Engineer’s Doors Mod

53 Category: Addons

Engineer’s Doors Mod adds to Minecraft doors, trapdoors, and fence gates. It’s possible for you to make them out of materials from Immersive Engineering (IE).

Engineer's Doors

Engineer’s Doors Mod Wiki

These are the major features of the mod.

Doors in concrete, steel, and treated wood, and cosmetic “ornate” with “reinforced” variants for each

Trapdoors in concrete, steel, and treated wood

Fence gates in aluminum, steel, and treated wood

Recipes are similar to vanilla Minecraft’s comparable blocks. Variants are implemented like IE scaffolding.

Steel doors and trapdoors are Redstone-only by default. However, they are configurable so they are manually openable.

Manual steel doors can start with Quark’s double-door-opening feature once you install Quark. Additionally, it’s necessary to enable that feature. As usual, Quark will not carry out this for metal doors.

Trapdoors run better than vanilla ones when connecting with ladders. Open trapdoors with ladders below will behave like ladders with some ladders from other mods.

Meanwhile, vanilla trapdoors can only identify vanilla ladders for the same feature.

The Engineer’s Doors mod supports IE and Quark ladders and other mod ladders if they receive characteristics from the vanilla BlockLadder class.

The Immersive Engineering village engineer’s house controls treated wood doors rather than oak ones. It happens if the structure is active on IE’s end.

Treated wood doors are as effective as village doors.


The textures of the present mod are derivative of the original Immersive Engineering textures by Damien A. W. “Hazard”.

It’s free for you to include the mod in mod packs and utilize its content.

List of language support with credits

The owner will add to the mod and credit you if you send a language file for a language you want the mod to support.

en_ca “Canadian English”: Nihiltres

en_us “American English”: Nihiltres

en_ud “Upside-down English”: Nihiltres

fr_fr “French”: Nihiltres

tr_tr “Turkish”: Emirhangg

Engineer’s Doors is a cosmetic mod as well. It’s available for all to explore new doors and make your home more beautiful.


  • Minecraft Forge
  • Immersive Engineering Mod


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where Engineer’s Doors Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Engineer’s Doors Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2


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