Discover a new guide for Paragliders Mod Wiki. Paragliders Mod brings Paraglider, an in-game item called LoZ: BotW. Paragliding can be crafted using several types of skins and sticks. When Paraglider is in your hand, it reduces your fall speed and negates fall damage. And you can surf on the ground just like BotW. Note that Paragliding will not work on out-of-hand slots.
Mod type:
Paragliders Mod
This project is sponsored by BisectHosting, the leading hosting solution for every Minecraft server. Use paragliding code to get 25% off your first month.
If you want the breath-taking wild-style paragliding action in Minecraft, then this mod is for you. This mod adds… ah, Paragliding, an item from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Paragliding can be crafted using several types of skins and sticks. While you’re holding the Paraglider in mid-air, you’ll fall more slowly, gliding across the ground. Just like BotW.
This mod also adds a BotW-style stamina system, starting at 1.15.2!
Deku Leaf is also here. However, you cannot make wind out of it. It is purely cosmetic.
Deku Leaf and BotW Paraglider are both dyeable.
There are also Heart Cases and Stamina Pots that you can use to expand your heart and stamina wheel respectively. This will involve talking to a statue, what is known as the peculiarity of some foreign goddess. Keep an eye out when you visit a village.
There are also rumors of another statue with horns, and his dubious bargains manipulating your life force in exchange for money. They say that it is rare to find him in the village, underground, or even underground.
- Can ride the ascending wind to gain height! Notice the particles flying up while holding the Paraglider.
- Works with fire and campfire by default. Don’t try with lava. It doesn’t work. I warned you.
- Paragliding speed can be configured.
- Paraglider durability can be configured. Unbreakable by default.
- The list of wind sources can be configured.
Deku Leaves!
- From TWW!
- Alternative cosmetic skin for Paragliding. Doesn’t have any special functions.
- Can also be dyed, btw.
Stamina Wheels!
- BotW Stamina System. Resources used on Paragliding.
- You can configure the system so that running and swimming also consumes effort, if you like pain
- You can also disable it completely.
- High resolution.
- Heart box and fitness tank.
- Can be obtained from the Statue of the Goddess, in exchange for a Spirit Orb. Also you can ‘get’ them for the bargain price of Horned Statues, I guess…
- Spirit Orbs are found in most chests.
- Breaking spawners also yield Spirit Orbs.
- Ender Dragon and Wither give you full Heart Container, if you are a true gamer, .
- Completing the Raid also rewards the full Heart Container. Recommended if you are going with friends, as it provides a Heart Box for each participant.
- High resolution.
- There are two types of statues that you can interact with – Goddess Statue and Horned Statue
- Statues of the Goddess can be found in the village, with <s>ugly ass</s> buildings unique to each village type.
- But not in the snow villages. Snow fuck.
- Jokes aside, if you have a moderate talent in building and are kind enough to create the Goddess Statue structures for the snow village, the developer will include it in the mod. If you want to improve the current structure in the mod take those as well.
- Horned statues can be found in villages, underground and underground.
- Horned Statues do not appear in the Basalt Plains and Crimson Forest.
- There are 3 cosmetic skins you can choose from for the Goddess Statue. All of them are based on the Statue of Goddess in BotW.
Configuration options
- Server: (Inside your damn world folder (please read this before asking))
- ascendingWinds [Default: true]
- Fire will take you up high.
- windSources [Default: “fire”, “campfire#lit=true”, “soul_campfire#lit=true”]
- You can customize which blocks generate wind.
- Write each state block into one of the following formats:
- [Block ID] (Match all block states)
- [Block ID]#[property1=value],[property2=value],[property3=value] (Match the state of the block with the specified properties)
- The same property cannot be specified more than once. Partially invalid wind sources will be excluded.
- ParaglidingSpeed [Default: 1, Range: 0.2 ~ 10]
- Horizontal movement speed while paragliding. Speed 2 will make you move twice as fast, 3 will make you three times faster, and so on.
- Paragliding Endurance [Default: 0, Range: 0]
- Paragliding durability. Set to 0 to disable durability.
- paraglidingInTowersOfTheWild [Default: Default]
- Configurable options for Towers of the Wild compatibility. Can be skipped if Towers of the Wild is not installed.
- Default: Default option, appear Deku Leaves in ocean tower chests and Paragliders in normal tower chests
- AMAZING: Doesn’t spawn anything
- PARAGLIDER_ONLY: Appears paragliding in both ocean chests and normal towers
- DEKU_LEAF_ONLY: Appears deku leaves in both ocean chests and normal towers, just like bosses
Spirit Orbs
- RaidGivesVessel [Default: true]
- If correct, the Raids will give a heart box (a health potion if the heart box is disabled) when they win.
- enderDragonDropsVessel [Default: true]
- If true, the Ender Dragon will drop the heart container (which holds the stamina if the heart box is disabled) upon death.
- startHearts [Default: 10, Range: 1 ~ 512]
- Initial health score.
- maxHeartContainers [Default: 20, Range: 0 ~ 512]
- The maximum number of Heart Boxes a player can consume.
- Please note that the maximum health score is capped at 1024 (512 hearts).
- maxStamina [Default: 3000, Range: 0]
- The maximum amount of stamina the Player can get. Please note that one third of this value is equivalent to one stamina wheel.
- StartStamina [Default: 1000, Range: 0]
- The amount of stamina the player starts with. Values higher than maxStamina do not work.
- If you want to make this value displayed as exactly one stamina wheel, you must make this value one third of maxStamina.
- MaxStaminaVessels [Default: 10, Range: 0]
- Fitness Tank players need to achieve maximum fitness. More ships means less stamina gain per ship.
- paraglidingConsumesStamina [Default: true]
- Paragliding will consume stamina.
- runningAndSwimmingConsumesStamina [Default: false]
- Actions other than paragliding consume stamina.
- Here are the stamina consumption values for every possible state player.
- All names are confusingly written, such as positive consumption is actually adding stamina and negative consumption is consuming stamina. Sorry
- about that :/
- underwaterStaminaConsumption [Default: 3]
- ridingStaminaConsumption [Default: 20]
- paraglidingStaminaConsumption [Default: -3]
- runningStaminaConsumption [Default: -10]
- midairStaminaConsumption [Default: 0]
- BreatheUnderwaterStaminaConsumption [Default: 10]
- swimmingStaminaConsumption [Default: -6]
- ascendingStaminaConsumption [Default: -3]
- idleStaminaConsumption [Default: 20]
- Easily access switches to turn newer features on and off.
- Most of them require restarting the server or reloading the data packet. All of them, really.
heartContainers [Default: true] - For those who want to remove the entire Heart Case from the game, more specifically…
- Box containing hearts obtained by “challenging” (i.e. Dragon Slay, wither, raid)
- Cheap when using Heart Containers (custom recipes will not be affected)
- Note that if this option is disabled while Stamina is on, “challenge” will drop the Stamina instead.
structure [Default: true] - For those who want to remove all the structures added by this mod. Requires a reboot.
- SpiritOrbGens [Default: true]
- For those who want to get rid of all Spirit Orbs generated from chests, more specifically…
- Spirit Orbs are generated in different chests
- Spirit Orbs dropped by spawners and such
- Note that the bargain recipe for Heart Pot/Stage Pot will persist, even if this option is turned off.
staminaVessels [Default: true] - For those looking to remove the entire Stamina Pot from the game, more specifically…
- Cheap when using Stamina Pots (custom recipes will not be affected)
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.19.3 | Mar 8, 2023 | 372.3 KB |
1.19.2 | Aug 30, 2022 | 370.0 KB |
1.18.2 | Apr 7, 2022 | 394.0 KB |
1.18.1 | Jan 16, 2022 | 392.5 KB |
1.17.1 | Nov 5, 2021 | 390.4 KB |
1.16.5 | Sep 3, 2020 | 145.2 KB |
1.16.2 | Aug 23, 2020 | 140.1 KB |
1.16.2 | Aug 28, 2020 | 140.2 KB |
1.15.2 | Aug 4, 2020 | 32.2 KB |
1.14.4 | Dec 29, 2019 | 28.1 KB |
1.12.2 | Feb 28, 2018 | 16.9 KB |
1.11.2 | Feb 28, 2018 | 16.6 KB |
1.10.2 | Feb 28, 2018 | 16.3 KB |
Paragliders is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list
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Current Owner: Tictim