Pollution of the Realms Mod

67 Category: Energy

Pollution of the Realms Mod Wiki introduces carbon and sulfur emissions from the combustion of different fuels. You can download this mod to explore in more detail.

Pollution of the Realms
Pollution of the Realms

About Pollution of the Realms mod

As you know, environmental pollution holds an important place inhabits and it is necessary to be aware of it. To combat climate change, we must know the ill effects of polluting our environment.

Similarly, a polluted environment has a similar effect in the Minecraft world. Because it creates a negative impact on the player and reduces the efficiency of the game. But most are hard to tell because we can’t see those particles in the game.

This mod provides an outstanding feature of being able to see harmful gases and dust particles in the Minecraft world. It will make dust, sulfur, and carbon particles into blocks and make them easily visible.

It will also create a cloud in the sky. Moreover, it will cause acid rain and water pollution.

With this mod installed in your game will be another serious problem of air pollution, where burning different fuels will lead to the release of dangerous substances: sulfur and carbon. In turn, this will lead to various environmental consequences that endanger plants, mobs, and even players.

With Pollution of the Realms mod, we have to control the emissions that we generate in our mining operations. As these carbon and sulfur emissions accumulate in the air and will eventually affect the world’s flora and fauna.

It is worth noting that for the objects of this mod to make sense, you will need to install mods of machines and systems. They consume fuel or produce smoke and pollution.

Some wiki of Pollution of the Realms mod

  • Visible carbon, sulfur, and dust blocks of varying density level
  • Dynamically generated clouds of pollution that travel by air current
  • Soil pollution from spilled oil and oil products
  • Acid rain and water pollution
  • Clouds of dust around grinding and crushing machines
  • Venting devices to manage pollution and dust clouds
  • Reduced visibility when the smog accumulates too much
  • Damaging impact on trees, plants, crops, grass, farmland, players, and animals
  • Ability to add your own custom pollutants (example of Nitrogen)
  • Full customization via config files, including the ability to add your own configs for fuels and emitters

Negative effects:

  • Staying in the exhaust without protection will result in suffocation and death.
  • Animals born in a polluted environment have their basic health deteriorated.
  • The slight opacity of the carbon blocks obscures the area making it a good spot for hostile mobs to spawn.

Adverse effects:


  • Wither (contamination rate > 90) (lethal)
  • Nausea (contamination rate > 80)
  • Toxic (contamination rate > 70) (non-lethal)
  • Slowness (contamination rate > 60)
  • Weaknesses (contamination rate > 50)
  • Hunger (pollution rate > 40)
  • Mining Fatigue (pollution rate > 20)


  • Wither (contamination rate > 90) (lethal)
  • Blind (pollution rate > 50)
  • Toxic (contamination rate > 30) (non-lethal)

List of Adverse Effects:

In Minecraft, you can give the player a status effect for a certain amount of time which is harmful. Each effect has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these effect values ​​in the /effect command.


  • To avoid spreading exhaust gases around the furnace, you can place the chimney next to it.
  • You may need to install additional chimney lines if your furnace produces too much exhaust due to inefficient fuel use.
  • If you cover the chimney with solid mass and the exhaust gases have no way, they build up and explode.

Limited space:

  • Special care should be taken if you place the exhaust gas source in a confined space. As this could lead to suffocation or even an explosion.
  • To prevent deadly consequences, be sure to provide good ventilation, using chimneys, vents, and pumps.
  • As a last resort, you can manually push the emission blocks (more efficient than holding some items) towards the exit.
  • Prototype of active ventilation

Obviously, Pollution of the Realms is an interesting mod that represents the problem of air pollution. It encourages players to look for various avenues to minimize its consequences.



How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where Pollution of the Realms Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Pollution of the Realms Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

For Minecraft 1.16.5

For Minecraft 1.18.1
