Mob Grinding Utils Mod Wiki helps you find out more ways to farm mobs in Minecraft. You will obtain more drops and experience.

About the mod
This Technology mod brings you advanced methods for farming mobs. If you farm them, they will give you drops as well as experience. The special thing about the mod is that it features a system that is completely modular.
Mob Fans – a unique wiki of Mob Grinding Utils
Here are the characteristics of this feature:
- It aims to transport mobs and players in the direction that it faces.
- You make use of this feature to push mobs all over the area in any direction, even including the vertical direction.
- There are three upgrade options for the Mob Fan Block. You should upgrade it to improve its abilities, including:
- Width
- Height
- Distance Modifiers
- To access a GUI, you click the block. This helps you attach upgrades.
- You utilize a Redstone signal to turn on the Mob Fans.
- Not only mobs, but you can also use this feature to transport players.
- If you put a block anywhere in the direct pathway of the Mob Fan, its scope to that block will be limited.
- To utilize these blocks in a fun way, you can try using Mob Launchers and Air Elevators.
Another feature is Absorption Hopper
The characteristics of this feature are:
- It absorbs Items as well as XP Orbs. Then, it gives them out to Inventories and Tanks.
- This is a block that will absorb lots of drops from mobs. It also sucks up experience orbs that are in its range.
- 3-block radius is the standard range for this feature. However, you can increase the range using upgrades.
- To access a GUI, you click the block, which is for the upgrades.
- You can make use of this item to contain 16 buckets of fluid XP thanks to its internal tank.
- Besides, Absorption Hopper also has an inventory for storing other items.
- You can configure this item on each side for pushing out items to the inventories. Or, you use it to push out fluid XP to fluid tanks.
- For some mods, like Ender IO, for instance, they are able to pull Fluids and Items from various sides.
- When you deal damage to an Absorption Hopper, all items that it contains inside will be dropped. However, the fluid will be lost.
Mob Grinding Utils also features a Singularity Tank
This is a kind of special tank that you use in the mod:
- It is a Fluid Tank that can be portable and can contain 32 Buckets.
- The tank is kind of basic in terms of functionality. It keeps any fluids when being broken.
- When you right-click on it with an empty bottle, you will obtain a Bottle O’ Enchanting. However, you only obtain it when you have enough Fluid XP.
About XP Drain Singularity Tank
Here comes a special tank for you to explore in the mod:
- This is a Singularity Tank with an integrated XP Drain.
- The way it functions is similar to the Singularity Tank. However, it is equipped with a drain on top to draw off the player experience as well as change it to Fluid XP.
- If you stand on top of the block, you can store your XP in the tank then use it later.
- You can also add the XP tap so you change the sorted XP Fluid back into the experience orbs.
About XP Tap
Here are some details about this item in the Mob Grinding Utils mod:
- It is an XP Tap that you can add to the Tank. By doing so, you can spawn XP Orbs.
- You can put the XP Tap on the side of the Singularity Tank.
- You can toggle on/off the XP Tap when it is needed for converting Fluid XP back into XP Orbs. You do this when you want to increase your XP levels.
Mob Grinding Utils features Iron Spikes
This is a unique feature for you to use in the game:
- The Iron Spikes are known as a basic block.
- You can put this basic block on any side of a solid block.
- Mobs and players will take damage from Iron Spikes when they get close to them or touch them.
- Mobs will release XP as well as their common drops.
About Mob Masher
The characteristics of this item are:
- This is an item that you use to mash up Mobs.
- It is also known as a block that you use for maximizing the mob drops. It maximizes them by becoming modular with some upgrade options.
- The upgrades are vanilla enchants that are for beyond common levels. You click on the block to access a GUI for the upgrades. Here are the upgrades:
- Sharpness
- Looting
- Smite
- Fire Aspect
- Bane of Arthropods
- Beheading
About Entity Conveyors featured in Mob Grinding Utils
This is also a useful item you can use in this Minecraft mod:
- The purpose of these Conveyors is to help you transfer Mobs and Items.
- You can move them with a Horizontal Vector.
The mod also features Ender Inhibitor
This is an item that you use for:
- Stopping Teleportation.
- Inhibiting Teleportation for Entities that are 8 blocks away.
- You can add it to any side of Solid Blocks. You right-click it to toggle it on/off.
Wither Boss and Dragon Mufflers in Mob Grinding Utils
Here are the characteristics of these items:
- They muffle Boss Death sounds as well as hide Boss Bars
- They are blocks that function in the same way for their matching boss.
- When you put a Muffler in the world, the Boss Death sound is voided.
- The Muffler Block will void the sound that is in an 8-block radius.
- Vanilla now has stacking Boss Bars. These Boss Bars may be annoying and take a large amount of screen space. You simply click on The Muffler Block then you can hide the respective Boss Bars.
About Fluid XP
Here is what you know about Fluid XP:
- It is known as a fluid version of XP.
- If Ender IO or Open Blocks are being loaded, this Technology mod will postpone its registration and textures to the versions of the other mod.
Mob Swabs and GM Chicken Feed Items (the eggs of Mobs in survival)
If you want Mobs to spawn Eggs in survival, then these items are for you.
- You simply utilize a Mob Swab on the mob that you want the egg for. Then, it will keep the DNA of that mob. After that, it brings you a Used Mob Swab.
- Then, you utilize Seeds and a Bucket of Fluid XP to create the Used Mob Swab. You will obtain some GM Chicken Feed from this.
- If you give the GM Chicken Feed to a Chicken, you will experience a magical thing. The Chicken will release the Mob Spawn Egg that you wanted.
- You can right-click Mob Spawn eggs on to a Monster Spawn Block. This will modify the spawner to the same mob as the Mob Egg.
- Note: This version does not support Vanilla Mobs with variants like Wither Skeletons, Husks, and Donkeys. However, they will be scheduled for the future.
Thanks to Mob Grinding Utils, you know how to farm mobs for various drops and experiences.
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Mob Grinding Utils Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Mob Grinding Utils Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods