Simple Achievements Mod

53 Category: Addons

Simple Achievements Mod Wiki lets you set a list of various achievements. You can list the achievements in a book in Minecraft.

Simple Achievements

Obtaining achievements is quite cool. Now, you can define lots of achievements and list them in a book that you can craft, read, as well as interact with. To do that, you install a Cosmetic mod called Simple Achievements.

Mod Wiki

The list in the book come with various formatting options. Besides, you can design them in lots of ways.

Here is how you add:

  • Make sure you specify the different formatting presets in “divConfig.json”. You can explore some example formatting settings by default in the file.
  • Then, you open achievementList.txt where you can add achievements by typing text on every line. It needs to be followed by “::” and the div number.
  • You can also add a command to refresh the achievements while you are in the game. By running /flushAchievements, the data will be reset and then re-read from the files.

this mod gives support to servers that have various achievements. The achievements from a server will be transferred to client players upon logging in. The mod is added to Bacon_Donut’s SkyFactory modpack.


  • Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, and click Run.

Input where this mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Simple Achievements Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed then click the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.10.2


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