Blockcraftery Mod Wiki allows to create a frame with the desired shape and can add any texture. Download the mod and explore today.

About Blockcraftery mod
As mentioned above, the mod will help add new frames to the Minecraft game. These frames can be set and pre-shaped, but if you want, the player can still change it to his liking.
They come in a variety of shapes such as steps, slabs, walls, beveled blocks, or even inclined angles. The mod will be able to create highly artistic building structures.
It gives an extremely simple item. With that block, we can drop it anywhere in the world. Not only that, but it’s also possible to give it a different texture after a right-click.
It means that there is a square package of unusual design, which after installation can be painted in any way. What you need to do is choose something textured and hit the fashion part.
Some wiki of Blockcraftery mod
A rich variety of shapes:
It is not difficult for the newbie or skilled gamers to find and choose from. In fact, you are able to interact with the following objects when playing Minecraft:
- Framed Blocks
- Framed Stairs
- Framed Slabs
- Framed Walls
- Framed Slant
- Framed Slant Corners
- Framed Fences
- Framed Doors
- Framed Trap Doors
- And Framed Pressure Plates
Strengthened versions:
They are reinforced variants of the Framed stuff mentioned above. They are capable of preventing explosions and fire.
A light source/pressure plates:
They are the result after you apply the right mouse button to a framed block with Glowstone Dust.
Easy to manage:
- It’s possible to texture each form as your preference!
- There are many more frames that are coming. Do not forget that other newer mechanics have been scheduled. They will help you decorate your structures without effort.
Blockcraftery adds a variety of frames that you can replace with most of the blocks available in the game. If you need a staircase or floor slab in a block this mod can handle that! Therefore, there is no reason for you to ignore this mod.
- Minecraft Forge
- MysticalLib
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Blockcraftery Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Blockcraftery Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods