Project Red – Lighting Mod

64 Category: Cosmetic

Project Red – Lighting Mod Wiki is a collection of Minecraft Forge mods. The main objective is to make Redstone circuitry better through various items.

Project Red - Lighting

About Project Red – Lighting Wiki

In fact, the mod’s goal is to introduce considerably enhanced Redstone circuitry through wiring, logic gates, integrated circuits, and more.

The release is inspired by Red Power by Eloraam. It integrates very well with CB Multipart. Every tile will act with others in the same block space.


These are a couple of external library mods that are necessary for Project Red to run.


Code chicken lib

CB Multipart

Modules (1.15+)

There are some modules and their additions as follows. You can select anything that you want to install. So, they are:

Core – a common library that other modules share. It will not add much by itself. However, it’s important to install.

Exploration: Worldgen, ores, tools, decorative blocks, and so on

Illumination: decorative, Redstone-controlled lighting

Integration: Redstone logic gates that replace extremely large multi-block circuits

Transmission: Redstone wiring that moves up walls, connect around corners, and assemble together to create a cable

Dissimilarities to 1.12

MrTJPCore library and Compatibility module are currently combined into Core.

Fabrication and Expansion are not available yet.


Connect to the GitHub Discussions to request more features, ask what you are interested in, or discuss other issues

Visit Chickenbones Mods Discord to chat or send a DM.

Project Red – Lighting is a cosmetic mod that also relates to Redstone.


  • Minecraft Forge
  • Project Red


Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.10.2

For Minecraft 1.11.2

For Minecraft 1.12.2

For Minecraft 1.15.2

For Minecraft 1.16.5
