Redstone Paste Mod gives Minecraft a new form of Redstone dust. You use it to transmit Redstone signals through various surfaces.
Redstone Paste Mod Wiki
There is a variety of Technology mods about Redstone. The mod above is one of the mods for you to explore now. Its purpose is to bring you a new form of Redstone dust. This kind of dust is quite useful because it helps you convey Redston signals through surfaces.
The surfaces are diverse. They can even include ceilings and walls. Hence, you can transmit the signals in an easy way.
Besides the Redstone dust, the mod also adds some elements such as sticky repeaters and sticky comparators. They aim to make the Redstone current more powerful or perform complicated logic wherever you want to run your paste.
Features of the mod:
- The way you place paste is more different than common Redstone.
- The paste can respond to dust when you connect it.
- You can hide some elements such as paste, sticky repeaters, and sticky comparators. You hide them by using half-slabs.
- The mod is compatible with Biomes O’ Plenty.
- Both crafting recipes for sticky repeaters and sticky comparators are simple.
This mod makes the Redstone signal transmission across surfaces easier.
- Minecraft Forge
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Redstone Paste Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Redstone Paste Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods