VanillaFix Mod

78 Category: Miscellaneous

VanillaFix Mod Wiki enhances the performance of Minecraft. It also fixes some bugs as well as annoyances in vanilla.


About the mod

This Miscellaneous mod helps you improve your gaming experience when it fixes all bugs and annoyances for you. Besides, it aims to upgrade the performance of the game to make it run smoother.

The special thing about the mod could be Tripling FPS. You can give it a try. When you install the mod, your game will not experience crashes. Instead, it will take you back to the main menu then give you a solution.

That solution is letting you upload a report to a paste site so you can transfer it to others in an easy way. You test it through the use of F3 and C in the game.

Wiki of VanillaFix

The mod brings you some features such as:

You can manage the game crashes:

  • You can catch crashes, making them crash the current world only instead of the entire game.
  • The mod is able to automatically identify the mods that caused a crash.
  • It allows you to paste crash reports to then provides you with a link to the crash report that is syntax-highlighted.
  • The stack traces are deobfuscated automatically in crash reports.
  • Crash reports feature some information like the NBT of a crashing entity or tile entity for instance.
  • It attaches a warning notification that lets you know about the feasible problems with your mods.
  • You can turn off the F3 + C delay and attach Alt + F3 + C to crash the built-in server.

Improve the gaming performance:

  • Only animated textures that are visible will be ticked in VanillaFix (large FPS growth, which is up to 3x on large modpacks).
  • The interdimensional traversing is over 10x faster.
  • World creation is faster on large modpacks.

Fixes for some bugs and annoyances:

  • It lets you open GUIs like the chat window for instance while you are in the Nether portal.
  • There are some fixes for:
    • MC-129556: GUI logic is added to the “root.tick.textures” profiler section.
    • MC-129057: Items that come with NBT are effective in crafting recipes. However, the crafting book does not take them.
    • MC-30845: Camera halts at non-solid blocks in the third person view.

Debugging some tools:

  • Divide the Shift + F3 pie chart and server profiler into other categories like entity or tile entity type. This helps you find laggy mods in an easy way.
  • The mod attaches F3 + S that you can use to cycle between client and built-in server profiler when the Shift + F3 pie chart is open.

Mod Fixes

Once you have installed VanillaFix, you don’t have to install the following mods:

  • F5Fix
  • Bed Bugs
  • Bed Patch
  • “Smart Animations” option that you can find in Optifine

VanillaFix Mod gives you a better gaming experience when it fixes bugs, annoyances, and improves performance.


  • Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where VanillaFix Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods VanillaFix Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

VanillaFix Mod Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2
