TOP Addons Mod

53 Category: Addons

TOP Addons Mod Wiki will offer the best addons. It’s possible for you to explore the list of mods that it supports at present right here!

TOP Addons
TOP Addons

TOP Addons List

These are the mods that you are interested in:


Tank display


Error messages for every block with GUIs that show them

Internal tank display

Breeding progress without values and Queen display for beehouses

Particular information displays for Moistener and Multiblock Farms

Check fruit ripeness on leaves and whether you can pollinate them (only when wearing spectacles or an apiarist’s hat)

Tinkers’ Construct

Extended view of fluids in the controller if sneaking

Drying rack progress

Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry

Altar tier and Essence content (needs divination/seer sigil), also workable in sigil of holding)

Altar crafting progress (asks for seer sigil)

Incense altar tranquility and sacrifice bonus (requires divination or seer sigil)

Filter configuration for routing nodes (side-sensitive)

Storage Drawers

More details on store item stacks

Stack capacity

IndustrialCraft 2

EU bar on almost all tiles (the store energy’s availability changes due to safe/private fields)

Progress bars on numerous machine tiles

Teleporter linked coordinates

Heat display

TFBP display

And more


Progress on the entire processing machines, for example, Electric Furnace, Solidifier, Alloyer

Grind progress for Grinder and every pressure plate above  it

RF/t on generating machines like Solar Panels, Furnace Generator…

Effor, axe durability, and logging range on Electric Logger

Probing Helmets

Craft modded helmets with a probe to gain their probing versions, running with all helmets, not existing in the blacklist. That is configurable.

Those helmets will own a visual chip if you wear:

Botania: Manasteel, Elementium, Manaweave, and Terrasteel helmets (secret variants)

Forestry: Apiarist helmet with Spectacles

Blood Magic: Living & Sentient helmets

IndustrialCraft 2: Quantum, Nano, and Hazmat helmets

You can uncraft if you place the helmet in the crafting grid only.

Other info

Mod support for The One Probe

You can access the GitHub page to search for the source code.

It’s free to include the mod in any mod pack.

Present supports

Since 10/03/2021, the section does not get updates with 1.15+ versions.


/topaddons [option] [value]

Make client-only settings different. Settings comprise:

Reveal the TOP Addons fluid gauge on tiles and internal tanks, (0 to hide), [default: 1]

Conceal the vanilla TOP fluid gauge, (1 to hide) [default: 0]

Just indicate Forestry machines’ critical failure causes when crouching, (0 for always, 1 for crouching) [default: 0]

See IC² machine progress bar in the normal mode, (0 for crouching) [default: 1]

Make the note block pitch and instrument visible, (0 to hide) [default: 1]

/tophelmet blacklist

Supplement or delete the helmet you’re keeping or from the blacklist.

TOP Addons is a mod about Map and Information. It assists various mods.


  • Minecraft Forge
  • The One Probe


TOP Addons Mod Download Links

For Minecraft 1.9.4

For Minecraft 1.10.2

For Minecraft 1.11.2

For Minecraft 1.12.2

For Minecraft 1.15.2

For Minecraft 1.16.5


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