Let Me Sleep Mod

78 Category: Miscellaneous

Let Me Sleep Mod can enhance one of the most important wiki aspects of the game, the sleep of course. Download the mod now to explore in more detail.

Let Me Sleep

About Let Me Sleep mod wiki

In the game Minecraft, you will have the opportunity to explore a lot of places, do a lot of things. Therefore, it is very important to rest and get a good night’s sleep. It will help players recover strength quickly.

However, when you right-click on your bed, a message says can’t rest right now, there’s a monster nearby. This is a real nuisance. So you have to bring out the sword and kill all the monsters.

But there is still one hiding somewhere and you can’t find and kill it to go to sleep…But don’t worry because if you install this mod, it will prevent the above problem.

Mod will add a nice feature to Minecraft. When you want to go to sleep and there are monsters around you, the right mouse button on your bed will light up the monsters around you. This will make finding and destroying them very simple. Saves you a lot of time.

Let Me Sleep is really a small and simple mod. Therefore, it is very suitable to use in combination with another mod or in the modpack you desire!

Some features of the Let Me Sleep mod

The mod comes with a bunch of features through which players can enhance their sleeping experience quite a bit:

  • First and foremost, is the fact that it adds a bad dream feature that basically makes it possible for a monster to appear right next to you when you wake up. This happens whenever you sleep in a dark place like a cave.
  • The mod also allows you to set the conditions under which your bed will be set as a spawn point.
  • The mod also gives players the option to receive healing while they are asleep. This is a special feature that will provide itself to be quite useful in a variety of situations.

Without a doubt, Let Me Sleep is a top mod that offers a bunch of features. It improves the ability to sleep in Minecraft by a significant amount. Therefore, you absolutely should not ignore this mod.


Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where Let Me Sleep Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the Let Me Sleep mod is installed when clicking the button mods

Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

For Minecraft 1.14.4

For Minecraft 1.12.2
