Mouse Tweaks Mod Wiki modifies the mouse mechanic in Minecraft. It features new dragging mechanics and lets you use the scroll wheel to move items.
Mouse Tweaks Mod Wiki
By using this Utility & QoL mod, you will not use the standard RMB dragging mechanic. Instead, you utilize two new LMB dragging mechanics. Besides, the mod allows you to use the scroll wheel to quickly move items.
Here are the tweaks that are made to the mouse in the mod:
RMB Tweak:
- It is similar to the basic RMB dragging mechanic.
- The different thing is that if you drag over a slot lots of times, it puts an item there lots of times.
- It replaces the basic mechanic if necessary.
- The configuration setting is RMBTweak=1
- You hold the right mouse button.
- Drag it around the crafting grid.
- Drag the mouse on the top of the current items.
LMB Tweak with items:
- You can quickly pick up items or move items that have the same type.
- The configuration setting is LMBTweakWithItem=1.
- To pick up an item, you hold the left mouse button.
- The mouse is dragged across the inventory. Then, the items with the same type will be picked up.
- When you hold shift and drag, you can also shift and click the items with the same type.
LMB Tweak without items:
- The items can be quickly moved into another inventory.
- The configuration setting is LMBTweakWithoutItem=1
- You hold shift first then hold the left mouse button.
- The mouse is dragged across the inventory. Then, you will shift and click the items.
Wheel Tweak:
- To move items between inventories quickly, you scroll the mouse wheel.
Mouse Tweaks Mod simplifies and enhances the way you use the mouse in the game.
- Minecraft Forge
- Fabric Modloader
- Fabric API
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the Minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Mouse Tweaks Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the Mouse Tweaks Mod is installed then click the button mods