostile mobs that attack them.
  • Cats do not take damage when falling and can jump very high.
  • Merling can swim fast and breathe underwater.
  • Blazeborn spawn in the Nether and are immune to fire.
  • Phantom can teleport through walls.
  • You can press G to activate your powers.

Origins Mod Wiki


Origins SMP members will:

  • Choose an origin when joining
  • This enhances the gameplay
  • By giving players negative and helpful attributes.

The main origin comes from the Origins mod. Other sources are from custom and existing add-ons, many of which can be found in the References section.

Origins Mod Wiki

Here is a list of all the sources, their features and the description that appear on the screen from the mod. Possibility of italics written by fans for clarification.


An ordinary person. Your normal Minecraft experience awaits.



  • Avians have long since lost the ability to fly. it can be seen gliding from place to place.


  • Featherweight class: You fall to the ground as light as a feather, unless you’re sneaking.
  • Tailwind: You walk a little faster than others.
  • Ovaries: Whenever you wake up in the morning, you lay an egg.


  • Fresh air: When sleeping, your bed needs to be at least 86 degrees above sea level so you can breathe in fresh air.
  • Vegetarians: You can’t digest any kind of meat.



  • The Elytrians often flew in the wind, they were uncomfortable with not having enough space above their heads.


  • Winged: You have Elytra wings without equipping any wings.
  • Gift of the Winds: Every 60 seconds, you can launch about 20 blocks into the air.
  • Air Warrior: You deal significantly more damage while in the air.


  • Mobility needs: You cannot wear any heavy armor.
  • Claustrophobia: Being somewhere with a low ceiling for too long makes you weaker and slower.
  • Brittle bones: You take more damage when falling and flying in a block.



  • Shulk’s body is equipped with a protective shell and it is like a skin, it is related to Shulkers,


  • Hoarder: You have access to 9 additional inventory slots, which help keep items after death.
  • Strong skin: Even without armor, your skin still has a natural defense.
  • Strong arm: You are strong enough to break natural rock without using a pickaxe.


  • Difficult to use: The way your hand is formed there is no way to keep the shield upright.
  • Excessive appetite: You burn out much faster than others, thus requiring you to eat more.

The Enderians


  • Born to the Ender Dragon, the Ender have the ability to teleport but are susceptible to the effects of water.


  • Teleport: Whenever you want, you can throw an end gem that does no damage, allowing you to teleport.
  • Slender body: You can reach further entities and blocks.


  • Hydrophobia: You take damage over time when exposed to water.
  • Fear of gourds: You are afraid of pumpkins, for a good reason.



  • These natural inhabitants of the ocean are not used to being out in the water for too long.


  • Gills: You can’t breathe on land, but you can breathe underwater.
  • Wet eyes: Your vision underwater is perfect.
  • Fin: Your underwater speed is increased.
  • Like water: When in water, you don’t sink to the ground unless you want to.


  • Gills: You can’t breathe on land, but you can breathe underwater. When it rains, you can get out of the water for a short period of time.



  • Blaze’s late descendant, Blazeborn is naturally immune to the dangers of the Nether.


  • Fire Immunity: All types of fire damage, You are completely immune to them.
  • Burning Rage: When on fire, you deal extra damage with your attacks.
  • Warm-blooded: Due to your hot body, venom is burned, making you immune to poison and starvation status effects.


  • Nether Dweller: Your natural spawn will be in the Nether.
  • Hydrophobia: You take damage over time when exposed to water.



  • Being half-human and half-ghost beings, they can switch between Phantom and normal form.


  • Translucent: Your skin is translucent.
  • Ghost Form: You can optionally switch between human form and ghost form, but only if you are saturated enough to sprint.
  • Divergence: During virtualization, you can go through solid material, except Obsidian and bedrock.
  • Stealth: During virtualization, you are invisible.


  • Light allergy: You start burning during the day if you’re not invisible.
  • Fast metabolism: Being demonized makes you hungry.
  • Fragile: You have 3 hearts less health than humans.



  • With their cat-like appearance, the cats are frightened by fear. With the ingenuity of cats, they always land safely on their feet.


  • Acrobatics: You never take damage when you fall, no matter what height you fall from.
  • Strong ankles: By jumping while sprinting, you can jump higher.
  • Velvet feet: Your footsteps don’t cause any vibrations that can be picked up by nearby life forms.
  • Cat-like appearance: Creepers will only explode if you attack them first and they are also very scared to meet you.
  • Nocturnal: You can see a little in the dark when not in the water.


  • Nine lives: You have a stronger heart than a human.
  • Weak arm: You can only mine natural stones if there are at most 2 other natural stones adjacent to it and when not under the effect of a power-up potion.

Add-on origins

Here is a list of all the sources, their features and the description that appear on the screen from the mod. Possibility of italics written by fans for clarification.



  • become a fox


  • Invisibility Fox: After standing still for a few seconds, you will be camouflaged.
  • Pounce: You make a big jump towards the side you are facing. You also deal more damage while falling. This ability consumes half the hunger bar.
  • Light body: Your small frame delivers less weight, making it easier for you to move and jump at the expense of less overall health.
  • Mighty Mouth: You can carry several items in your mouth! You can access this bag using your secondary lock.
  • Scram!: Whenever your health drops below 4 hearts, you get a little speed boost.
  • Tumbling: You never take damage when falling, no matter what height you fall from.
  • Nocturnal: You have night vision when not in the water.
  • Berry Craver: Berries add 1 hunger point.


  • Fast Metabolism: A tiny body that does amazing moves that requires huge amounts of food!
  • Difficult to use: The way your hand is formed there is no way to keep the shield upright.
  • Smaller Heart: Due to its smaller size, your heart is smaller so you have 4 hearts less.



  • Part human, part slime. Very uncomfortable to the touch.


  • Slimy Skin: You have slimy green translucent skin.
  • Bouncy: You bounce on any block, it’s like you jump on Slime Block
  • Break Apart: When hit, you have a small chance to spawn small slimes.
  • Improved Leap: Your slime legacy gives you an improved leap at the cost of reduced movement speed.
  • Fragmentation: When others die, you shrink to half your size. (Twice in a lifetime)
  • Melt: When hit, you will drop a slime ball to the ground.
  • [Main] Bounce: You make a big jump in the direction you are facing.


  • Large appetite: You burn out much faster than others, thus requiring you to eat more.
  • Slimy: You get burned when the weather is too hot.

Starborne 2.0


  • Born of the stars, you are a nonviolent, star-obsessed, mysterious, and potentially powerful entity that has fallen from the stars into the cubic world we inhabit.
  • See this page for a general Starborne lore overview.


  • Star Wanderers: When the night comes, you can’t sleep. You love going out at night, gazing and admiring the beautiful stars.
  • Speedy Star [Primary]: You can concentrate your star energy to help you achieve mediocre velocity and create a circle of stars behind you to throw others too close into the air.
  • Star Drop: You can Drop Stars on enemies every 30 seconds, when hitting someone, summon fireworks that deal damage to them.
  • Cosmic Warp [Secondary + Shift]: You can teleport 20 blocks you’re looking for with a cooldown of 6 seconds.
  • Shooting Star [Secondary]: You can shoot a beam of stars to deal 10 damage with a cooldown of 6 seconds.
  • Born from the stars: At night when you can observe the stars, the universe grants you a mysterious power that leads to the ability to regenerate and accelerate with the same gravity as the moon unless you sneaky.
  • Star Guardian [Dragon Slayer]: Slay the dragon of The End, you are now a Guardian of the Stars, granting you the star-forged weapon [Blade Of The Stars].


  • Supernova: All the collected stellar energy you’ve accumulated during your time in the stars needs to go somewhere. So whenever you meet your death you will explode in a Great Supernova if you are not sneaky however you will need contact with the stars to recharge that energy .
  • Refrigerator: You’re used to the frigid environment of space so fire isn’t something you’re used to, which results in you taking twice as much damage from all fire-related sources.
  • Starwatcher: You just love to look at the stars, and when you’re not in contact with them, you’ll be a bit sad and will move a little slower.
  • The Unknown Realm of the Star – In the realm without the stars, the Nether and The End. You suffer in worlds without stars, you deal less damage, move slower, and have less hearts
  • Nonviolence: In the great abyss of space, violence is uncommon if you even come across someone in the first place, which results in you having a small chance of being immobilized when taking damage.



  • An incredibly small human subspecies. They take advantage of their size to evade predators and navigate small spaces. (Transferred to data packet by Slayer)


  • Agility: You are immune to spikes and velocity-based damage.
  • Small cravings: You need less food to keep going.
  • Climbing: You can climb any type of wall, not just ladders.
  • Sugar Lover: As a tiny creature, you LOVE sugar and can eat it to create a sugar rush in which you will move faster and vibrate with joy.


  • Bite Size: 4 times smaller than the average human, 5 fewer hearts, 0.5 more attack speed, 1 less build range and 0.25 less attack range.



  • An animal that has the ability to jump higher, move faster, picky metabolism and weaker health.


  • Jump: You jump in the direction you are looking for.
  • Strong Hopper: You jump significantly higher.
  • Shock Absorption: You take less damage when you fall.
  • Delicious: You can drop a rabbit’s leg when hit.


  • Jump: You jump in the direction you are looking for.
  • Strong Hopper: You jump significantly higher.
  • Shock Absorption: You take less damage when you fall.
  • Delicious: You can drop a rabbit’s leg when hit.



  • The bees are great. They fly around to enjoy flowers and then die.


  • Death: Bees are known for taking down others with them. At least in Minecraft. I just decided that. There is a kill button that kills and the nearest person.
  • Featherweight class: You fall to the ground as light as a feather, unless you’re sneaking.
  • Poison: People think that all bees die after stinging. Actually only honey bees do.
  • Bloom: Ever wanted to find an excuse to relax in a flower field? Well, now it’s actually a request! You only recover health when near flowers.
  • Flight: Yay you fly! You’re pretty slow though, everyone points and laughs


  • Night: Go to bed. Or at least go inside, the night is not for you.
  • Longevity: You have less health (three hearts less) because. I don’t even know, I need more negative effects.
  • Rain: Bees don’t like rain, but they can still stay outside. But like I said, they REALLY don’t like it. You have a weakness for being in the rain.

Update History

Version Date Size
1.19.4 May 22, 2023 2.38 MB
1.19.3 Jan 23, 2023 2.18 MB
1.19.2 Sep 4, 2022 2.15 MB
1.18.2 Apr 15, 2022 2.02 MB
1.18.1 Dec 12, 2021 1.89 MB
1.17.1 Jun 24, 2021 1.92 MB
1.16.5 Jan 14, 2021 1.27 MB
1.16.4 Nov 3, 2020 1.26 MB
1.16.3 Sep 15, 2020 1.09 MB
1.16.2 Aug 12, 2020 327.55 KB
1.16.1 Jun 26, 2020 193.30 KB

Origins Mod is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list


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