Ender IO Endergy Mod

53 Category: Addons

Ender IO Endergy Mod Wiki is a tech mod to improve your gaming experience. It’s the energy module with many newer levels of the current items.

Ender IO Endergy

Ender IO Endergy Mod Wiki

It’s a full-featured technology release. It has armor, tools, weapons, machines, conduits, inventory management, mobs…

It owns numerous additional levels of the present objects in the mod.

It’s an add-on that can run with both the modular installation or the monolithic installation of Ender IO.

When working with the modular installation, it needs the base and conduits modules.

Other modules:




Inventory Panel

Integration modules:

Applied Energistics 2 (ME conduits)

Open Computers (OC conduits)

Refined Storage (RS conduits)


Tinkers Construct





More Energy Conduits

An energy conduit for most cases

More Alloys

Ingots, blocks, nuggets, grinding balls for alloys

More capacitors

That contains an equivalent set of silver capacitors fitting the progression of the original, a crystalline capacitor, melodic, stellar, grainy capacitor, and the Totemic capacitor.

Stellar tools and armor

The ultimate Dark Steel armor set, with the same upgrades but stronger

Ender IO Endergy is a mod for energy, fluid, and item transport


  • Minecraft Forge
  • Ender IO Base


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where Ender IO Endergy Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Ender IO Endergy Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2



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