Real Filing Cabinet Mod provides you with a storage solution. It relates to the filing cabinets that are a block model containing an animation for drawers opening and closing.
Real Filing Cabinet Mod Wiki
The filing cabinets store folders only. The filing folders can keep:
- Items
- Blocks
- Fluids
- Mobs
These filing folders cannot store:
- Power, for example, RF/Tesla/Forge Units, and whichever else
- Itself, other filing folders
- Players
Most item/fluid transfer mods can operate with the filing cabinets. Items like Refined Storage’s External Storage and Applied Energistics 2’s Storage Bus can show the contents. Furthermore, they can interact with the filing cabinet.
Everybody can freely put the mod in their mod pack. They can do whatever they want by placing it in any pack they make.
Real Filing Cabinet is a magic mod that is useful for storage.
- Minecraft Forge
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Real Filing Cabinet Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Real Filing Cabinet Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods