Statues Mod Wiki is adding all vanilla (modded) mobs as a statue. It’s easy to find the list of statues and other valuable info here!

Statues Mod Wiki
It extends the idea of the open blocks statues. However, the team will complete the project with their own little twist to it.
At present, developers are trying to supplement every standard mob as a statue. When they are done with that, they’ll add statues for modded creatures. Support them if you can!
Items – the dev team has not implemented the Statue Core yet.
Food – cannot collect in survival ATM. It will get updated when the way to gain it comes back.
Catalog of the main features in Statues:
Angry Bee Statue
Bee Statue
Bee Statue
Baby Zombie Statue
Zombie Statue
Blaze Statue
Brown Mooshroom Statue
Red Mooshroom Statue
Black Cat Statue
British Shorthair Cat Statue
Calico Cat Statue
Jellie Cat Statue
Persian Cat Statue
Ragdoll Cat Statue
Red Cat Statue
Siamese Cat Statue
Tabby Cat Statue
Tuxedo Cat Statue
White Cat Statue
Chicken Statue
Cod Statue
Cow Statue
Creeper Statue
Dolphin Statue
Drowned Statue
Elder Guardian Statue
Enderman Statue
Endermite Statue
Evoker Statue
Snow Fox Statue
Fox Statue
Ghast Statue
Guardian Statue
Husk Statue
Informative Statue
Magma Cube Statue
Angry Panda Statue
Brown Panda Statue
Lazy Panda Statue
Normal Panda Statue
Playful Panda Statue
Weak Panda Statue
Worried Panda Statue
Pig Statue
Pillager Statue
“Small” Pufferfish Statue
“Slightly Bloated” Pufferfish Statue
“Bloated” Pufferfish Statue
Rabbit Statues with different colors
Ravager Statue
Cod Statue
Sheep Shaven Statue
16 colored Sheep Statues
Shulker Statue
Slime Statue
Snow Man Statue
Spider Statue (if you don’t want spiders, you should not hold that in your offhand)
Squid Statue
Tropical Fish Statues in various sizes and colors (you can reset their color when putting them down)
Turtle Statue
Villagers Statues
Vindicator Statue
Witch Statue
Player Statues:
You are able to rename them to any player name. They will receive the corresponding skin.
How to gather Eastereggs
Here is the guide to loot Eastereggs in Statues. Tier one: Decorative only
Trans Bee Statue
Campfire Statue
Chicken Jockey Statue
Detective Platypus Statue
Flood Statue
King Cluck Statue
Wasteland Pig Statue
Bumbo Statue
Statue of Undying
They are an Easteregg due to:
Trans Bee Statue: because Trans people rule
Campfire Statue: for YouTuber Etho’s 10-year anniversary
Chicken Jockey Statue: comprises numerous mobs dissimilar on one statue
Detective Platypus Statue: credit to YouTuber Pixelriffs for calling the initial draft of the Fox statue “Perry the Platypus”
Flood Statue: minor reference to YouTuber Docm77’s season 4 of Minndcrack in which he flooded his perimeter
King Cluck Statue: reference to YouTuber BlameTheController’s season 4 of Mindcrack’s shop called like the statue
Wasteland Pig Statue: refer to some fan arts for YouTuber Xisuma as a thank you for working with the team
Bumbo Statue: refer to YouTuber Iskall85 “Bumbo” build on Hermitcraft
Sombrero: essential to obtain the Bumbo statue
Statue of Undying: a totem of undying is an item and it is a 3D decorative version of it.
How to get them (no spoilers but clues)
Trans Bee Statue: an anvil and several smart naming can produce any bee trans for Statues
Campfire Statue: deploy those blue shiny rocks to start to make lava blue. Need a creeper and a player watching for it to be true.
Chicken Jockey Statue: very small zombies ride chickens
Detective Platypus Statue: you cannot own the statue at the moment.
Flood Statue: zombies will burn in sunlight. However, they can survive if they are in the water. Select the right water block so you can set a statue on.
King Cluck Statue: chickens are not royal. Prove that by placing one on a more royal block.
Wasteland Pig Statue: pigs love mud. It’s hard to imagine how they act on a more granular block.
Bumbo Statue: it’s more charming if wearing a nice-looking hat.
Sombrero: often stays in the pockets of traders who visit you.
Statue of Undying: in the pockets of traders who traveled to a woodland mansion first.
Another way to get them
Trans Bee Statue: change the old name of a bee statue into Trans Bee
Campfire Statue: locate a creeper statue and a player statue with a block of lava between them (one down).
Chicken Jockey Statue: settle a baby zombie statue on a chicken statue
Detective Platypus Statue: it’s impossible to have it presently.
Flood Statue: drop a zombie statue on a lapis block
King Cluck Statue: place a chicken statue on a gold block
King Cluck Statue: lay down a chicken Statue on a gold block
Wasteland Pig Statue: park a pig statue on a sand block
Bumbo Statue: set down a sombrero on a cactus
Sombrero: you can buy it from wandering traders.
Statue of Undying: you can purchase it from traders, too.
Note! Douwsky is the person who made the statue display pedestal.
Statues is a cosmetic mod that has brought back a large number of statues to decorate and more.
- Minecraft Forge
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
- Open Run from the start menu.
- Type %appdata%, click Run.
Input where Statues Mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods Statues Mod folder.
When you open Minecraft, you see the mod is installed when click the button mods