Discover a new guide for Productive Bees Wiki. Productive Bees builds on the content added by Minecraft 1.15 and adds additional bees and advanced hives that allow you to let your bees do the work of creating resources in a fully automated setting. Productive bees are just as poor as their vanilla cousins, but make up for it in usefulness and beauty.
Mod type:
Productive Bees Feature
bees will be added by this mod and for most vanilla resources as well as all your favorite modded resources like copper, lead, silver, etc. There are also lots of bees for mod-specific resources like Mystic Farm Essence, Silents Gems, Powah, Tinkers Construct, Thermal and many more. In total, you can find more than 200 bees if you install related mods.
The developer has added up to 32 variations of a new advanced hive for bees to live in, because due to other mods added, they are made from wood.
With customization, you can add or subtract your own bees, and change and disable existing bees in resources and production rates.
Use JEI to look up breeding recipes and use Patchouli for in-game documentation.
How to let your child enter the nest:
- Most bees found in the afterlife are solitary bees and will not live in a hive. They need nests to live, do not generate resources and are mainly used to breed other bees.
- Each species has a different preference for flowers. By right-clicking or pressing ‘U’ on the bee, this can be seen in JEI.
- If your bees are living in another hive, they may still remember it as their home. Place the bee in the cage and release it while prowling next to the new hive.
- If all else fails, try breaking the hive and putting it back. Bees stay in the hive when broken, without touching the silk.
- If you already have Radium installed, add this to the radium configuration file
How to have a son:
- Most bees are obtained by crossing two different bees, the breeding recipe can be found in JEI or Big Book of Bees.
- Wild and lone bees are found in the hive throughout the game. You can get a new bee to move into the hive by placing the hive in the correct biome and then using one or more Honey Treats on the hive. Each additional bonus will reduce the countdown time by 10%.
- How to get a neon cuckoo or a nomadic bee
- Neon Cuckoo and Nomad bees are cuckoo bees and will only lay eggs from the nests of other bees. Neon Cuckoo Bees will spawn from Blue Banded Bee’s hive and Nomadic Bees from Ash Mining Bee’s hive. There’s a chance for a cuckoo bee to
- spawn every time the other bee brings in nectar, so make sure you’re surrounded by flowers.
How to get Skeletal or Zombees
- Skeletal and ZomBees spawn at night in empty advanced hives left in the dark
- The spawn rate is quite low, so set up 6-8 hive in the dark and make sure the hive is loaded
- Can’t use vanilla urticaria
JEI doesn’t show all bees
- In JEI, bees are not always indexed for the first time. If you are the op you can run the command /reload
- If you don’t op, it usually works to disconnect and reconnect
How to find your child:
As of Java Version 1.15.2 then:
- Occupied hives also have a 5% chance of spawning on oak trees.
chance to spawn on birch in any biome grown from seedlings in two blocks of any flower of the same y-level. - With a sufficient supply of oak and a little luck or birch and bone meal, one can get bees relatively easily without having to travel, by planting the tree several times near the flower until one The tree produces a hive as it grows.
- It’s also an ideal way to earn bees in older worlds created before Java Version 1.15, as it saves players from having to locate anything.
How to summon and kill bees
- Most bees are NBT based and will require more detailed commands to summon and kill
- /kill @e[type=productivebees:configurable_bee, name=”Diamond Bee”]
- /summonproductivebees:configurable_bee ~ ~ ~ {“type”:”productivebees:diamond”}
Get the bee gene for the Nursery
- Place a piston above a bottle with the bottles inside, squeeze the bee you want to get the gene from and you’ll get a bottle filled with crushed bees. Put it in the centrifuge and you get different bee attributes like genes as well as bee type genes.
- Gene type can be combined with honey and used in Incubator to create spawn eggs of that type.
- Other genes can be introduced into honey processing and fed to other bees to transfer properties.
- You can also use the pokey pokey upgrade in the hive to extract genes peacefully and slowly
or just use a command
/give @pproductivebees:gene{productivebe
Acquire Night Bees and Metaturnal
- Tie a Diurnal bee to something at night and it has a chance to turn into Nocturnal
- Chain a night bee during the day and it has a chance to turn into Metaturnal
- However, be careful as they can be injured when chained in an environment they are not familiar with.
Improved weather resistance
- Tie a bee outside when it rains or storms and the bee can get used to the weather
- Be careful as it can be damaged when chained in hostile environment
Update History
Version | Date | Size |
1.20.1 | Jun 15, 2023 | 3.8 MB |
1.19.4 | May 15, 2023 | 3.0 MB |
1.19.3 | Jan 24, 2023 | 2.9 MB |
11.19.2 | Jul 29, 2022 | 2.8 MB |
1.18.2 | Mar 18, 2022 | 2.6 MB |
1.18.1 | Dec 6, 2021 | 2.5 MB |
1.17.1 | Aug 22, 2021 | 2.4 MB |
1.16.1 | Jan 9, 2021 | 2.1 MB |
1.15.2 | JMar 8, 2021 | 2.5 MB |
Productive Bees is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to Minecraft Mods list
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Current Owner: LobsterJonn