ArchitectureCraft: TridentMC Version Mod

64 Category: Cosmetic

ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version Mod Wiki is a pretty useful mod that supports you in creating magnificent buildings. Therefore, you absolutely should not ignore this mod in the future.

ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version
ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version

About ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version mod

This mod will give a bunch of very nice architectural details to the game. It can be sloping roofs, classic window frames, classic pillars, and a variety of balustrades and balconies…

The mod provides 2 tools for block processing, which are Hammer and Chisel. The extraction functionality of these tools is block-dependent but still follows the general principle.

Obviously, thanks to this mod, you can build houses and structures with arbitrary shapes. Mod helps you complete the project with high aesthetics.

Provides many modern and beautiful architectural features and especially the blocks in the mod. In addition to the basic materials, are also derived from a lot of new materials.

You can create the square blocks in ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version mod on the saw table to cut materials. Most finished squares allow you to use them as raw materials.

The ingredients are in the top left slot, the finishing block is extracted from the slot below. Several texture pages that you can choose from the menu on the right.

Some Wiki of ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version mod

Saw bench:

  • You can create clear squares on a sawbench to cut ingredients. Most complete cubes allow you to freely use them as raw materials.
  • The ingredients are in the top left slot, the finishing block is extracted from the slot below. Some of the texture pages are also complete and allow you to choose from the menu on the right.
  • Note: some textures require more than 1 material block in the input slot before creating the output. It displays the input to output block ratio in the output slot below.


  • ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version mod provides 2 tools for block processing, which are Hammer and Chisel. The extraction functionality of these tools is block-dependent but still follows the general principle.
  • The hammer is used to rotate the block. Right-click with hammer rotate block 90 degrees around vertical column (may not be exactly vertical column if block is placed on other surfaces).
  • Shift + right-click with hammer rotates between 6 directions from the bottom face (North, South, East, West, top, and bottom).
  • You can use chisels to change the structure of a block in a variety of ways.

How to place blocks?

The method of placing blocks depends on the type of block but still has to follow the general rule:

  • You can place blocks right side up or upside down.
  • Rotating the block around the vertical axis depends on the click position and the symmetry of the block.
  • You can place horizontal blocks by Shift + clicking on the side of the current block.
  • Some blocks will change when you place them by right-clicking on a block of the same type.

Block types:

  • Roof Blocks: Blocks for creating roofs and other sloping structures.
  • Window Frames: Realistically detailed window frames that can have glass inserted in them.
  • Rounded Blocks: Round pillars, round posts, and blocks for giving rounded corners to walls.
  • Arches: Parts for building arches of various sizes.
  • Classical: Some elements from classical architecture.
  • Railings: Decorative and functional safety rails for your balconies and staircases.
  • Cladding: for application to other blocks.
  • Slabs and Stairs: Shaped like their vanilla counterparts. You can apply cladding to their top surfaces.

ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version [Forge] is really a useful mod that you should experience in the future.


Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.

  • Open Run from the start menu.
  • Type %appdata%, click Run.

Input where ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods

ArchitectureCraft – TridentMC Version Mod Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2
