Tinkers’ Complement Mod

86 Category: Technology

Tinkers’ Complement Mod supplies features to Tinkers Construct in a modular way. They offer mod compatibility and features that are useful with mod packs.

Tinkers' Complement
Tinkers’ Complement

Wiki of Tinkers’ Complement Mod

Here is the list of main features.

Melter and Bucket Cast

The melter

It is a new block in the game. It operates like the smeltery. Similar to smeltery, it’s able to melt down the ore and ingot into molten metals. It’s possible to use them for casting.

Different from the smeltery, it will not double ores and it can only keep one liquid at once. That will block alloying.

It’s feasible to fuel the melter by using a lava tank or deploying another block that is a heater. The heater can gradually consume and deplete furnace fuels when working at a lower temperature.

Both the melter and the heater are designs for the early game. Besides, they are for alloy modpack makers to adjust Tinkers Construct progression in a more skilled method.

The bucket cast

It’s another smeltery progression feature. In most packs, it’s handy. However, it’s helpful to craft a gate bucket behind the melter or smeltery.

Alloy Tank

It’s a block in Tinkers’ Complement that you can choose to produce Tinkers Construct alloys. The tank is a creation to automate easier than a smeltery. Additionally, it introduces an option for gating alloying at the cost of extra fuel consumption.

So as to alloy, the tank needs to have a heater or a seared tank of lava below to provide fuel. It can contain up to five seared tanks or melters on the remaining sides as alloy fluid sources.

Furthermore, you can disable the alloy tank when you power it with Redstone.

Porcelain Casting

After installing Ceramics, the mod will supplement in porcelain versions of various items. These items are the melter, casting table, casting basin, heater, tanks, and alloy tanks. It adds that to complement Ceramics’ porcelain faucets and channels.

That runs as a decorative replacement to the seared blocks and lets modpacks gate seared bricks without limiting access to melting.

High Oven

It’s a multiblock structure that looks like the original high oven from Tinkers Steelworks. It can perform black magic scientific mumbo-jumbo to manufacture steel, knightslime, and pig iron. It completes the mission by using pure fuel chemical compounds and a few good-looking additives.

Not only that, the high oven can change simple water into a superheated fluid. The fluid can melt through soft metals in the original smeltery multiblock.

Please find more information about building the high oven by checking its chapter in the in-game Materials and You book!


As usual, Tinkers Construct materials can’t make armor, with five vanilla tiers. Tinkers Complement adds three more armors to the list.

Manyullyn armor is more defensive than diamond armor. Nevertheless, it does not have high durability. It’s a top-tier armor that asks for access to the Nether to craft.

Knightslime armor allows the gamer to bounce as if wearing slime boots. It’s between iron and diamond. Aside from protecting, it can make the user bounce more in every direction.


There are some tools as compatibility for other mods.

When loading Chisel, a Tinkers Construct version of the chisel will pop up. It’s simple to modify it to enhance durability, elevate the in-world chiseling width and height, or add the iChisel interface.

If loading Ex Nihilo, the sledge hammer appears as a method to show Ex Nihilo hammer recipes. It’s straightforward to apply mining modifiers to the sledge hammer. Meanwhile, some like silky jewels are not functional.

Tinkers’ Complement is a technology mod. Now, Tinkers’ Construct will receive more features.



How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where Tinkers’ Complement Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Tinkers’ Complement Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Tinkers’ Complement Mod Download Links

For Minecraft 1.11.2

For Minecraft 1.12.2
