Custom Main Menu Mod Wiki gives you the ability to make changes to the main menu of Minecraft. You change it using a JSON file.
Custom Main Menu Mod Wiki
The main menu contains various elements. Now, you can modify them using a JSON file. To that goal, you have to install Custom Main Menu. This Miscellaneous mod lets you modify the content or the position of anything contained in the vanilla menu.
Besides, the mod lets you attach some new things to the menu. For instance, you can attach a slideshow, some web links, or even sub menus.
Here is how you use the mod:
- When you run the mod first, you may notice that there is an extra button that is attached to your main menu.
- Open the config/CustomMainMenu folder, then you will see a file named menu.json.
- In that file, there are elements featured in the vanilla main menu. If you change the content and press the refresh button, you can see the changes you have made.
- If you already worked with JSON files, you would see that things inside the files are self-explanatory.
- The cursive properties accept a random value. For instance, “text” : [“Text1″,”Text2″,”Text3″,”Text4”]. One value will be chosen in a random way for every operation of Minecraft.
- Elements such as texture, image, and text property, need a resource location. You can attach your resources by utilizing a resource pack or Resource Loader.
There are also two amazing tools you can use in the mod, including Textcraft and Minotar.
Custom Main Menu Mod allows you to edit the main menu to your liking.
- Minecraft Forge
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, and click Run.
Input where Custom Main Menu Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the Custom Main Menu Mod is installed when clicking the button mods